33) party crasher

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We were walking through the tunnels in silence. I was right at the back and Jay was next to me. "Is she Okay? She did just kill a guy?" I sighed and shrugged. "She just killed a person out of anger.... You have killed your fair share? How did it feel when you first killed someone?" He shrugged.

"I actually don't really remember it. I had just been brought back. I gouge his eyes out and it killed him. Well I think it killed him? But I didn't think I actually did it. I was broken so it wasn't my main priority." I nodded. "But she's thinking about it. I can feel it. Even without my powers I can feel her guilt." I said and he nodded and put a hand on  my shoulder. "Talk to her then? I'm not good at comforting people but you are."

He walked ahead and poked Tina and pointed to me. She slowed down and I put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you Okay?" She nodded and tried to smile. "I'm fine!" I gave her look. "Don't lie. I know sadness and guilt when I see it. I somewhat know how you feel...." she tilted her head. "I doubt it." I laughed dryly. "You know the Joker?" She nodded.

"He killed Hood." I said pointing to Jay. "I was so angry that I went straight to him and tried to kill him. I think I stabbed him a few times and I used my fire to make my hands burning hot and wrapped them around his neck... I still remember and feel the anger. I didn't want him to live." She listened closely. "I know I've never killed first hand but I've done worse... You go sleep and will sleep soundly but I hear screaming.... How did it feel?" I asked and she rubbed her elbow.

"It felt g-good... I was able to release all the anger that I was holding in. It was good." She said looking down ashamed. I put a hand on her shoulder. "Anger doesn't solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything." I said and she nodded. "What are you angry about anyway?" She sighed. "I'm going to be queen if brother isn't king... I have so many responsibilities that I can't do... To many rules. 'Don't do this! Don't do that! Christina! Don't walk this way! A princess should do this or that!' I hate it!" I sighed and smiled.

"Try to manage your anger since people can't manage their stupidity. People are just annoying but thats life. And I hate to say this to you but you will have to live with it. We all have to do something that we hate for the sake of others." She nodded and sighed. "I just hate that I have a future that is already set out for me. I will get married, provide a child and be an obedient queen. It makes me angry but is just want to be happy." I smiled.

"Make you anger so expensive that no one can afford it and make your happiness so cheap that people can almost get it for free." She smiled and hugged me. "Why are you so wise?" He said into my shoulder. "It come with experience."

After a little longer we were outside the door to the ball room. "You ready?" Jay said and I kicked the door in. Everyone stared at me in shock and some disused. "What is the meaning of this?" The king asked and I pointed to his son. "Why don't you ask you son?" He looked at Adrian and he tilted his head, faking confusion. "I am not sure what you mean but are you alright?" He said.

"He wants the crown. He wants to kill Maria and take the throne! He took me to the lower levels of the palace and told me. Put put a power blocker on homer and said he had to get the throne." I said but people looked unconvinced. "I fought his men for three hours! When my friends came to help I was shot by an arrow saving the princess!" Some people gasped and Tina walked out. "It is true. He wants the throne and was going to kill for it. His men are all passed out under the castle. Father! You need to believe me!" She said pleadingly. "Do not speak foolish things." Tina got angry but breathed.

"Father, look at Sparrows shoulder! That is from the arrows from here. And here." She pulled out the arrow tip and he held it. "That is her blood. My brother is going to kill just for a crown!" She said loudly and I walked to Maria and pulled her away from him. "Sparrow! Unhand me! Now." She yelled and I growled. "Do you want me to leave you And tomorrow I find that you have died 'accidentally' by some natural cause?! I heard him say he would kill you. He said he'd kill hood and the kid!" I said yelling at her.

"He is still the same twisted thing from when we were teens! He wants the throne!" I looked at Adrian. "Take the collar off. You said I wasn't a threat but my friends were? Take it off and I'll show you threat!" He smirked. "If you have the evidence then I might believe you?" I looked at Tina. She sighed and but some sort of sees on the collar. It grew and snapped the collar off me.

"She a meta?!"

I glared at the person and nodded. "So what?! This meta might just save you life you ungrateful human! Wohs meht eht hturt!" I said and all the events that I have seen played in everyone's head. When it was done and glared. "Is that enough evidence?"

The prince looked at me sadly. "Why did you have to ruin my plans? They were perfectly thought out... You and me! Why did you ruin them?!" He said raising his voice. He tried to grab Maria but my eyes glowed a dangerous looking red. "Do not even think about it!" I pointed to him and held my hand in a tight fist to make him stay still. I looked at the king. "You need to drop this law on metas. And you need to do something about him."

"I will but I do not have to do as you say." I scoffed. "I do not have to save you but I will." He nodded. "It will be sorted...."

Time skip

I stood next to t the kid, smiling happily. "Thank you. We are in dept to you all. Sparrow again." I waved my hand. "You owe me nothing at all. But if I need a favour I'll keep you in mind." I said bowing to the king and queen. I looked at Tina and smiled. "Be good! Try to lean about your powers. Be a good kid?" She nodded and I was attack hugged by Maria.

"I will miss you so much! Do you have to leave?" I nodded. "Yeah. I have responsibilities in Gotham and my work. I'm sorry..... But! I have a gift for you, you can't share it with anyone except Tina." I said handing her one of the specially made phones I make. "This is for dangerously situations only.... But you know how to contact me." I smiled and hugged her, I so bowed sarcastically. We all got on the plane and I jumped in a seat and sighed happily.

"Back to Gotham!" I yelled happily.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day or night!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!! Also sorry for this chapter being shit!!! I had three different drafts but this was the least shit!!!!!


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