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Jac spent a restless night and was up early. Making coffee at 5.30am in her kitchen Jac was surprised at the urgent knocking on her door
"Who the hell is knocking on the door at this time of day?" She wondered to herself. Early morning phone calls or visitors were rarely good news
Fletch had been up since 4am. He was like a child on Christmas morning he was buzzing with nervous excitement . He had run all the way to Jac's and was now knocking loudly on her front door.
She tentatively opened the door looking deathly white and scared.
"Fletch" she said with relief  "what the fuck do you think you're doing? I nearly crapped myself. I was expecting the police or something"
"Oh shit sorry" he said breathlessly "I didn't think"
"Well come in then"
He followed her through to the kitchen
"So where's the fire?" She asked  pouring him coffee
"I want us to get married" he blurted out, unable to hold it in any longer
Jac nearly choked on her coffee
"I'm sorry what?"
"Will you marry me Jac?"
Jac stood there in her pyjamas with her jaw practically on the floor
Still nothing
"Jac" Fletch said a little louder
"Don't you think it's a bit soon?"
Her heart was in her mouth now
"No I don't. Jac I want to be with you always and I want everyone else to know as well. I need you to be living with me. I need you to be my wife"
Jac could feel an uncharacteristic smile beginning to spread across her face
"Ok? Yes?"
"Yes"she laughed
He held her at arms length by her shoulders and looked into her eyes
"You sure?"
She laughed again "I'm sure Fletch" she put her hands on his cheeks "I'm sure"
Finally he drew her into a tight embrace
"Sorry it's so early, I decided I was going to ask you late last night but it was too late to come round and I couldn't wait any longer"
"You're crazy Fletcher"
"It's why you love me, did I mention I love you by the way"
"No you didn't mention it" she teased
"You know I do though. I'm so relieved you said yes"
"Are you going to kiss me then Fletcher?" She teased
"I absolutely am Naylor" as he pulled her in for a lingering, deep kiss
He sighed "I need to get back and sort the mob out. They were all fast asleep when I left I only briefly woke Evie to tell her where I was going"
"Mmm" Jac snuggled into his chest "Yeah we definitely need to live in the same house"
"Hey so I'll see you at work"
"I guess you will" she agreed
She closed the door after him
"Oh my god" she said grinning to herself
The 'maybe one day' was actually going to happen

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