7) work as usual....

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"Look at all the gumdrop people... Hehe!" I looked Arya and sighed. "This is the CEO of the fourth biggest company in America? Wake up!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her repeatedly. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!" I yelled and she jumped up, of her bed and onto the floor.

"Dude! What the fuck!! I was having a good dream!!" She yelled. I smiled and waved a hand at her. "But you promised to take me to your work today! I wanna see that Gotham most gorgeous bachelorette does at work!" I said and she smirked. "Stop! Your making me sound like a girl version on my dad!" She said waving my hands.

"You are! But your not a player!" I said getting a slap from her. "Oi!" I smiled and sighed. "You can come but I need to get dressed first. Wear whatever you want." She said walking off. I was already dressed in an oversized shirt and some black jeans. I sat to the couch and looked at the clock.

"We'll be late..." I said and I was about to go get her and she jumped out at me. "Boo!" I jumped and fell. "Ha! Come on!" She helped me up and we walked out the house. "So what do you do at your work?" I asked smiling. "Same as dad really? But with the different part of my company like.... 'New Wayne healthcare' or 'New Wayne nanotechnology' they are much different to dad company." She said as we got up to a huge building.

We walked in the main hall and we were greeted by a young lady at the desk. "Hello Miss Wayne! What brings you here today?" The lady said smiling. "I have some business in my office and I'll like to show my best friend what I do." She said smiling sweetly at the lady. The lady blushed and she nodded. We walked off and went in the elevator and straight to Arya's office.

She sat in her seat and I sat on the chair in front. "Well, I can say one thing you and your dad have in common." She have me a look but smiled. "Both genders love and would always try to get close so get your money." I said smiling at her. She smiled and showed me her computer. "I've been working on something that I think you will like!" She said and I looked at her in confusion. "I thought you have like you know? CEO work? Important work?" I asked and she typed some stuff on her huge computer.

"I've have been working on something that I can't involve my company. My board are all to power hungry." She said and I sighed. "Come on! Tell me!" I yelled happily.


"Come on! Tell me!" She yelled happily and I sighed. "Jeez wait." I said and I typed on my computer. "I think this can help with my work and my other job." She nodded and Presses on key and sat on her desk. "Wow..... This is amazing! You've done nothing!" She said amazed and I glared at her. "Wait! She's loading up."

She tilted her head. "She?" I clapped my hands. "C.L.A.I.R.E, Introduce yourself." I said happily. "Hello, I am C.L.A.I.R.E... I am Miss Wayne's personal AI." I smiled. "C.L.A.I.R.E, I told you to call me Arya. You're a friend not my slave." I said and I heard beeping. "Your name had now been changed." I smiled and looked at Emma. "You built AI? Wha! This is amazing! She's the leading tech in the whole world! What dose 'C.L.A.I.R.E' stand for anyway?" She asked and nodded to my self.

"It stands for 'Computerized logic and Intelligence regime Enforcer' and your right, she is the most advance thing- person on the planet and most like for the near future. She's able to Hack any computer in the world, even the ones I can't. I have even programmed with knowledge on a few other world, in or out of our universe." I said smiling happily. "How have you been able to do this?! How long have you been doing this?" Emma asked shocked. "And you said person not thing?" I nodded.

"I feel like its rude to call her a thing but she seems to not want me to call her a person.... She understands that she's a AI but she doesn't mind, she said I can refer to her as I want but I'm gonna start referring her as she wants to.... And I've been working on her since I was 14." I said and I pulled up a picture of what she looked like.

She had a female shaped face and a kind but emotionless smile. "Wait? 14? That when Jason died, isn't?" I nodded and sighed. "I tried to kill Joker and came close to doing it. I was depressed and not eating, sleeping or anything....I was pulled out of my deep, deep depression by you and dad... I decided to make something that would change lives. I have had her up and running for about a year but with little things needed. I feel like making her was a good thing, It shows how I don't just rely on magic for everything. I also built her so nobody would die like Jason did." Emma nodded and I looked at C.L.A.I.R.E.

"Next and I know its silly but I wanna build her a body. If red tornado can do it so can I!" I said all exited. Emma nodded. "I'm so tired!" I smiled at her and pointed to the couch. "I have some work to do anyway. Go ahead and sleep, I'll wake you up when we leave." She nodded and I looked at C.L.A.I.R.E. "Hey? Could you now download yourself you my phone and watch?" I heard beeping and she did it.

I was about to start my work when I got a phone call. I picked it up and it said the call was coming from 'Batdad'.... I smiled. "What do you need, batdad?" I said happily. "Suit up. We have a mission." I hummed and spoke. "What is this mission?" I asked smiling at I looked at Gotham through the widow. "Some people have taken Amazo and we need to get it back." I nodded and hung up. I stood up and clicked my bracelet.

My clothes slowly changed into my suit by using the nanotech that my company is famous for making. I smirked when it was done. "C.L.A.I.R.E. , Please keep the office on lockdown until Emma wakes up and please don't let anyone hack my computers. Oh and could you make sure she gets home safely?" I asked and she spoke. "Of coure... Arya." I smiled at teleported to dad using my link to him.

"Tonight gonna be along night..." I said sighing.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I also hope you are enjoying your day or night!!! Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!


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