Jac's kitchen

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Jac's eyebrows shot up
"What did you say?" She had to make sure she wasn't hearing things
"I said I love you" Fletch repeated tentatively
"Oh. OK"
"That's all you've got?"
Wordlessly she snaked her arms round his waist and rested her head against his chest. He smelt of washing powder and summer rain.
He wrapped her in his arms and stroked her hair which was still damp. It smelled of expensive shampoo and bubble bath and he breathed in deeply. They stood like that for a few minutes both trying to process what was happening and suddenly they were kissing again. Longer and more assured than the last one.
Mac was obviously feeling neglected as he started barking and then cocked his leg and peed against Jac's bin.
They both looked down at him whilst still holding one another and burst out laughing.
"I love that sound" Fletch said moving away to clean up the mess
"Mac barking?"
"You laughing you twit"
She laughed again.
"Here let me give you a hand" she said after shooing Mac outside.
She bent down with kitchen roll and disinfectant
"Remind you of anything?" He asked
Jac blushed "when I practically accused you of asking me  on a date and making you drop your coffee"
"It could have been a date you know. I did kind of give you the option"
"If you'd asked me properly, if we  could have been not so scared, I would have gone on a date with you"
"Really? And I quote "I don't date and definitely not Fletch"
"Oh. Petrenko"
"Yes Petrenko"
"In my defence I was in self preservation mode"
"Hmm" he said putting the last of the used kitchen roll in a bin bag. They stood up and went to the sink to wash their hands. Fletch stood behind Jac and gently massaged hand wash into her petite hands, cleaning them carefully. Jac did the same for him until he started nuzzling her neck making her moan softly and want to turn round to kiss him.
She gave in to her instincts and turned in his arms to face him and lifted her face towards his until their lips met.
Jac hadn't noticed that the action of turning round to face him had the effect of pulling her dressing gown open a little and now her breasts were barely covered and a glimpse of stomach was visible. She may not have noticed but Fletch did
"Christ Naylor are you trying to kill me?" He pulled the dressing gown closed again which went against every nerve in his body which was screaming for him to just push it further off
Jac blushed "Flashing you twice in one day. I'll get a name for myself' she tried to joke
"Well any name would have to include 'sexy'"
Jac rolled her eyes "cringey Fletcher"
Fletch huffed "I speak the truth"
"You think I'm sexy" said Jac in a sarcastic tone
"Are you kidding. Just the sexiest woman I've ever met"
Jac didn't know how to respond to that so led him by the hand to her living room where she pulled him down onto the sofa
No words were needed as they began kissing deeply. Fletch's fingers were toying with the dressing gown. Now he knew she was naked under there he wasn't quite sure how he was controlling himself and if Jac had looked she would have been in no doubt at Fletch's arousal. He broke off from the kiss and turned his attention to her collar bone and neck. He placed featherlight kisses and gentle nuzzling along both. Not enough to leave a mark but enough to have Jac arching her back further into him. Fletch pushed the dressing gown further off Jac's shoulders to expose more flesh. The swell of her breasts more visible but still covered.
Jac couldn't remember a time where she had been happy with this sort of slow teasing. Usually she approached the physical aspect of relationships in a typically clinical manner, the end destination being more important than the journey. But this - making out like teenagers - this she could do for the rest of her life it felt so good .
Fletch reluctantly stopped
"Jac I have to go babe. I need to get back for the kids and the neighbours will be calling round for the Mutt. I'd much rather stay here and peel that dressing gown off you once and for all"
Jac smiled and stretched languorously like a cat
"Well I'll look forward to that Mr Fletcher " she said suggestively which earned her a breathless urgent kiss
"You really are killing me" he said
Between them they managed to persuade Mac in from the gardens and onto his lead
Jac saw them to the door
Fletch bent and kissed her chastely
"So I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow"
"I hadn't thought about that" Jac admitted
Fletch chuckled "don't worry I think I can restrain myself enough to not take you over the nurses station"
"Naughty" she playfully hit his chest
"Hmm we'll see" he said mysteriously and left
God she did love him she thought as she watched him leave. It was only her innate 'Naylorness' that was stopping her telling him.

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