Loveable idiot

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Jac and Emma were already at the restaurant when the Fletchers crashed in obviously running late
"Sorry" Fletch said cheerily
Jac couldn't help but smile
"Hi everyone" she couldn't ever remember being as unbelievably nervous as she was right now
There was a lot riding on this. If Fletch's kids didn't accept her, didn't like her then their relationship was doomed. She would never ask him to choose between her and his kids
They all sat down and eventually the two families began to interact. Every now and then Fletch would catch Jac's eye and the small smile she gave him absolutely melted his heart.
The meal seemed to be going well, Jac was very good at asking the kids about school and was in deep conversation about medical school with Evie who was considering a career in medicine.
Ella, Theo and Emma were discussing Disney films. Fletch was talking to Mikey
"What do you think mate?"
"Punching above ya weight Fletcher"
Fletch grinned "I know. But what do you think of her?"
"Yeah, she seems sound" Mikey carried on with his pizza
Fletch unashamedly watched Jac again. Not many people saw this side of her. Warm, chatty - human. He felt a glow that he had been the reason for her unlocking this part of herself.
He said as much to her as they walked back to the car park - the kids running ahead
"Don't think much of yourself Fletcher do you?" She punched his arm. Looking up at him she continued softly "you know fine well that it's you that's made me feel safe enough to be like this"
He kissed her cheek as they walked along
"So what do you think of the kids? I mean I know you've met them all in passing before but not like this and not being up for judgement as my...'special friend'" he chuckled
"I think you're a great Dad under difficult circumstances Fletch"
"They can be a bit of a handful and childcare is a nightmare but they're generally great kids" he said affectionately
They continued in comfortable silence. They had linked arms and Jac was absentmindedly stroking his jacketed forearm with her other hand. She was a little shocked to find herself daydreaming about this little domestic scene being real. A couple and their five children. A family like she had never had. Christ Naylor, talk about getting ahead of yourself. But she found it difficult to get the image out of her head. Fletch was thinking along exactly the same lines
"Penny for them?" He said
"Just thinking about family, what about you?"
"I'm thinking about our family"
Jac squeezed his arm and whispered "me too"
Fletch's heart nearly burst but simply squeezed her hand.
"So"Jac said "how often do you get a surprise visit from Ms Tate to your office"
"What? Well never generally. We had a chat about Evie's teenage strops when we were operating a few weeks ago, she's been coming for updates"
"Oh Fletch" she stopped walking "you really don't get it do you?"
"Get what? What have I done now?"
They faced each other and Jac touched his face
"She still likes you Fletch"
"I don't think so Jac"
She sighed "being with you is going to be hard if you are going to be this dense about the effect you have on women"
He removed her hand "Not this again"
"Again?" she challenged
"The barmaid at the beach. You're just paranoid Jac"
"I know what I saw" she said  "I'm not paranoid Fletch I'm jealous" she paused "and insecure" she whispered with a tear falling down her cheek
Fletch wrapped her in his arms "Jac, I think you're wrong about Abigail and even if Nicole Kidman herself fancied me I would never leave you"
Jac gave a small laugh against his chest "Nicole Kidman?"
"What can I say I've got a weakness for red heads"
"Come on babe, let's catch them up. I'm going to hold your hand now ok"he said in a stupid voice
Jac laughed "you're an idiot Fletcher"
"A loveable idiot?"
"If you say so Fletch, if you say so"

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