16) tim?

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"Clam down, Arya. I don't see that big deal?" Dick said and I growled. "No big deal? Dad has a new sidekick that he never told me about! I was on a business trip for two mouths?! In that time this kid got your secret ID, dads and maybe mine!" I yelled. "Tim never actually got yours..... Bruce told him..."

I growled. "This kid! Why would dad even get a new partner when Jason did go very fucking well! When I get hold of dad! How do you think Jayson will feel if he found out that dad has replaced!" I said growing my hands in the air. "I know you're mad but you know that you dad shouldn't be alone, he gets violent..... He needs a partner." I sighed.

"Then what am I? A fucking fill in when he needs someone?" He sighed. "We should got meet him. I think you'd like him." I hummed in annoyance.

We got out of my car and walked up the huge driveway leading to the manor.  We got to the door and we walked in. Dad was already there with a small-ish kid. He had black hair and all thought he had no bags underneath his eyes he looked as if he hadn't slept it a while. "Meet Tim. My new Robin..." he looked at me but I just plainly stared at this new 'Robin'. "Actually not robin, red Robin. He didn't want to replace Jason." I crossed my arms. "Mhm... So! Why do you wanna be a hero? What are the motivation behind it? How did you know he was batman?" Dad raised his hand and sighed.

"Arya! Leave you boy alone. He has told me and that's all that matters." I growled and walked to the kitchen, ignoring dad trying to call me back. I sat on the island in the kitchen and crossed my legs. "So he doesn't wanna be Robin but he will completely disregard it and be 'Red Robin'?" I mumbled again. I heard footsteps and saw it was Tim. I gave him a plain look.

"Need something?" I said and he smiled. "You know out of the whole bat-family before I knew who you all were, sparrow was always my favourite also along with batman. I liked how you fought but not in fear of anger but you laugh and have fun." I sighed. "It's fun to annoy them but I don't fight because it's fun that's stupid and will get you killed. You act like it's just a game and you'll get killed." I said walking off and walking out the house. I walked to my car and drove in a random direction. My phone that was connected to my car made a buzzing noise and I pressed a button. "Hello...."

"Hey, Arya! Bruce forgot to tell you something.... But I fear for my life if I tell you." I laughed dryly. "At this point dickie bird, I'm prepared for anything." He sighed. "Bruce is a adopting Tim

I kept quiet. "I'll talk to you another time, big bro." I hung up and drove to the nicest place in this whole city. Auntie Ivy's garden where she live!

I soon got there and I teleported out of my car and in the garden. I walked in it and soon got to her and Harley's little home. I knocked and walked in. "Hi auntie Ivy! Auntie Harley!" I was hugged by Harley and I smiled. "Hiya little psycho! How are ya!" She Yelled as she kissed my forehead. "Hah! I'm fine. How are you?" She smiled. "I'm fine! Puddin' keeps trying to find me though." She said and I smiled. "He won't get you while I'm here! Hey where is auntie Ivy?" She smiled. "She should be coming back now." I sat on the floor talking to Harley and we laughed together.

"Hey Harl- Cupid!" I was attack hugged and I smiled at the nickname. "Hiya! I hope you don't mind me coming outer the blue?" She shook her head. "Your always welcome here." I smiled and started to stroke the hyenas. "So, anything new?" I asked and Ivy sighed. "Nothing but this red hood business, honestly tired of it now." I laughed and nodded. "it's been all that the news have been going on about.... Anyone see Auntie cat?" They shook theirs heads. "No she's on some sort of visit out of Gotham? How's your company?" I nodded.

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