8) not him again?

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"Aww! How cute! They think they can get away." I yelled at I ran across the shipping container. "Shall we say hi?" I asked dad and he nodded. We jumped down and landed on the hood of the truck. "Hiya boys!" I said at the dude in the passenger side took out a shotgun and shot at us. Dad threw some spikes into the road and the car started getting out of control. Dad grabbed the man who had the guys and I smirked.

I nearly fell off when the driver crashed the side of the truck into the wall. Something fell out and I laughed. "That's Amazo?! Wow!" The truck was going straight into the containers and I jumped off, so did dad. We walked up to the driver and one dude tried to get the gun. Dad stepped on his hand and the man hissed in pain. He lifted him up and spoke. "Who are you working for?"

I stood behind and crossed my arms. "Nobody! Look, we just boasted the truck and-""Lie to me again and crashing into a wall head on will be the least painful part of your evening!" Dad said and I looked at the scared little mam. "No! I swear to!" He was cut off by beeping. We all looked at the little grey box. The box opened and out stepped the Amazo. "Well damn! I was wrong, that is pretty cool!" I said and dad looked at me and I shrugged and cuffed the men to the car.

"What is that?!" The man asked looking kinda scared. "your cargo." You the Amazo came! He didn't look all that scary but look at me? I am small but can send to the sun. "It's called amazo." The guy spoke. "What the hell is an Amazo?!" I looked at him. "You talk to much." I said sighing. "A highly advance cybernetic Android equipped with the ability to absorb the powers of super humans."

"What kind of super humans?" He asked again. Amazo punched the fall and we jumped on the side of the truck. "Very, very big one..." I said as I looked at it. We ran at it and dad threw some gas pellets at it. I ran at it and slid through his leg while grabbing them and he face planted the floor. Dad punched him but he grabbed dads arm and threw him into the wall by the car. "Shit..." I dodged a very strong punch and I heard Dick.

"Packs quite a punch for a toaster on steroids, huh? Need any help?" I nodded then got punched into a wall. I held my head and growled. Amazo picked up a shipping container and at dad and Dick. I ran at him and punch in the face. Dick pulled out something and also punched him in the face. I ran and flew up to some containers and dad threw some batarangs at Amazo. "I think you might need to do better than that, boss." I put a hand on my head. "He's him. He has done better." I said.

The batarangs turned midair and flew into his leg. I laughed as we started running from the possible angry bot. "Will that do any good?" Dick asked. "It will slow it down!" Dad said as we were all still running. Just as dad actually said that Amazo jumped up knocking two containers. "I think he's a tad angry?" I said smiling and Dick glared. "Ya think!"

"Get to higher ground!" Dad and Dick under some grappling hooks but I flew. "Did you know he could fly?" Dick said and I looked at Amazo. "Move!" I got out the way but he grabbed hole of Dick. Dad used another grapple and hooked it to its foot. "You know, I wouldn't be offended by a few suggestions!" He yelled. "He has the same weak points at a human being!" So hearing that Dick got out two little blade thing-y and stabbed them in Amazo's ears.

It let go of him and he started falling. He grabbed hold of me and dad used he grapple to get him self to safety. When we got to the fall I stretched. "You are so heavy! What did you eat today?! A whole cow?!" I asked and he laughed. Amazo crashed down and dad growled at it. It stood up and shot lasers at us!? Fucking laser?!

"Laser! He's got lasers!" Dick yelled as I made a made a little hand sign to make a barrier. He went for Dick but dad jumped on it and put some Plastic in his eyes. "Eh... I don't think putty in his eyes is gonna stop him?" He said and I sighed. "But Plastic?......" I said and dad blew it up. Amazo flew and oil or some crap flew everywhere around its neck.

We put the three men up to a wall and I stood neck to dad crossing my arms. "This shipment was meant for the black mask. I doubt you were behind this. Who do you work for?" Dad asked and the men were getting very scared. "I-I swear! We're not working for anyone. This is our gig, all our idea." One of them said. "Let it go." Dick smirked and spoke. "Right." He pressed a bottom and let Amazo drop down to the three men.

"I-I'll talk! I'll talk! Just stop!" I gave him a look. "That was a bit of over exaggeration, now wasn't it?" I said smiling. "The red hood! We're working for the red hood! We don't have a choice! He-" I ducked as I heard gunshots. Another two shots and I looked to where I think the shots were coming from. "The shots came from the roof top! A sniper!" Dick said and I looked back at the roof. Dad pulled out a little 'Toy' and looked at the shooter.

The bat-plane flew by and I got a head start by flying over the water. I soon got to the over side and saw the shooter. I strained my eyes and saw the bucket head from a few days ago. "Not him again!" I flew faster and I noticed that so did dad. I flew above the roofs and bucket head turned his head and waved. "Do you know this guy?" Dad asked through the com and I mentally shrugged. "I have met him but It was in a fight and he said something about kinda knowing me." I said as the guy dropped off the building and got in a car.

The guy drove into traffic and I growled at myself. I was getting tied because of the constant fly, I can't do it forever. I jumped on a car and then jumped to another. He got to a tunnel. "This is so stupid!" I jumped to buckets car and nearly fell off because of the distance. I was on the back of the car and I looked at dad and gave him thumbs up. Dad shot a huge grappling hook at the car and It went into the roof.

Not long after the roof flew off while we were turning a corner and It hit me square in the face, knocking m off the car and into the side of the building. I hissed in pain and stood up while slowly rubbing my head. I growled and tried to teleported but I ended just teleporting in the same spot. It felt like a knife was being slowly cut into my whole body. I bet It looked like I am glitching out. I breathed and teleported to dad.

When I got there I fell to the floor. I slowly stood up and I growled as I heard a somewhat happy laugh. "And hear comes the little bird!" Dad helped me up and I looked at bucket. "I hope I didn't hurt you to bad? I really do." He sounded actually sincere and I help my stomach. "Oh, I've got a few broken ribs... Eye for an eye and I'll say we're even." I said as I spat out a bit of blood.

"Arh... Memories." I looked at the hood and he pointed his gun at car that is leaking all kinds of crap. It blew up neck to us and I was covered by dad's cape. Hood ran and dad and I tried to run across the walkway thing but it got destroyed in another explosion. We started falling but I grabbed dad and flew through the roof.

I flew out grabbing onto dad and we landed right on the floor. "Head back home. Get some rest." I shook my head a but dad sighed. "This guy is using the name red hood.... I'm going to see Joker tomorrow....I don't want you coming though." He said and I gave him angry look. "Why?! I won't try to kill him! I promise. I'm not as unstable around him like I was when he killed Robin, I can help!" I said growling. He still shook his head.

"I know you won't lose control but he'll find a way to... He always dose. Anyway I need you to do something for me anyway." I nodded.

Time skip

I climbed into my house via the window like an Idiot! I jumped in and sat on my couch. "Arya, you have a visitor. Shall I let them it?" I nodded. "Yeah, thank you!" I said smiling. The door opened and I saw Emma. "You left me at your office! I was so confused when I didn't see you!" Emma said faking an angry face. I smiled. I went to my room and jumps in my bed, slowly falling asleep.

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