1) child on the move!

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4 years old

My eyes slowly opened and I jumped up. I climbed down my huge!! Bed and went to the door. I jumped and twisted the door handle. I ran to daddies room and kicked the door open. "DADDY!! I have scwool!!" I screamed as I ran and threw myself on his bed.

Daddy jumped up and I rolled off the bed. "Ouchie!" I said rubbing my head. I was picked up. "What are you doing up at five in the morning?" I smiled. "Scwool is today and I rwally wanna get rwady." I said smiling. "All ready going to school. Stop growing!!" Daddy said hugging me.

The door opened and Alfie came into the room. "Alfie! I have scwool." I said as he smiled. "Master Bruce, I have food you." Daddy nodded and we all walked to the kitchen! Best place in this house.

I had my toast and milk cause Daddy says I need big strong bones! I finished and I ran to my room so I could get dressed. I put on a white dress with Daddies bat on it! Daddy told me he about how he was batman!! The best hero in the whole wide world!

I put on some shoes and went to the living room so Alfie could brush my hair. I waited for him and he came and put my hair in a pony tail. I ran to the door and started jumping up and down. "Hurry Daddy! Hurry! I wanna be the first to get there and make tons of friends!" I said happily. as Daddy got out his phone.

"First day of school, I need to take a picture of you." I nodded and he looked at me and noticed my dress. "My little girl wants to be a hero?" I nodded. "I wanna be Batgirl!!! Or, or sparrow!!"( By the way the double 'Or' is meant to be like that. A child speech is very strange) I yelled and Daddy took my photo.

I ran to the car and jumped into the back and got into my safety seat. Daddy and Alfie drove me to scwool. I looked out of the window and saw the buildings and people pass by. "Hey, Daddy? What if they don't like me?" I said looking at him sadly.

He smiled. "Arya, There will always be people in the world that want to hurt or bully you." I looked down. "But, If you mange to find that one person that will be there till the end of the line, you'll have a friend for life." I smiled brightly and nodded.

The car stopped and Daddy helped me out my seat. I grinned. "Right, some things I need you to know. First, why don't we tell people what Daddy's other job is?" I jumped up. "Because telling other people things you should'd is bad and It will but me in danger!" I said smiling.

Daddy kissed my head and Alfie hugged me. "We will come to pick you up when school end's. Love you." I waved. "Love you Daddy!" I ran into the scwool and ran into a tall person. "Oh, hello there. You must be the new student?" I nodded. The tall lady took me by the hand and led me to a room. "Settle down class, We have a new student." She pulled me forward.

"H-Hello. My name is Arya Wayne.... I hope I can be friends with you all." I said rubbing my arm. I heard a few whispers and the tall lady gave me a look. "Well, very nice to meet you Arya. Please take a seat at the back of the classroom next to Emma." I walked down to the seat by the window and looked at the small girl.

"Are you really a Wayne?! That's so cool!" She said and I smiled. "Do you wanna be my first friend?" She said and I grinned and nodded.

Time skip

It was lunch and I was sitting with Emma. "So, Who do you live with?" I asked biting my sandwich. "I live with my mommy and big sis! My daddy got sick and went away." I nodded and saw four people come towards us. "You're that Wayne? I bet your not!" A boy said. "Yeah!" His two 'friends' said, one being a girl and the other a boy.

"I am." I said looking at them. "No you're not! I bet your just lying." I glared at him. "I'm a Wayne!" He smiled. "I thought Wayne's were strong but I guess not? You'll probably be shot just your dad's mom and dad." He laughed. I jumped over the table and landed on him.

I started hitting him and punching him. "Don't you ever talk about my Daddy or my family like that!" I yelled hitting him. His friend ran away and soon I was pulled off by the teacher. "Why are you hitting him?!" She yelled. I growled and pulled my hand away and ran.

I ran out the classroom and out the scwool. I ran through the streets. I don't really know where I am going but I just need to go, now. I turned left at a random street and went down an alley. I sat by some Trash cans. I breathed out and sighed. I looked at my fists, they where red and bleeding.

I looked around. I stood up and heard a growl. I looked to where I thought the noise was coming from. I stepped back as I saw a dog.... A big dog. It ran at me and I ran away.




Into a wall! I fell back and rubbed my head and sniffed. I looked at the dog, yelped and ran away. I was as fast as I could and I soon got to building that was full of plants. I ran to the gate and slipped into the building. I got to a open area and looked to see cages. "A Zoo? I thought the Zoo was still open?" I said. I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell down some stairs. I hit my head and blacked out.

Time skip


"What do we do?! You do know who this child is, right?!" I heard a voice yelled. "Shut it, Harl! You'll wake her. She hit her head pretty bad." I opened my eyes and sat up. "Where am I?" I said looking around.

"Unmmm?! The zoo?" A quirky voice said. I looked around. "This Zoo has shut down for a really long time though?" I said. The green lady put some sort of leaf on my cut and I thanked her. "So who are you two?" I asked and the quirky one spoke. "I'm Harley Quinn!" I smiled at her. "I'm poison Ivy." The green one said.

"So, why are you out here? Shouldn't you be a school? Well at home now." I looked down. "I beat his boy up till my hand were bleeding. He was laughing at my daddy's mom and dad were dead." I said getting sad. "Bullies are mean and stupid!" Harley said and I laughed.

"Right let me fix that cut." Ivy said. I was sat on Harley's lap while Ivy stitched my cut. "Oww! That hurts!" I said. "I know and I'm sorry but we ran out of things to numb yourself. I nodded and as Ivy was finishing a window was smashed open and Batman came in.

"Let her go!" Daddy said angrily. "We didn't kidnap her!" Harley said and I laughed. I ran to Daddy and he caught me. "It's okie! They helped me! Look!" I moved my hair to show the stitched up cut. Daddy looked at the two. "I won't sent you two to Arkham... You help the child." The two breathed out and Daddy walked out the building.

"Bye Bye! Hope I see you again!" I said waving. Once we got in the Batmobile, Daddy took of his mask. "Young lady.... You are grounded." I sighed. "No fair!" I said smiling.


I hope you are all doing well!!! I hope you are all enjoying your day or night!! Feel free to leave your thoughts!!


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