Oh it's you

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A short while later Fletch came out onto the ward.
"Frieda" he nodded as she fixed him with a stare
"Sly dog Fletch"
"Woof" he walked away laughing
"You might want to go see the patient in bed 6" she smirked
He looked at her questioningly and made his way over. Becky
"Hey what are you doing back here. Thought we'd seen the last of you"
"Had a bit of a turn Fletch"
He picked up her file
"Where's Jackie?"
"In her ivory tower I should think"
"Have you two got it on yet or do I still have a chance?"
"I thought I told you once, I hear he's spoken for" Jac said joining them
Fletch looked a little confused and walked away whistling. Jac hadn't realised that her gaze had followed him, as had Becky's
"I stand by my assessment of those buns of steel. Wonder who the lucky cow is"
Jac smirked "that would be me" . She left Becky gaping open mouthed and returned to the nurses station
What had got into her. Jac Naylor did not go around announcing her relationships all over the ward.
She was very pleased with herself to be with Fletch. He was popular and easy going and it was nice to be linked to him
"Ms Naylor"stumbled Nicky "I Erm I'm sorry I barged in on you before"
"I'm sure you had good reason" Jac looked at Frieda who smirked
"Oh shut up Petrenko"
"I never said a word"
"You didn't need to"
Jac made her way down to Fletch's office. He wasn't there so she settled down to wait for him.
His office was a tip. A bit like him - endearingly disorganised. She resisted the urge to tidy in case he had some sort of system going
She texted him
"Where are you. I'm just sitting in your office before I go to collect Emma. Wondered about Pizza Express for everyone tonight. My treat" she just pressed send when the door opened
"Hey I've just tex.....oh it's you"

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