18) danger

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I coughed in pain as Jason laid me on my bed. "What's the matter!?" He said shocked. "Get my bag!" I asked and he ran out to get it. When he came back I grabbed a special plant and ate it. I soon calm down and breathed out in relief and pain. "Ryder." I called out and he took Jason's place. "What was that? If you want me to work for you you need to tell my why he knows the language of the forgotten?! And why I was attacked?!" I said.

"The forgotten are flawed creations, some of Father first. Why you were attacked I'm not sure? I cannot tell you anymore." He disappeared and I sat up. "Well I know what they actually are. The forgotten are flawed creations. Some of God's earliest one, the first thing he ever made." Jason sat next to means I put my head on his shoulder. "Why did it attack you though?" I sighed. "Not sure but it fucking hurt! I glad you didn't get hurt. It was a strong pain but not the strongest, the eye of Horus must have protected you?" I said and he smiled. "I'm going to try get some sleep?" I nodded and he hugged me.

Time skip

I woke up, thirsty. I walked to a kitchen and got a drink. I sighed and rubbed my shoulder. I flinched when I heard crying. I tilted my head when I heard it coming from Jason's room. I walked to his room and opened the door. He was crying?.....

I walked to him and kneeled next to him. He was crying hard and was mumbling about being sorry and dying. My heart broke at the site of it all. When I went to wake him but he woke himself up and looked at my. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." I smiled sadly and sat on the bed next to him. "What was the dream about?" I asked but he just shook his head."N-nothing." I hugged him and he couldn't hold in the tears. He hugged my like his life depended on it. I rubbed his back and spoke. "Wanna talk bout it?" I asked but he didn't answer.

"Come on Jay. I'm here." I wiped some of his tears and he sighed. "I had a nightmare about my death.... but I didn't die. We were both there, you came on that mission. Joker beat you instead of me. He pulled me out of the building but left you..... you died instead of me..." I stared at him sadly and hugged him tight. "Don't worry, jaybird. I am here and you know I'm real. That was a dream. I'm real and won't ever leave you.... Promise." I rested my head against his am I smiled.

"I wish I could help you with these nightmares but I'm not allowed, it could mess your head up. I'd rather have fun loving weirdo Jason than catatonic Jason." He laughed and I hugged him. "I'll stay with you tonight so I can stop anymore nightmares, yeah?" He nodded and I got in the bed with him and I hugged him.

After about ten minuets he was asleep and hugging me like life commanded it. I was playing with his hair and I smiled at him. " night, jaybird."

Time skip

I slowly opened my eyes to see a face? It was Arya's face. I remembered what happened last night and I smiled at Arya's sleeping form. She's innocent looking when she sleeps and she still dose that koala thing when she sleeps. her legs and arms were both wrapped around me so I couldn't really move without waking her. 'She didn't have to stay with me all night.... I bet she stayed up when I finally got some sleep?" I smiled and moved a bit of hair from her face.

"You shouldn't have become sparrow.... Its too dangerous..... I don't know what I'd do it you did die..." I slowly got up then walked out to make breakfast.


I woke up feeling unusually happy? I got out of bed and put some new clothes on. I put on some jeans and a plain black shirt. I walked out and was hit by an amazing smell! I walked to the kitchen and I saw jay cooking addled and pancakes! "Oh my god! Yasssss!" I sat at the table and eats some. "So what are we doing today?" Jason said and I quickly ate all my food. "Not sure? I heard some people talking about a town get  together? I'll start there so that means you can go snoop around any local bars to get some details?" He nodded and I walked to a mirror and tied my short-ish hair in a messy bun. "Going now!" I called to him and I walked out our hotel room.

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