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Fletch's shoulder tingled from where she had laid her hand there. The briefest of touches but it was her.
"For god sake Fletcher, sort yourself out"
The ward felt different, even though Jac was just in her office it was like every nerve in his body was aware that she was there. Realising he was staring into space at the nurses station he got up abruptly
"I'm just going to Keller" he told  Nicki
"Ok"she said
"I've got my pager if you need anything"
Fletch made his way down to Keller which was missing it's gentle giant leader.Sacha was taking a break after his attempted suicide
He and Jac had spoken long into the night about it when he'd had to tell her, gently wiping her tears away with his thumb when she recalled how Sacha had visited her to say goodbye.
"Hey Lofty. How's things down here then" Fletch asked
"Yeah ok all things considered"
"Everything covered?"
"Think so. Dom's pulling an extra couple of shifts and Ms Campbell seems to be never away from the place"
Fletch smiled. Holby tended to pull together in a crisis.
On his way back to Darwin, Fletch made a detour past Pulses and before he really registered what he was doing he'd ordered Jac's extra hot skinny latte. As he paid he decided it must be fate that he would have to go and see her.
He tentatively knocked on her office door
"Come in Fletch"
He'd long since given up working out how she knew it was him just from his knock
"Hi. I come bearing coffee"
"Oh you're a life saver, thanks" she said sincerely. There he goes again she thought - knowing exactly what she needed
"Anytime. Ok I'll see you later then"
"Oh" she said struggling to hide her disappointment "you're not joining me?"
"Erm well Ok, I suppose I've got 10 minutes" he said sitting on the sofa
Where was the old Fletch she thought, the one from before she went away, even the one just before the collapse. That Fletch wouldn't even ask when he brought coffee, he would just flop down on the sofa and start rambling even if she was extremely busy. Is there such a thing as endearingly irritating? Because back then, with hindsight that's what she thought about him at those times when he interrupted a hectic day with coffee and a chat.

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