10) the Chase is on?

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We jumped on a roof and dad got out this huge toy. I started to think of good spells to use. He shot the at the helicopter and it looked like it was short circuiting. I smirked. "You know what I missed most about running with you? The toys!" I laughed and then made my black fire come out of my palms. "Stay sharp. We're not done." Dad said. "You wanna dance? Lets dance." Hood made the helicopter go off the building and I felt slight rubbing on my leg.

"Oh shit...." When the copter went down well, so did I!! I was pulled off the building so fast and I laughed. "Lets play asshole!" I grabbed the rope holding my leg and using the fire I sent down the rope with out burning it but sending my fire to the hood. He jumped out before I could burn him and I laughed. I burnt away the rope around me and flew down closer to the ground. I made some quick signs with power behind them and made a small barrier to stop the copter.

I flew up and caught dad and I could mentally hear him scolding me... "That was one scary CGI helicopter!" I said and dad gave me a weird look. I grabbed Dick and flew us to get the hood. I dropped dad and Dick but Hood jumped off a building?! He landed on construction work for a building an I flew after him.

Dad threw a bata-rang at him but hood jumped into the blue sheet shit next to us. We were so close to him but he grabbed a gas canister, jumped out of the window and threw the canister at us while shooting it. Dick grabbed my hand and pulled me behind cover, if he didn't I was be literal toast!

"He's starting to piss my off!" I flew out the building and he was jumping through the support beams of a building. I growled and tried to fly faster but in this kinda cramped area it was hard. He jumped off a support beam landing on another roof. "What is his deal with jumping off buildings?" I muttered. We were chasing him over buildings but he turned a corner and onto a GPD blimp. I flew up and around the corner but he wasn't even trying to shoot at me? Just dad?

"He's good." Dick said and dad growled. "Yes, he's putting on quite a show." I growled at him. "Doesn't explain why he isn't trying to shoot at me." I said angrily. "Maybe he likes ya!" I glared at Dick and we ran/flew over the blimp. Dad was recording the hood and we were still, say it with me now, chasing him. Dad threw a cable at his but he sliced it off before it went tout. I stared at him in shock.

"He's very good." Dick said and I nodded. Hood jumped to a ledge. "We got him." I doubt that but OK. Hood jumped off yet another building and grabbed a rope to swing into a glass roof. "That's impressive." Dick said and I glared at hood. "Nothing we haven't seen before." Dad said and we jumped off the building into the same station as him. I looked around but could see him. "Think we lost him?" Dick asked but I stopped and heard beeping. "Move!" I yelled and we ran but the blast still hit us.

I hit my head and everything was fussy.... Ears ringing. I head my head. Dick held his leg in pain. I looked over and saw Hoody. "You haven't lost your touch--" I grabbed dad and Dick and jumped on the platform.

Time skip

"He's got some moves, huh? And as much as I hate to belabor a point..." He said and I gave him a 'bitch for real' look. "And still it it exactly what you do." Alfie said and I laughed. "I'm chatty. It's part of my charm. I'm saying that our boy here has got skills. He's been trained and trained well. Like right there. That. He sliced that cable off his ankle before it went taut. You don't just do that. It has to be practiced. Leaned." He said and I nodded.

"And there's the knife." Dad asked and I stared at the picture of the knife. "What about it?" Dick asked and I sighed. "How many knives do you know that can cut dad's lines?" I asked him and he sighed. "Not many..." He said and dad nodded. "Well, look, we obviously have ourselves a player, we-- ow!" Dick tried to get off his little medical bed but his leg hurt. "Alfred, take him home." Dad said and I smiled at Dick.

"Bruce, I can help." He said like a small child. "You already have. Thank you. Go rest up." Dad said and I helped Dick stand up. "Okay. Well, you know where to find me if you need me. He did just thank me, right?" Dick asked and I laughed. "Indeed he did, sir." Alfie said and I waved at Dick. "Weird.." I walked to dad and sighed. "I'm going to head home... Oh! I have some info on this red hood. The homeless network told me some good things." Dad looked at me. "Go ahead." I nodded. "He's been showing up in countries around the world for five years. The first country he actually showed up in he was savage... Killing anyone that got in his way.... The network of homeless people say that he was trained... Anyway I have work tomorrow so I need sleep..." I gave him a quick hugged and teleported home.

The instant I got they I knew something was off. "C.L.A.I.R.E? Are you online?" I heard nothing. "System override... pass code: Jaybird" I said and after a few second C.L.A.I.R.E came back online. "What happened? Is you program damaged?" I asked asked worried. "No. Thank you for your concern.... The Red hood was here..." I nodded. "Did he hack you?" I asked and looked around the room. I walked to my office and saw nothing has been moved apart from a few photos?

"No. He knew my password... I'm not very sure how but he used it and it to shut me down." I smiled. "It's OK! Don't worry, nothing was even taken." I said looking though my computer. I picked it up and it was a picture of me and Jayson. I smiled at the photo and sighed. Well how are video feed? Were they still working?" I asked still looking at the photo. It was a picture of me, dad, Dick, Alife, Jason and Emma.... All smiling happily. "Yes." I thanked her and brought up the feed on my computer.

Rood walked into my office and looked around. C.L.A.I.R.E's popped up and spoke. "Please leave. You are not Authorized to be here." I have a safety measure in my home that if someone bad is there the guns that are filled will with gas, and shoot the people. The safety guns came out but hood clapped his hands. "She's been busy!" He laughed. I smiled while glaring at him. "It's like he knows me?" I said.

"System override.... Pass code: Baby Bird" He said and I froze. "How?! No one knows my override codes and no one in the world could even hack my programs! How did he find out!?" I said angrily. I walked out my office and called Emma. After a few second she picked up. "Ye-low! How are you, Arya?" Emma said happily. "Can you come round right now? I need your help." She hummed and hung up. I growled and threw my phone on the couch in a fit of rage.

"Stupid red hood! Knowing shit that he isn't meant to know!" I turned around and jumped. "I'm not stupid, just got a good memory, baby bird." I glared at him and walked up to him. "If you hurt Emma to get those override codes I'll rip your arms off and send you to hell...." I growled at him threateningly. He put his hands up. "Wouldn't dream of it! Nice girl that one. I'm here to see you." I put my hands on my hips. "Oh how lucky I am! I might just die! Get the fuck out of my apartment!" I growled pointing to the window.

"Wow.... Did being sparrow make you angrier that when you were a teenager?" I grabbed his collar and held it tight. "How did you find out! What did you hack?!" I growled. "No nothing like that!" I clicked him finger and got out my spell book. "Ekam mih tegrof!" He stood there looking bored by his posture. "Yeah. I don't think that will work." He said and I glared while tilting my head. "And why is that?"

"Well certain magic doesn't doesn't work on the people you love or have a strong connection." I laughed. "I do not have a connection with." He sighed and pressed a bottom on his mask. He lifted it up and








Sorry for the cliffhanger but I think it's pretty clear who it is if you have ever read the comics or seen the movies/game!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are have a fun day/night!!!!!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!!!


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