By her side

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"What am I going to tell people at work?" Jac wondered the next morning as they sat on the day surgery ward waiting  for her to go down
"The truth?" suggested Fletch
"I'm not sure I could handle the looks of pity"
"Jac, people in this hospital think a lot more of you than you realise. When you're at death's door like you have been countless times people are worried, concerned. And obviously now you're with me they like you even more" he grinned cheekily, earning himself a punch in the arm
"The thing is if there was a baby at the end of it, it would be ok"
He stroked her arm."However you want to handle this is fine by me but really. If we don't come clean, people will make up rumours anyway"
"You're right, I know you're right"
Jac went down and Fletch decided to go and clear extra holiday with Abigail.
He entered when she answered his knock
"Hi Fletch What can I do for you?"
"Hi well I've come to ask for a bit of extra time off over the next 3 weeks"
"Ok" she raised a questioning eyebrow
"Jac's having a procedure today to resolve an anembryonic pregnancy. She has to take 3 weeks off so I'd like to be around as much as possible"
"Oh poor Jac. And how are you Fletch?"
"In shock, bit numb maybe . Just worried about Jac, she's been through so much"
"She has poor thing. You two are so the real deal aren't you?"
He shrugged "we are. I mean on paper we wouldn't get off the ground but somehow it works"
"I should be jealous but I'm really not. Just want you both to be ok"
Fletch gave her a suspicious sideways glance
"Oh go away Fletch" she laughed "and of course take what time you need, I'll leave you to arrange cover"
He just had time to arrange a few swaps to cover the majority of his shifts and went back down to wait for Jac.
When she came through it was clear that Jac'd had quite some sedation
"Fletch"she called and whispered conspiratorially to the nurse taking her obs "he's the love of my life you know"
"Sorry Trish" he said to the nurse
"Fletcher do you know every single bloody nurse in this place?"
He chuckled "pretty much. It's kinda my job babe"
"Because of this " she vaguely gestured around her "everyone will know that we've had S E X." She spelt the word out
"That's right Trisha we have had sex. I have sha.."
Fletch put his hand over her mouth "alright that's enough"
"But Fletch everyone will know. What will they think?"
He chuckled again "I don't think anyone was thinking that all we do is hold hands"
"Ah But you did" she poked his chest "for 3 weeks everyday"
"I did sweetheart you're right" and he picked up hee hand again "Jac do you fancy a little sleep and then I'll take you home"
"Are you taking me to your house Fletch?"
"It's our house now remember?"
God this was hard work
"Oh yes. Silly me" she giggled "where's my ring" she gasped looking at her bare left hand
"I have it here. You're not allowed jewellery in theatre"
He placed it on her finger and she had tears rolling down her face
"Oh 'ere we go. Didn't think it would be long before the water works"
"I love you Fletch"
"I love you too now please get some sleep"
"Will you stay with me?" He rolled his eyes
"Don't I always?"
Fletch sat there until she drifted off.
She was going to be embarrassed when she woke up and probably a bit more upset about the procedure and the whole situation but as usual he would be there for her. There was no where else he wanted to be other than by her side.

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