Quite a team

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This story has run out of steam so this will be the last chapter
Fletch rolled over and hugged his new wife
"Morning Mrs Fletcher"
"That's so cringey Fletch"
He chuckled kissing her bare shoulder "I know but that's what you signed up for when you got together with me. You have no one to blame but yourself"
"Do you think the kids are ok?"
"Jac we are on our honeymoon. Uncle Sacha and Auntie Serena are in charge "
"That's What I'm worried about" she laughed
Fletch flopped onto his back
"It was a great wedding wasn't it?"
"Really great" Jac smiled " So was the wedding night" she said cheekily
"You naughty girl" he grinned
"Everyone seemed really happy for once. All the shit from the last couple of years forgotten for a day"
"Emma looked so cute in her bridesmaid dress" commented Jac
"They all looked great. You did an amazing job getting all their outfits and your dress and my suit sorted at such short notice"
"Well as I didn't want to look like I was marrying an estate agent, I didn't have much choice"
"Oi" he looked at her raised eyebrow " yeah ok I haven't got the best taste in clothes. But you looked stunning"
"Flattery Mr Fletcher will get you everywhere"
She moved onto her stomach and shuffled up next to him, softly stroking his chest and following her fingers with kisses
Fletch moaned softly "you're doing funny things to me Ms Naylor"
"That's the idea Mr Fletcher"
She said trailing her kisses across his taut stomach now
Later they wrapped up and went for a walk. Hiring a cottage in the Scottish highlands was perfect. It was snowing, the village pub was just a couple of mikes away and the big open fire was perfect for newly weds to snuggle in front of.
As they sat in the pub, Fletch got a photo message
"Think they're fine babe "
He showed her a picture of the kids 10 pin bowling and sitting at home with popcorn ready for movie night
"We're so lucky Fletch. It's almost too good to be true"
"Do you remember that day when you told me the DoN was based on Darwin?"
"Oh you mean after Emma had nearly caved Theo's head in and hurt her arm in the process?"
"Which Theo originally got blamed for. You wanted him expelled from crèche"
"Alright, I think I've chilled a bit since then, do you even have a point?"
"Well, who would have thought that from that interaction we would end up sitting here on our honeymoon"
"Certainly not me. Jac Naylor married. Christ"
"You don't regret any of it do you?"
"The only regret I have is that we were both too stupid or scared to start this sooner"
"Oh I don't know, those months of  'almost' moments were quite exciting. My senses were on high Naylor alert all the time"
She laughed and kissed him briefly
"Even Emma knew before we did"
"She is a very clever little girl. I know I'm not her Dad and no one will replace  Jonny but I think she likes living with us and I think she likes me"
"Oh you're so modest Fletch. Anyway you know she loves you and her new family. She's full of it if we meet anyone new or bump into someone she hasn't seen in a while. Her childhood will be so much different to mine, and that's down to both of us and your crew obviously"
He squeezed the hand that was resting on his thigh. He always felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness when she mentioned her childhood
"You know they all love you now too don't you, despite initial reticence. They had lost Nat and Raf and were worried about someone else coming into their lives  who might leave"
"Ah they don't get rid of me that easily. And neither do you Fletcher cos I love you"
"Someone's tipsy. Come on you, I'm taking you home"
"Why Mr Fletcher I do declare you intend to take my honour" she said in a southern belle accent
He laughed "why Mrs Fletcher, I do believe you're right" he wrapped her scarf round her neck and took her gloved hand. Bidding goodnight to the bar staff they headed out into a clear frosty night. The snow lying on the ground sparkled in the moon light. All of a sudden a car came speeding round the corner and skidded on the ice.
"Shit" Fletch managed to say as he pushed Jac out of the way and landed on top of her. The car crashed  into a stone wall with a deafening bang and then silence
"Jac" Fletch said urgently "are you ok"
"I'm fine I think, just being crushed by you you big lump. Are you ok?"
"I'm good. Sorry for squashing you" he carefully stood up and climbed out of the ditch he'd pushed them into
"Hey you probably saved my life and being squashed by you is no hardship my dear husband. Let's go and see if anyone is alive" she said pulling out her phone and dialling emergency services
They gingerly approached the car, they'd both lost paramedic colleagues who'd got caught in an exploding car.
Inside were 4 young men, no older than 20. By the time they reached the car, the two backseat passengers were conscious and desperately trying to open the doors. Fletch managed to prise one of the back doors open and they scrambled out. One tried to run off on unsteady legs but Fletch quickly grabbed him
"I don't think so sunshine. You stay right there with your pal. Now what are the two in the front called "
"The driver is Ben and passenger Morgan"
"Right stay put"
Jac has just got off the phone and was already clambering into the car.
"Careful babe" Fletch said following her in "driver Ben, passenger Morgan"
Morgan was just coming round. Establishing he wasn't badly hurt they managed to help him out of the back of the car. Fletch was sent to keep an eye on the 3 walking wounded whilst Jac assessed the driver. He had a head injury and probably chest trauma. His breathing was laboured
He's going to arrest Jac thought. She weighed up the risk of moving him vs leaving him to possibly arrest with no chance of resuscitation.
"Fletch, come and help me move him"
Together they carefully got him out. Laying him on the floor, Jac reassessed quickly, as she was doing so, as she predicted he arrested
Ripping the sleeve of her thin blouse to use as a sheild
"Fletch, you do compressions , I'll take the breaths. Where is this bloody ambulance?"
They worked on him for 15 minutes before the emergency crews arrived
They stood back as the paramedics shocked him and gave him drugs and took him quickly away. The others were questioned by the police and then taken to hospital for checks
"Shall I take a look at that ?" A paramedic pointed to the cut on Jac's forehead that neither she or Fletch had noticed.She brought her fingers up to it and felt the sticky redness.
"Oh sweetheart it must have happened when I pushed you out of the way" Fletch was horrified
"It probably looks worse than it is, come and sit in the ambulance and I'll clean it"
They all went
"So you two on holiday?"
"Honeymoon" Fletch said holding Jac's hand
"Well this is a nice way to spend it. The driver was pretty lucky you were walking by. Do you have first aid training"
"Something like that" Fletch chuckled "she's a cardio thoracic consultant and I'm a nurse"
"Ok. Bit more advanced than first aid then. Right I think you're good here. Just one steri strip"
"I'm so sorry Jac"
"Fletch" she fixed his eyes with hers "throwing me out of the way probably saved my life. Again"
The paramedic smiled at the couple
"The police are going to want a statement I think"
The police were easily persuaded to take the statement back at the cottage where Fletch made everyone hot chocolate
Jac shivered as Fletch snuggled her up in a blanket. They related the events of the night.
"Do we know how the driver is?" Asked Jac
"Still alive thanks to you two. He wasn't under the influence but the car was stolen"
"That's why the two backseat passengers tried to leg it" Fletch said
Eventually they left and the couple snuggled under a blanket in front of the fire
"Well that was an eventful end to the evening" Jac yawned
"You were amazing" Fletch said stroking her hair
"We were amazing Fletch. We make quite a team"
"We certainly do Mrs Fletcher"

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