I can't do this

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Fletch went upstairs to find some  dry clothes. Changing into some fresh jeans and a dry t shirt he started thinking about what just happened?
What did just happen? That wasn't the plan. He was just trying to make her feel that she had something more than work in her life - he had lots more planned but when he saw her standing there dripping wet he just couldn't help it, and she'd kissed him back hadn't she?
Had she just been caught up in the moment or was she feeling any thing similar to him.
Jac was downstairs also wondering what had just happened. She was trying to control the excited happiness that was coursing through her.
But what was Fletch thinking? Was it just seeing her in a see through shirt that made him kiss her or were there deeper feelings?
If anything kissing each other had complicated things even more
Shit, shit shit. How am I going to face him now he's seen me practically naked. Oh god she covered her face in embarrassment and I definitely kissed him back. He probably thought it was a quick hook up  whereas I am in love with the man
"I can't do this" she said to herself. Looking round she spotted Fletch's Holby hoodie on the chair, she grabbed it and ran back out into the rain.
Jac walked quickly home, not caring that she had tears streaming down her face. Locking the front door behind her she went straight upstairs and ran a warm bath.
"I can't let myself get caught up in this" she told herself but oh my god that kiss. If she didn't love him so much a meaningless hook up would be fun
Jac sighed and sank into the warm water
Meanwhile Fletch had hurried downstairs when he heard the door slam
"Jac? Jac" it slowly dawned on him that she'd left. What?
"Well done Fletcher, scared her off"
Mac picked that moment to wake up and start whining
"I know mate. She's gone" Fletch picked him up
"Should we go round or should we leave her eh?"
Mac barked " Yeah you're right, she left for a reason I should leave her. But you knew what I should do a lot of things but I don't. Fuck it we're going round"
Mac barked again as if to approve and they left for Jac's
The rain had stopped and the sun was trying to get out
Fletch was nervous as hell as he rang the front door bell

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