I shouldn't have come

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Jac was dumbstruck
"It's been seven years"
"And there's hardly a day gone by where I didn't think of you"
"Didn't I hear you got married?"
"That didn't last long. Jac can we go somewhere to talk"
"Well I really don't think there's much to discuss but the longer we stay in here the more the gossip will increase. Let's go to Albies for lunch and then I think you will have to go"
By now Fletch was on his fourth shot of whiskey and had actually just asked the barman to just leave the bottle. He agreed but told Fletch he would be keeping a close eye on him.
Albies was pretty empty which suited Fletch fine, gave  him the space to think, unfortunately the whiskey was having the effect of convincing him that Jac would be going back to Joseph. A man from a prominent medical dynasty, money and class as opposed to a single father of 4, a nurse. The more he drank the more it was a no brainer. He'd been ok for her until something better came back.
As he wallowed in his misery he spotted Jac and Joseph entering the bar and sitting at a table across the other side of the room to him. He sank back into the corner - they hadn't seen him. He prepared to torture himself by watching them. If she showed him any affection, if she kissed him he knew he would be  broken forever.
The barman took their lunch order
"Do you ever think of me Jac?"
"Honestly? Never"
Joseph looked down unable to meet her eyes he reached out and placed his hand on hers
Fletch's world fell apart
"Never" she confirmed snatching her hand away
"Ok but now I'm here..."
"Joseph, you know I loved you so much but it's history"
"So there's really no chance. Are you with anyone just now?"
Fletch saw Jac's face light up. He struggled to stay quiet whereas he wanted to scream out that he was right there.
The barman went over with their food
"I am with the most amazing man. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone" she briefly touched Joseph's forearm to emphasise the point
"Does he have a name?"
"Adrian but everyone calls him Fletch. We have a connection unlike anything I've ever known. Our families even get on"
"He has kids?"
"Joseph, if you'd come back years ago then maybe I would have reconsidered but now I've met someone who is my absolute world"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come"
"I'm flattered and it's good to see you looking well but as for me? Yeah you shouldn't have come"
They both laughed. The laugh of familiarity, of shared memories.
Fletch felt another knife through his heart
Shortly after, Jac announced she needed to get back to the ward
The only thing on her mind was finding Fletch. She realised now that he had been standing right beside her when she went off to talk to Joseph. She knew that she'd told Fletch about him in those weeks where he had visited everyday, held her hand, listened to her life story and comforted her. The need to see him was a physical ache and as soon as the bill was settled she hurried out
"I'm sorry Joseph, I've got to find Fletch" he followed her out
Fletch finally crumbled and let out a sob. He didn't care who saw him

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