Frieda's plan

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They drove back to the hospital in companionable silence but each with an huge smile on their face. As Jac drove Fletch had his hand lightly on her knee
As they pulled up in the hospital car park it suddenly occurred to Fletch that this was going to cause rumours if anyone saw them
"Erm Jac?"
"If we get seen getting out of your car having taken Emma to school our little secret may get blown out of the water"
"What a friend can't help another who's little girl wouldn't go to school?"
Fletch raised his eyebrows "in this place. Are you kidding?"
Jac laughed "you're right but you know what, I have had a very emotional morning, I just finally told you that I love you, I am ready for people to make their own assumptions if they see us and if anyone asks I won't "
Fletch cut her off "you won't admit to it?"
"I won't deny it Fletch"
"Oh" he said quietly
"Unless you want me to deny it" she challenged
"What? No no. I want to shout it from the rooftops, just wasn't sure if you were ready"
Jac laughed again "we really must stop second guessing what the other is thinking. I mean that's what took us so long to get together isn't it!"
"Come on Naylor we've got a ward to run"
They walked into reception, having not seen anyone they knew. In the lift, which they had to themselves their hands touched lightly but mindful of the CCTV in the lift they didn't even stand that close.
"Mr Fletcher, my office please" Jac said walking onto the ward
"Are those two still dancing around each other" Frieda commented to Nicky
"Erm ...I  er don't know" Nicky didn't know how to respond
"Oh come on you have eyes don't you?"
"They do seem very close and they're always insulting each other in a flirty kind of way"
"Exactly. What do you think I would find if I barged into that office right now"
"Are you going to?" Nicky asked
"Of course I'm not. You are"
"I said you're going in Dr McKendrick"

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