Jac's office

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Just 5 minutes thought Jac as she lay down on the sofa in her office. It was late afternoon and she had been doing paperwork since lunch with Fletch and her eyes had been drooping for the past 10 minutes.
She closed her eyes thinking over the events of the weekend - something was bound to go wrong, she was just not this lucky.
Fletch decided to call in on Jac before heading to the crèche. When he got no answer to his knock, he tentatively opened the door to her office "Jac?" He said softly and then he saw her curled up on the sofa. He was taken aback by the huge wave of emotion that washed over him. How long exactly had he loved this woman. It was difficult to remembered a time when he hadn't. Kneeling down Fletch gently stroked Jac's hair
"Jac, I think you need to go home babe"
Jac forced her eyes open just a little
"Hi" she smiled sleepily. "I must have dropped off"
Fletch kissed her forehead.
"You're still not quite up to full days are you"
"I'm fine" Jac said unconvincingly
"You're so stubborn Naylor" he said affectionately
She didn't reply but simply held her arms out to invite him to lay beside her
"I've got 15 minutes before I need to collect Theo but I couldn't honestly think of anything I'd rather be doing than cuddling you for quarter of an hour"
"Uhuh" Jac said, already encouraging him to return her kiss
Fletch moaned softly and began to run his hand up and down her side. Careful to avoid recent scars his hands slipped under her scrubs which she still wore from this morning's theatre list
"Mmm. That feels nice" she said undoing his tie so she could unbutton his shirt a little. Her hands splayed on his chest gently caressing him
"So does that" he mumbled
"Uhuh?" His fingers were making their way over Jac's flat stomach, heading further until he brushed the lacy bra she was wearing
Jac moaned her acceptance of his actions "Fletch I think we should stay in tonight?"
"What ever you say Naylor" he was now gently teasing one of her nipples wishing she had less clothes on so he could replace his fingers with his mouth
"Oh god"Jac whispered as his other hand began a journey up the inside of her thigh.
"Fletch, Oh god, Fletch not here"
"Ok" he said carrying on teasing her nipple and stroking her inner thigh
"Fletch" she whispered "you have to stop"
"You really want me to?" He was painfully aware of how she must be able to feel his erection sandwiched between their bodies
"No but we have to . My office, unlocked door, child to collect" somehow she managed to string a sentence together when she was being bombarded with tingling physical sensations and overwhelming love for this man.
"You're right" he said, finally removing his hand from her top. He sat up and pulled her up too.
"Now please go home, rest. Maybe we should leave our date til tomorrow"
Jac pouted like a child who had their toy taken away " if you think we're going to leave that unfinished you have another think coming Fletcher. Be at mine for 7.30 with takeaway pizza"
Fletch burst out laughing "oh I love you Naylor" he hugged her "your wish is my command. I'll see you at 7.30"
He left her office and chuckled to himself all the way to the crèche

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