20) Help! 😫

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The sun was shining bright through the window of my penthouse causing me to groan in annoyance. I opened one eye and nearly jumped out of my skin. So! When I got home and helped with Tim's eye and he left me a Jay watched movies till we eventually fell at four in the morning. Then I wake up and I'm LAYING ON JAY AND I CAN'T GET UP!!

His arms were wrapped around my waist and our legs were intertwined so I can't get up! I looked down at him and sighed in annoyance. 'I need pee! Why did we fall asleep together?!' I thought as I stared at him. His hair was longer now, not like to his shoulders kind but kinda like I could tie it back in the tiniest ponytail. I giggled at the thought and he started to stir. He started to turn over so now I was trapped at the back of the couch and Jay.

I growled and started to play with Jay's hair when I noticed a small white streak in his hair. "Mhmm? That's weird? What is it?" I mumbled as I played with it like a little cat. I smiled at I looked at Jay. We were really close together, so close that his hair was tickling my face. My face went red and looked at something else, anything else. He didn't have a nightmare last night with was a unusual change. He did tell he about one nightmare where the Joker kidnapped me and beat me with a crowbar, branded my face with a 'J' and killed me in an explosion. I wonder why he's having these nightmares?

I looked out of the window and sighed. 'I might as well get some slee-'

Bang bang

"Arya! Wake up! Quick!!"

"Shit!" I jumped at kicked jay if the couch. He yelped In surprise but before he could yell I covered him mouth with my hand. "Shh! Dick outside so go hide!" I whispered. I walked to my door and slowly opened it. "What do you need dickie bird?" He smiled but tilted his head. "What was that thump? Is someone in there with you?" He tried to walk in and I panicked. "Yes! Yes I have someone in there! A friend!" I said smiling anxiously. "Oh? Can I meet them?" He asked and I shook my head. "No! No he's shy, really shy." Dick laughed and patted my head.

"Tiny Bruce! Anyway Bruce wanted to know if you were getting ready for that gala? It's in four hours." My law dropped and I looked at his watch. "How is it already two in the afternoon?!" I said and he smiled. "Well, are you lot coming?" Dick shook his head and he grinned. "So! Get ready and it's at your building." He said smiling while walking off. I closed the door and tilted my head. "Why my building. Urgh whatever!" I walked to my kitchen and made some toast. "Gala? What gala?" Jay said walking in and hopping in the counter.

"I'm going to a gala and doing some public speaking." He grabbed of of my toast and I glared at him. "I'm also being sold for a date to raise money for charity." As soon as I said that he coughed up the toast and I smirked. I patted his back and walked to my bathroom and made a bath. I undressed myself and hopped in.

I laid down and I heard jay say many profanities. "Jay? What do you want? I'm in the bath! Go away!" I laughed and he grumbled from behind the locked door. "Can I come?" I sighed. "Sorry jay but dad might be there and I don't want him getting you? That reminds me? How's the wound on you chest?" I asked and he hummed at me. "Fine.... But I'm bored!" He complained. I quickly washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner and got out. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out to my room with jay following behind like a puppy. I looked in my wardrobe for a dress to wear and jay sat on my bed. I picked up a dress and threw it on my bed.

I sat at my mirror and looked at the makeup Emma has never used but is around my place. Why not! I put some light makeup on my pale skin and after a while I opened my eyes and smirked. I looked at jay who was just watching and pointed at the door. "Out. I need to get dressed." He didn't move. I growled and teleported him out my room. "Cheater!" He yelled and I yelled back. "Perv!" I grabbed a strapless bar and put in on. I put on my dress and did my hair, I only slightly curled it. I but my shoes on and looked in the mirror.

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