11) pain....

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Ha...Ha. I held my head and laughed. "Hahaha! T-That's a funny joke! A sick one but funny!" I started laughing but I felt the tears run. "What are you using to make his face. Nano-tech reconstruction mask? Surgery? You scan my brain and use his face?" I said as the tears carried on. "Got to say..... It's convincing! Ha.... Not convincing enough!" I shot my fire at him.

"I'm real!" He said dodging fire. "Everlasting fire or something! touches you your dead and it won't stop till your dead!" He said and I froze. I fell to the floor and sat down. "Hehe..... This is some sick joke....? He died and I nearly killed joker for it..... He's dead..." I mumbled breathing heavily. "I'm real. Not dead anymore." He said keeling down to me. He smiled and I glared and punched him in the face.

He feel over and held his chin. "Oww! What was that for?!" I glared at him. " 'What was that for?!' What was that for?! You dare say what is that for when you died and left me! You selfish fucking asshole!" The tears were now streaming down my face. He stood up and sighed. "Look, it's not my fault." I walked to my kitchen and grabbed a very big pan. "How dare you turn up after 5 years and say it's not my fault!" I thew the pan at him and some other things.

"You come back after 5 years with a little smirk and a 'hi there' and you expect me to forget all the things that happened?! I tried to kill Joker! I nearly let my soul get overtaken my demons! I tried to kill myself! All because one stupid person decided to come back from the dead!" He gave me a shocked look and tried to walk to me. "I'm sorry." I made a fist and created a wall between us, you could see through it though. "Come any closer and I'll do something I'll regret....." He tried to get trough the wall.

"I'm sorry... When I came back I wasn't me. My mind was broken.... Only after a year did I get it back..." I growled. "That's not a reason! If that was the case you could have visited four years ago! I was broken when you died! How to think I had to deal with your death!?" I yelled and he looked at the ground. "Look, I'm sorry. That's all I can say. I never stopped thinking about Gotham or my family.  When I came back a few months ago I found you and I was so happy, more happy than I've been in years. I am s-"

"Sorry?! I want to to go! I don't want to see you! Get out!" I made the wall go and I walked to him. "But!" I pushed him. "Get out! I don't wanna see you here or I'll make you you don't come back this time!!" I yelled in his face. He looked hurt but stood there. I punched him in the chest but not that hard. I cried even harder and put my head on his chest while punching him some more. "Please just leave..... Please...." I mumbled and I felt him nod and he walked out and jumped out of my window.

I fell to the floor and was crying I was screaming into my hands. I know I'm having a very bad panic attack and was hyperventilating bad. "Why?! Why did he come back!?" I yelled into my palms. "Hey, Ary! I he- Arya!? What happened?!" Emma asked as she ran to me and hugged me. "Hey? Hey? Hey....... Shhhh. Breathe..." She said but I couldn't. "Can you tell me what happened here? Your place is a mess...." She said and I cried but nodded.

"J-Jason's back... He came back from the dead..." I mumbled trying to steady my breathing. "What do you mean? How can he just come back?" She asked. "I'm not sure but he's back..... A-And he's the red hood." She looked at me. "You're kidding?" I shook my head. "I don't know how to deal with it.... I spent years morning him...." Emma hugged me tighter and I hugged back. "Go to your room and sleep it off... I clean things up here." She shook her head so I walked her to her room.


I put Arya in her room and walked back to the living room. I sighed and saw the mess. "She sure did a number on this place... I wonder if she killed him? No, probably just hurt." I said while picking up a pan with with a dent in it. "How about a death threat?" I jumped and saw Red hood poking his head in the window. "Turn off Living room video feed. Or Arya might just kill me for talking to you."

"What do you want, Jason? You've done enough here..." I said picking up things. "Is she okay? I didn't mean for this to happen..." I laughed dryly. "And yet you cane back. Why are you actually here?" I asked and he scoffed. "Nice to see you to, Emma... I just wanna know if she's okay?" He said and I could see the genuine concern on his face.

"I'm not sure... she's was crying and hyperventilating when I got here... I don't think she'll be alright instantly... But I think she'll be okay, eventually..." he nodded. So how did you come back anyway?" I asked. "Can't tell you sorry..... But I did want to see her again." I nodded and smiled.

"Well, you you better go. She might wake up and I don't wanna suffer the anger of her." I said smiling but he stood there. "Can you tell me a bit about her? I haven't seen her in a few years." He said and I nodded but sighed. "Sure but not today. I need to clean this mess and help her out." He nodded and began to walk to the window. "Oh and Jason. It is good to see you again."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! And I hope you are having a good day or night!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!


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