3) meet Jason!

575 13 7

10 years old


"Dick!! I'm gonna hurt you!" I yelled chasing my adoptive brother down the halls. "You have have just turned 15 but you're so childish! I gonna rip your arm off and feed them to Momo!" I yelled chasing the dumb-ass.

"Can't get me, Ary!" He said laughing. He waved my spell book at me. I growled at him and thought of something. "Ekam a ssem!" I yelled. It was a weak spell but very effective! Books started to fly toward him and I gained speed. he ran down the stairs and I was right on his tail. We both got to the bottom and I jumped on his back making him fall over and landed on his belly.

"Thank you!" I grabbed the book but stayed on his back. "Oh! Hi dad!" I said waving. Dad smiled and sighed. "What are you two doing?" He asked. "Ary was doing magic again!" Dick yelled and I hit him the the huge book. Dads looked sad and sighed again. "What have I told you? Magic is not something to play around with." He said scolding me. "I know... But look! Momo!" A little cat popped out of no where. "What is that?!" He asked shocked.

"This is momo! I summoned my first demon! But don't worry, she's only a weak one." I said and dad sighed again and stroked momo. "You sure it's not powerful?" I nodded. "Momo, disappear." She vanished and I tilted my head when I saw a boy about my age. "This is Jayson Todd. He'll be living with us." Dad said with a smile. I smiled at Jayson and held out my hand. He didn't shake it but I still smiled. "Never mind them." I said smiling. "You're not this kind to me!" Dick said pouting.

I stood up and lightly put my foot on his head. "It's because he doesn't steal my things!" I said angrily. I walked to the huge garden and sat by the pool. My spell book was a simple brown leather book with a large pentagram with a eyes in the pentagram. I opened it and looked at the kinds of spells I could try. I smirked and read about a spell that let the user control fire. I smiled and read the words that look like random words. I clicked my fingers but nothing happened.

I clicked my fingers again and a small flame came out of my thumb. "H-Ha! I did it!" I was getting excited and I felt burning. "ARH! Shit!" I shoved my hand in the pool. "Owie!" I put my thumb in my mouth and looked at the book. I turned the page and yelled in anger. "Why are the warnings on the next page!?" I said as I took my thumb out of my mouth. I looked to the house and smiled. "Jayson, I know your're there." I said and he came out and walked to me. "You can sit down, you know?" He sat down in front of me.

"It's a trick, right?" I smirked. "A non-believer?" He nodded. "Do you have a hidden match or something?" I shook my head. "No, I can do real magic. I hate or that fake crap." He rolled his eyes and I grinned at him.

"Momo! Come" My little cat demon popped out of nowhere and landed on my shoulder. "How do yo explain that then?" I asked stroking momo. "I don't know?" He said and he went to stroke her. She hissed and tried to scratch him. "Argh! Stupid cat!" He said and I smiled. "She can smell anger and sadness on you. You know she's not normal? I mean, she has two tail?" I said and he glared at the cat.

"Demons of momo's kind feed off negative emotions. That's why I like momo, she is different....She says how she dislikes feeding of human emotions and would rather eat human food." I said petting her head. "Cats don't talk. Fake demon or not." He said and I smiled.

"Come here." He leaned overawed I poked his forehand. "There! Momo, what do you have to say?" I said happily.

This human is rude and smells like danger!

She said hissing. Jason freaked out and scrambled away from momo. "Don't worry! She will learn to like you." He looked at the ground. "What else can you do?" He asked and I smiled. "Well, not much right now. But if I keep on practicing I will be able to do some real awesome stuff!" I said and he smiled, for the first time that I've seen. It was so adorable!

"So, where did you live before coming here?" I asked looked back at my book. "I lived in Gotham with my mom and dad. My dad was taken away to prison and my mom is dead.... so... Yeah." I didn't know what do so I just nodded. "Well, my mom's dead too. I never got to meet her." I said as I continued reading.

"How can you even do magic?" He asked and I smiled. "Well?... Really anyone can do magic but its the basics like, I don't know, fixing a cut? But people who have practiced for a really long time can do it. Oh and people with magic in their family can do It too. I think my mom's family had magic users in it." I said and I tried the same spell again.

I mumbled the words and clicked my fingers. The small black flame appeared and I smirked. "Can I touch it?" He asked looking at the flame, he also went to touch it it anyways. I moved my hand away. "Sorry nope! This isn't any normal fire, this is said to be the eternal fire. If it even barely touched you, you'd die instantly, It won't stop burning till your dust. (*cough* Peter Parker *cough*) I could stop stop it but its said to kill the user if you try and stop it. Its weak now but I'll probable never use it." I said and he moved closer.

"Why?" I smiled at him. "Well, right now it very, very weak because I am. It's only burns about as hot at a F1 racing car, which is about 90 degrees. But and I know this because of the book, one user actually manage to get it hotter than the sun! They couldn't use it or they'd destroy everything. If I use it I wanna make it strong but weak enough to not destroy everything." I said and he stared in awe.

"So, wanna be my friend?!" I said and he nodded fast. I smirked and he shook my hand. "Well, nice to meet ya!" I said happily.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I also hope you enjoyed your night or day!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!


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