26) Impact?

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"How the fuck do you this?" I mumbled as I tried to cook food. I looked on my phone for good easy food to make but it's fucking hard! I can't cook! The toast started to burn so I took them out and put of Jelly on them. I heard footsteps and smiled at the sight. Arya stood at the door, messy hair and a hand over her eyes shielding them fro the sun.

"And how are you?" I said smirking. "I would yell and wave my arena about but I'm afraid I'll throw up...." I nodded and gave her a glass of water and some aspirin. "What did I do last night? I sense something stupid?" I gave her a look. "You remember nothing? Nothing at all?" She shook her head. "Nope. I didn't do anything weird did I?" I shook my head. "No, other than try to hug me nothing else." She sighed and jumped on the couch. "My head hurts!" She growled. "I have a press interview today... But its so worth this pain." She said trying to smile.

"I made food. Looks like shit though? You don't have to eat it-""No!" She yelled running at the food and started eating it, even though it's smells like poison. "I'll need lots of energy for today! And you put so much effort into making it! I'm going to eat it!" She said practically breathing it up. I smiled at her and her stupidity. "It might food poison you?" She waved her hand at me. "No it won't! Can you pick an outfit? Something casual?" I nodded and walked into her room and grabbed anything.

I put them on her bed and nodded. "It looks fine but for an press interview?" I shrugged.

(Put no sweater)

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(Put no sweater)

I walked out and she was laying on the couch rubbing her stomach. "That's what you get for eating my shot food." I laughed and she smiled at me. "No! It was great! Imma get dressed now!" She yelled while running for her room. I heard her throw up not long after. I smiled and cleaned up.

Time skip

"I'm done!" I looked up from my phone and Arya smiled brightly at me. "Let's go!" We walked out the door and walked out the building and she looked at me. "Don't get bored now? It's just me answering some questions." I nodded and as we were walking people stopped and stared at us, or more Arya.

"Is that the girl?"

"She's saving young people!"

"I heard she's using her own minuet to help?"

"She's our hero!"

Arya started to get embarrassed at the attention she was getting and I smirked. "Yup! This is Arya Wayne and she's working to help the people!" I yelled and people either started cheering or videoing us. "She's helping the young when no one else will!" I yelled and she started running, dragging me along. When we got far away from the videoing crowd she punched me in the arm. "What was that? I didn't want any attention brought to me or you for that matter." I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Bruce creates fear in the villains of Gotham. I kill the villains of Gotham. You should be a sign of hope you all people in Gotham. Like a kind of cycle?" She smiled and grabbed my hand and we ran to where the whole interview was happening.

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