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A couple of weeks later Jac was in her office when someone knocked on the door. It wasn't Fletch - she knew his knock
"Come in"
"Evie. What are you doing here? Do you want me to get your Dad?" Jac said getting up from her desk
"I don't want to see Dad. I came to see you "
"Me? Ok. Have you been crying?" Jac observed the red rimmed eyes in front of her
Evie promptly burst into tears
"Come and sit on the sofa"
Shit. Jac didn't do teenage angst. Did she offer a hug? However Evie, being a Fletcher, gave her little choice and flung her arms round Jac's neck. Jac tentatively placed her arms round her and let her cry.
Eventually she stopped a little
"You want to tell me what's wrong then and why you're not at school? I swear you and Mikey spend more time here than you do at school?"
Evie gave a small half laugh half cry
"I'm sorry for rocking up without warning. It's about my friend Georgia's brother"
"Well, I really like him and he likes me but he'll only go out with me if I, well, you know and I wanted to ask you about contraception"
"Whoa slow down missy. One, how old is this boy?"
"And you're 14 right?"
"Evie do you want to have sex with this boy"
"I don't know" Evie said quietly
"Do you want my opinion?"
Evie nodded
"He sounds like a dick. A boy who really likes you wouldn't insist that you had to sleep with them or they wouldn't go out with you. Not to mention the fact that he's 17 and you're underage. Technically he could end up on the sex offenders register"
Evie nodded again "I just didn't want him to think I was a baby"
"Oh sweetheart he'd probably dump you straight after anyway. I know it's hard because you really like him but you're worth more than that" Jac paused
"And I'll tell you something else-i don't think you came to ask me about contraception, I think you came to hear from somebody else what you were already thinking. I'm glad you felt you could come to me"
"I haven't really got any women in my life and Dad wouldn't have listened, he would have just wanted to kill Callum"
"Callum, that's his name? What are you going to do Evie?""
"He is a dick for asking me to do that, you're right"
"Does Georgia know?"
"God no, how embarrassing"
"I think you should tell her. She needs to know what her brother is really like"
"Ok I'll think about it"
"I bet he's really good looking and charming and makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world?" Jac smiled
"I've met the type"
"Are you going to tell Dad?"
"He should probably know but let's wait until it's sorted" she gave Evie a sideways glance "anyway we don't need your Dad, I can go and kick his pretty face in if need be"
Evie laughed "why do you pretend to be so hard?"
Jac huffed "who says I'm pretending?"
Evie raised an eyebrow
"Oh ok" Jac chuckled "I've had the kind of life where I had to build some walls to protect myself. You know they call me the ice queen round here?"
"Yeah I think Dad mentioned it. But you're not like that with him and us"
"No I'm not" Jac thought affectionately of Fletch
"You really love him don't you?"
Jac blushed "yes I do"
"But what about your walls? He cheated on mum, what if he does the same to you"
"I'm prepared to take the chance. I trust him. Oh and obviously I'd chop his balls off"
Evie sniggered
"You make him happy. I'm pleased cos he's not been 100% happy since mum and then Raf dying...."
"You must miss them both hun?"
"We do. I think the little ones don't really remember mum but we all miss uncle Raf"
"We all miss him here too. The only good to come out of that terrible day was that it brought me and your Dad closer"
"I remember. You were all he could talk about"
Jac smiled to herself "he might not appreciate you telling me that"
"Well it's the truth. He 's not great at hiding his feelings"
"I think he did a pretty good job here for months"
"I think you must have just had your eyes and your heart closed because he would not have been able to hide how he feels about you"
"You're right. I was in denial, protecting myself again"
"Maybe that's what I need to do" said Evie
"No darling you really don't. Closing yourself off stops the hurt but also it means you miss out 0n the good bits. I wouldn't want that for anyone"
"You're easy to talk to Jac"
"Well that's a first" Jac chuckled "Hey do I need to ring school to say where you are?"
"Please. I was talking to Callum at lunchtime and then I had to get away to I just left"
"Ok. Give me the number"
She dialled "yes I'd like to report a student's sickness. Evie Fletcher" Jac covered the receiver "what form are you in?" She whispered
"Yes she's in 10b. She felt unwell at lunchtime and came home. Yes Jac Naylor " Jac looked at Evie with panic in her eyes "I'm her... step mother?"
Evie sniggered as Jac hung up
"They asked who I was in relation to you. I panicked sorry. Don't tell Fletch"
Evie laughed "evil step mother"
"You're as cheeky as your father"
"I'd better be going. Thanks Jac"
"You're welcome. I think your Dad should be in a meeting just now so let's sneak you out. Just walk out confidently with me, no one will question you"
Jac briskly walked Evie to the entrance
"Let me know how it goes. Talk to Georgia"
Jac returned to her office and pondered on the changes that were happening in her life all due to a certain director of nursing. The changes were at the same time scary and brilliant.
Imagine, Jac being a confidante for a teenage girl. She shook her head as she got on with her work
"He's ruined me" she thought "but god I love him"

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