25) Yeah! Drunk witch!

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We were all at Wayne manor celebrating! Even Jay was here but just standing next to me. "You did good, Arya. Don't look so worried." He Said smiling at me. I love that smile!! I nodded and drank my alcoholic drink. "Thank you for being there? I really thought you wouldn't come..." I said smiling sadly. "And miss my favourite little person? Not a chance!" I smiled and hugged him. I kissed his cheek and went to see Lisa. She walked me to a corner. "I need to tell you something.... It's really important." I nodded.

"Umm. I'm pregnant! Ehhh? I'm a few weeks! Like 10!" I smiled. "I'm so happy! Who's the dad?!" I said excitedly and like I didn't already know! She rubbed her neck. "Well! Funny story really, I'm not sure? I got drunk and had a nightstand." My law dropped. "Really?!" I said and she nodded. "Although a few days after he came to my old job... We actually hit it off.  He gave me a way to contact him but a few weird lines are on it to? Maybe Josh tried to write on it?" She laughed and handed the number smiling brightly.

It was a standard number but the strange lines I didn't know about. "Not sure? Do you still see him?" She sighed and shook her head. "I did but when I met you he said he had to go, but he'll be back." I nodded. "He gave me his." She showed me a necklace with a cross with some roses growing around it. "It's beautiful!" I said looking at it. "He's so sweet! After a week of knowing about the child, guess what I want?" She said. "What?" She put her hands on my shoulder and smiled like a mother would to her child.

"I want you to be the godmother."

I stared at her in shock. "G-Godmother? Me?! No, you don't want me as a godparent! I'm so irresponsible!" I said. Everyone that I love has something bad happen to them. I can't get close to a child. "Please. I don't have any family because they disowned me so I want you to be in their life." I sighed and hugged her. "Thank you." I let go and smirked. "Time to celebrate!" I yelled happily.

Short time skip
Third person

"I'm so happy!!" A very, very drunk Arya said to Jason and Emma who just sighed. "Be quiet, Arya! People are sleeping!" Emma said and Arya grinned happily. "Nooooooo! I, I'm The only one who lives in this whole building but me!!! I'm so happy! I'm a godparent!! Wait?... what dose a godparent do?" She giggled happily. They three got in the elevator and Jason sighed. "Don't know if this funny or not?" Arya smiled and poked him in the face. "Hey!.... You're cute! Can I have a hug?" Jason sighs and tries to stop Arya from hugging him. "Your drunk." He said and Arya smiled and carried on trying to hug him.

"Nooooooo. Hug me!" The elevator stopped and they walked to the door, opened it and put the smashed girl on the couch. "I want a huggggg!" Emma sighed and poked Jason. "Hug her." She said poking to the girl that was currently trying to get to Jason. "Why? I don't want to deal the a drunk girl that could turn me blind!" He said knowing that she could drunkly cast some spells. "Nope! She's can't cast spells drunk. She created a spell that stops her using magic when drunk. But she still has her flight and strength." Emma said grabbing a blanket for Arya. "THANK YOU!" Jason smiled at her and sat down.

Araya turned to him and smiled. "You are a zombie!" Jason gave her a look? "What?" He smiled. "You died but came back! That makes you a zombie!" She giggled. "But you're a hot zombie!" Emma gave her a look. "Really?" She nodded. "Emma! I'm sorry that I'm sometimes a bad friend but, but I love you really! Just punch sober me in the face! And Jason! I'm sorry I hurt you all the time! I'm a horrible human and hell is waiting for me!!" Arya said looking sad but ending up drunkly hiccuping and giggling. "You are not a bad friend! You need some water. I'll grab you some and then go home." Emma said and Arya giggles.

"See, Emma has always been nice and helped me when I am ever drunk! Just like when I dated her!" Jason tilted his head. "You dated Emma?! When?" He asked shocked. "Like four years ago! Only for a little, little while though." The drunk girl replied with. "Stop yelling people that! And we only dated for like 6 months." Emma said gong her some water. "I'm just very greedy! I like boys and girls!" Emma hugged Arya and Jason and waved as she was walking out. "Hey, Jason? What would happen if I threw a can of coke at Tim!"


I smiled and sighed. "Hurt hopefully?" He giggled for a bit. "Nothing! Is a soft drink!" I laughed at her stupidity. "You know I was sad when you died! I nearly killed the joker but if I killed him I wouldn't be allowed to do my 'mission' for god!" She said and I sighed. "Go to bed. You need sleep." I pushed her over on her couch so she'd sleep but she just pouted angrily at me.

"I don't wanna! I wanna speak to the hot zombie and snuggle up to him!" She said happily. I sighed at her and she jumped on the couch. "You know I liked you when you live in the manor?! Like I didn't just like you! I actually loved you!" I stared at her, actually kinda shocked. "Why the rat street kid?" I asked and she stopped and pointed at me. "Because I loved your personality! I loved that you were you and you wouldn't change being you! Even when we had different relationships I still love you! I've only had three relationships in five years!" That's actually impressive?

I sat down and she sat on my laps. "You look really old! The white streak is so cute! Can I cut it off?!" She said playing with he hair. "No. Go to bed." She shook her head like a child. Her hair going in every direction. "I wanna sleep here with you!" I sighed. "Arya, I need sleep and so do you." I explained but she just poked my forehead. "Why do you have scared on your neck? Who hurt you?! I'll send them to earth 34! That's not a nice world!" She started angrily mumbling about hurting the people that have scared me and I laughed at her. I grabbed the blanket and threw it over her.

"If you go al-" I stared in shock as Arya slammed her lips into mine. I slowly kissed back and after a while we separated, needing air. Oh and I don't want to be attacked by her for kissing her when she's smashed but I have to say that's that was a good damn kiss. "That was nice!" She mumbled. "I know sober me might not say it but we still love you now." She flopped backwards if the couch and fell asleep. I snapped out of my daze and smiled at her.

"Asleep already? And this is Gotham's second most scariest hero? Ha." I put the blanket on her and kissed her cheek and walked to my room to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!!!!! Also, try not to drink loads!!!  Your liver and kidneys might not appreciate it!!!!!


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