44) little talk?

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I have been at the office for hours and I was getting very pissed off. "How could you say that you would be creating your own charities?! That was a stupid, childish move, Arya! Are you listening?!" My head on broad yelled. "Yup. I'm just filtering out the yelling." He scoffed at me.

"It was my decision so don't patronise me! I want to help and I have the power to help so don't coming into my face and yell to me that I am childish!" I growled at him. "We have the power to take away your power. Do not make childish decisions that could jeopardise the company. Do you understand!" I stood up and he tried to look intimidating. "Do not threaten me. If you do I will make sure you are fired instantly. Do you understand?" I said quoting his idiocy.

"I will have you kick out of your po!-" "-Get out off my office before I do something that I regret!" I growled and he stormed out of my office. "You are just like you father!" I flipped him off and rested m head on my desk. I heard a laugh and I looked up to see Jay. "Please tell me you brought me a gun because I'm contemplating shooting him." I said and he smiled. "No gun but I brought a coffee. You could throw it at him?" He grinned and I gave him a look. "No! I would waste the coffee like that! Tim would kill me."

"Is?... Is that my hoodie?" Jay asked referring to the red hoodie I was wearing.  "No?......" I questioned. "What else have you been stealing off me?" He laughed. "First my heart." He grinned sarcastically. I gave him a look. "Then my hoodies?" He said on the couch and took a sip of his coffee. "What next? My surname?"  I coughed, choking of the coffee. "Don't say such weird things!" I yelled as he laughed at me and look a picture.

"That's a keeper." He showed me the picture of me looking very panicked and red. "Oh my lord! Delete itttt!" I complained. "Did you do anything interesting today?" I asked looking back at my computer screen. "No." I looked at him at him but never turned my head. "Oh. Well were you out on patrol? Last night? I left last night to get some work done." He nodded and I typed away.


Arya was just typing and I was bored. I did go on patrol but only to stay awake, I'm having more nightmares and it's getting really fucking annoying. I looked at Arya and grinned. I know why I do what I do," but I've never known the reason why she dose it? I've never asked?

"Why do you do what you do?" She smugly smiled. "What?" She was confused and I didn't blame her, she's not a fan of the pronoun game. "Why do you do what you do? Why do you fight? Why become a hero? Bruce never wanted this for you." She still didn't look at me. "That's deep? Too deep for you? It's creepy for you." She laughed, still looking at the screen.

"Just answer the question, nerd." I groaned, giving her a look. "The more I save the people the more there need saving. Can't I ever get peace, or rest? No, I don't want it. People who run with me? It never ends for them. We all know we all die but know one knows it like me." She laughed but it was humourless. "I don't get peace, it's something I could never afford. I've never wanted it, it's not an option. In the 'perfect' world no crime would kill me.... I'm paying a dept, kinda?"

"A dept?" She nodded. "I have ki- Actually that's not important... I'm paying for something I did in another place. I help because some people can't help themselves. I don't it because it's the right thing to do but I know it's bad to admit but the reason why I have depression, even if it's a small case, is because everyday is the same.... When I'm not Sparrow, everyone says the damn things, everyday is the same and I see like I can escape it. Emma once said it was the boredom, she said 'it's because of you power. You have all of that but you only scratch the surface on how much you are using.' I neither agree or disagree." I only nodded and she typed.

"Knowing that everything I do will always end the same. I can't stop everything." She looked at me, her blue eyes Just stared at mine.

"I don't think I can stop it either."

"I'm not letting it happen." She smiled. "Sure." I smirked and she looked at the screen. "Why are you so?..." I grinned at her. "Your turning 21 soon, right?" I asked, knowing that the idiot forgot it yet again. "Oh shit! You didn't tell anyone?! Please tell me you didn't!" I just shrugged. "I would never! How dear you even accuse me of that?" She knew u was being sarcastic and glared at me. "I hate you." She started typing again.

"You won't leave me? I mean?" She froze at the question. Almost as if she was thinking about an answer, no, a good response? "I won't leave you or anyone. It doesn't matter if you ever thought I'd leave you because nothing will make me leave you even if they took me away from you." I nodded. "How long will you be Sparrow or be with us all?" She smirked.

"Forever and always, ya nerd! You can't get away from me that easy!"

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!
Sorry for the short chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!

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