Staying over

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Emma was excited to see Fletch. She slipped her small hand in his much larger one and skipped along. She was non stop chattering about her day
Eventually she asked where Jac was. She had never even questioned why Fletch had picked her up because it felt natural that he would do it
"Mummy had to stay at work to help some really poorly people, so I came to collect you" he tickled her whilst strapping her into the car
"Am I coming to your house then Fletch?" Emma said excitedly
"Yes you are sweetheart. Is that ok?"
"Yay. Will Ella and Theo be there"
"They'll all be there. You might even be able to stay for tea"
Emma bounced out of the car at Fletch's and ran through to the garden where Ella and Theo were playing with a ball
Evie was just getting in at the same time
"Alright daddy daycare. What's Emma doing here without Jac?"
"She got stuck at work so I said I would pick Emma up. Is there a problem?"
"No" Evie paused "she's not using you is she? You seem to look after her and now Emma a lot"
He put his arm round his oldest daughter as they walked in the house
"I look after her because I love her hun. All those hours sitting by her bed after the shooting and when she had the operation a few weeks ago. I couldn't leave her and Emma is part of the deal and she's a great kid"
"You're so soppy Dad" Evie laughed
"I know" he chuckled "Hey thanks for looking out for me" he kissed the top of her head
"Lasagne for tea? Think there's a couple in the freezer"
"Great" she said already engrossed in her phone
Fletch set about defrosting lasagnes and tidying the kitchen. He was ridiculously happy doing this mundane task knowing that Jac would be there at some point and Emma was playing in the garden with his own children.
Jac eventually turned up at 7.45.
"Hi" he said answering the door
She looked so tired, Fletch just wanted to tuck her up in bed. Instead he held out his arms and she wearily allowed herself to be hugged. He stroked her hair
"Was it just horrendous babe"
She nodded against his chest.
"Two women came in after you left. Think they were the last ones to be brought out. Terrible crush injuries. We couldn't save either of them so I've spent the last hour talking to distraught families" she paused and lifted her head away from him so she could look at him "I'm so pleased I had you to come back to" she reached up and stroked the short hairs at the back of his neck and on tip toes she kissed him softly
"How's Emma?"
"She's great. I'm more concerned with you. Come and eat"
Jac gratefully kicked off her shoes and shrugged off her coat
"Go sit down. I'll bring it to you, we've all eaten"
Jac entered the living room, Emma was sat with the rest of them watching a film. Jac surveyed the scene with tears in her eyes. She was so overwhelmed at how quickly Emma had seemed to become one of the Fletchers
"Hey" she said not wanting to disturb but Emma jumped up and held her arms out to be picked up "Mummy" she hugged her tightly
"Hey baby. You having a nice time? Sorry I'm so late"
Jac placed her on the floor
"It's ok. Fletch said you were helping poorly people"
"I was baby. Go back to the film. I'm going to have some tea before we go home"
"We're going home?" Emma exclaimed
Fletch entered the room and stood beside the woman he loved
"You can stay if you like" he said
"Mummy. Can we stay? Ella said I could have a sleepover in her room"
"You've got school tomorrow darling"
"I'll be good mummy I promise"
The thought of driving home to her cold house didn't appeal and staying here definitely did
"Well if it's ok with everyone"
No body even dragged their eyes from the screen. There were a couple of "yeah whatever"
"That's settled then" said Fletch "bedtime for little people after the film. Ella can you lend Emma some pyjamas please"
He turned to Jac
"Come and eat in the kitchen" he took her hand and led her through
"If you're staying would you like wine?"
"Mmm yes please. Are you sure this is ok Fletch"
"Hey" he said sitting down and taking her hands in his "I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't. Plus it means I get to see you for longer so it is an entirely selfish act"
"Thanks" she said lifting his hands to her lips

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