35) new addition

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I sat on a roof with Arya and sighed. 'She's been way more quiet than usual? It's freaky.' I thought looking at her. "What is it Jason. I can practically hear you brooding over there." She said not even Turing to me. "Nothing. Your a bit quiet? Something up?" I said loading my gun. "No. I'm just tired." I laughed at that at.

"A bat-kid getting tired? Ha, I've heard it all." She laughed and stuck a middle finger up at me, still not turning to me. "You sure? You've been quiet for a few days." She nodded. "I'm fine. Just leave it." I quietly hummed at her. If there is a person you don't want to push it with it is Arya Wayne. Girl is scary! But I am really confused on what was bothering her.

Time skip

It was morning and I was laying on my bed talking to Emma. "I'm not sure? She's getting pretty suspicious about it." Emma laughed. "Just tell her you out seeing Alfred." I scoffed. "Oh yeah! 'Hey Arya! Sorry I was out all day meeting Alfred and now I smell like girl perfume!' That's sounds like a great excuse!" I whisper yelled at her. "Well you need to think of an idea! You need go meet that woman you know!" I sighed. "Fine! I'll go to her now. See ya." She hung up on me and I grabbed my red hoodie.

I walked out my room and saw Arya in the kitchen, cooking. "Whatcha doing." I said and she gave me a look. "Making a cake for Lisa baby shower. I don't actually get what a baby shower is? Why are they a thing?" She said confused. "To give gifts to the mom or the kid. I find them pointless and awkward." She laughed and carried on with the cake. "Where are you going?" She asked. I smirked. "Gonna miss me? I'm just going to get more bullets. I know a guy."

She nodded, probably not believing me cause I have a room full of bullets.... but I actually hid them all! I walked out the door waving and took the elevator out of the building. I walked out and onto the street. I walked down the street, passing people and minding my own business.

I crossed the street and before I could even look around I was at the place I was meeting a friend. I walked into the coffee shop and order a drink. I sat at a booth and waited. I grabbed my phone and got a text.

'Running a tad bit late! Be there in a bit!'

I sighed. But I laughed at myself. It was sent twenty minutes ago. I heard the bell ring and I looked up to see an old friend. "Hiya! Long time no see, Jason!" Lizzie said happily. I waved at her and she slapped me. "Next time you move to new your and not talk to me for five year I'm going to kill you!" I smiled sheepishly. "Hey! I'm sorry. But are you happy to see me?" She nodded.

See, I've know Lizzie for a while. For the short time I went to school and when Arya already left school And was in college early she became my friend and I guess Bruce told her I went to live in New York? "You have change so much! Not a twat anymore." She said in her thick English accent. "Oh no! I still am. So what have you been you to?" She smiled. "Well, I'm getting married! I can't wait!" I smiled at her. "Really? Who's the lucky guy?" She laughed and rubbed her arm.

"Lucky lady. You remember Megan Thomson?" My eyes went slightly wider. "Really? Well I can't wait to get my invitation." She laughed. "Oh I'm working at an animal shelter." I nodded. "So what are you doing?" I smiled. "You know, the usual badass stuff. I'm living with an old friend and not on talking terms with Bruce and the rest of them." She sighed.

"Arh! Why?" She said sadly. "He?... chose to keep this asshole around when I was gone." I said sighing and she nodded. "So, who's this old friend of yours?" She asked. "You remember Arya Wayne, right?" She smiled brightly at me. "The Arya Wayne?! The 'she's so awesome and badass' Arya Wayne!?" She said excitedly and I sighed at her. "Oh I can't wait to meet her! I bet she so cool! I've heard so many things about her from you! Anyone would think you were in love with the girl!" I smirked at lizzie's stupidity.

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