37) keep my secrets

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My eyes snapped open and I gasped in pain. I was in a house. Or rather a living room? "What the fuck?" I mumbled. "Oh? Arya I don't like you mouth. But sadly you get it from me." I jumped and turned to see a woman. "Can I Help you, Miss? And do we know each other?" She laughed.

"I'm insulted you wouldn't recognise your mother." She laughed slightly. "You not my mom. She's dead." She smiled. "Then what am I?" She said humming. "You are a projection of my mind. My body's way of healing so my psyche is stable." She smiled and rested her face on her palm. "True. But in here? I'm your mom. Your version of what your mother would look like." I scoffed.

"Your only here so my mind will calm while healing." She nodded. "I can leav-" "Don't! I don't want to be alone....." I said rubbing my arm. "So?... How long have you been my mind mom?" She smiled lovingly at me. "Ever since you started to wonder what she looked like. Like take my glasses for example. You need glasses but bruce doesn't, So you thought you mom would need glasses like you. What ever you think she need I get."

"What happened? You might die and it's over one life." I gave her a look. "You are correct. One life! An he was worth saving, everyone is! I see I thought mom was an asshole!" I growled and she smiled again. "No, but you always thought your mother would see the bigger picture." I nodded.

"Let's talk about you." She said. "Why? I'm not that interesting." She giggled. "That's not true. I find you very interesting. So dose that boy. You have been through so much in your short life." I sat on the couch. "Well I'm willing to go through anything if it means saving the innocent." She smiled brightly. "You care for everyone a lot don't you?" I shook my head.

"Not everyone... Just the ones that I love. And kind people, I guess." I said and she smiled. She dose that a lot.... "You Care for the Jason fellow? And that boy, oh and that woman.... Can't forget that baby." I sighed. "Yes. If you must know. I care for all of them. They are my fam-" "but you can't stop her from dying."

I froze. "If you are referring to Lisa, than no. I cannot stop her from dying unless it means killing myself....I've been told I have to let it happen. I will just appreciated every moment with her. And the kid? Oh I love him so much, I would die for him. Nothing would ever stop me. And Jay? He is special to me. More than anything in the world.... If someone hurt him I'd kill them..... So tell me? Am I lying?" I said looking at her with a blank face.

"No... No your not. Anyways you are waking up now." I nodded. "I hope to see you again." I nodded again. "I do too. It was refreshing talking to my mind mom." She hugged me and everything turned white. Then after a while it turned black, and it smelt. I sat up but hissed in pain. I went to hold my  wound and noticed that there was no pole?

"What the?..." I looked at it. It was wrapped in bandages and I could feel it healing. "You are awake." A deep, raspy and scratchy voice said. I knew who it was and I jumped from my 'bed'. When I stood up I fell to the ground and hissed. "Croc. Why am I here?" I hissed. He wrapped his tail around me and I was expecting to be crushed but I was carefully lifted into bed. My eyes were wide from shock. "What? I'm not a heartless monster." He growled and I smiled. "Thank you."

I laid down and let out a shaky breathe. "I found you with a pole in your gut. Not sure how you are alive but you are. You have lost a lot of blood." I sighed and smiled. "Why did you help me?" I asked and he threw something soft at me. I looked at it and saw it was my tattered up suit. I gasped and felt my face. "My suit!? Why am I not wearing it!?" I asked shocked and in pain.

"It was practically falling off you went I found you. I removed them and you went in shorts and a strange thing." I laughed painfully. "Sports bra. I guess you are going to tell everyone in Gotham in ID?" He let out a deep laugh. "No. I'm not. You nearly killed yourself for a homeless man. Some of my group. I will keep you secret." I smiled at him. "Next time you get sent to Arkham I'll get you to not be treated like an animal." He laughed. He sat next to my bed.

"Does this mean Bruce Wayne is the Batman?" I laughed. "My father?! No. He's not Batman. He could not fight his way out off a bag." I said and croc gave me a look. "You have been here for two days. You lost a lot of blood and are still losing it.  Batman is more aggressive. You need to get back to him." I nodded. He picked me up in one arm, a lot like how you would hold a baby. We walked out of his sewers and after ten minuets we were topside.

I felt dizzy and I sensed dad about. Croc growled and held me tighter, most likely expecting dad to get rough with him.... And to protect me? I was getting very dizzy. "Croc! What are you holding!" Croc turned his head. "Something for you actually." He said in his 'evil' voice. Dad growled and went to punch him. "Wait! Batman!" He stopped and croc turned to show me, bloody and everything. "Your Okay. Croc! If you hurt her, I will end-"

"He actually saved me...." I said softly. My head hurts. "He found me and helped me. And he is keeping my ID secret because I saved that man...." I mumbled and croc handed me over to dad. "Don't hurt h-him... he helped me..." I mumbled. Dad took my pulse. "Your pulse is getting weak. I'm getting you to an ER." He said holding me in a tight grip. I hummed quietly. "Oh.... Can you not get him sent to Arkham Just this once? H-he did save me." I said closing my eyes. I think dad nodded and I weakly waved at croc, opening one eye. "Thank you so much." He nodded and went back into the sewers.

"Dad.... I'm sorry I was stupid." Dad grabbed to a building then some more. "You were stupid..... But you save someone." I smiled and rested my head on him chest. "I-I'm gonna sleep....."

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts One this chapter!!!!


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