30) sneaking out

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"Wake up! Come now!" I shot up and went to punch the person that woke me up out out of instinct. "Princess? What are you doing?! I could have hurt you!" I hissed at her and she scoffed. "Unlikely, I've been trained in self defence since I was eleven." I sighed. "And I've been trained by Batman since I was four, now what do you need?" I asked and she rubbed her arm. "You have been outside the palace? I have but always in a blacked out vehicle so I do not really see anything." I nodded not liking where this was going.

"Take me outside! I want to go to the city near here!" I shook my head. "I would, really! But if I took you outside and if we were caught I'd be accused of kidnapping! I'd rather not have that." She crosses her arms. "I have been stuck in the walls of either this palace or my families! I have not experienced anything that the poor do, I really want to." I sighed and nodded. "Fine. But we need to make you less identifiable." I clicked my figures and her hair charged colour. "How will changing my hair make me different?" I waved a hand at her. "Please! If uncle Clark can put on glasses on them so can you!" I clicked my fingers and made some glasses  appear and she put them on.

I laid out a few outfits and She stared at them and I laughed and handed her something she'd probably like. She gave me a look where she saw the clothes. "You can't go out in that dress. Use the bathroom to get dressed." She nodded and went in the bathroom. I laughter at her and I quickly threw on an outfit. She walked out and tried to cover the small bit of stomach showing. "I can not wear this! I am a future queen and I look like a prostituatā!" She said and I laughed. "No you don't! And besides, you wanna go out? You're going to have to look normal." I said smiling.

Her outfit

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Her outfit

Arya's outfit

"A few things before we go, I don't know your name? And don't speak formally

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"A few things before we go, I don't know your name? And don't speak formally. So change 'do not' to 'don't' or when saying 'want to' say 'wanna'." She nodded. "I am Maria." I nodded. "Kinda like my name, Arya. Oh! And not 'I am', say 'I'm'" She nodded and I grinned at her. "So are we going to get out? This palace is impenetrable." I scoffed. "Not for me!" I grabbed her arm. "Just don't scream." She nodded and I teleported.

We got to an alley and she gasped. "H-How?! What was that?!" She smiled but then nearly threw up. "Yup.... First time teleporting is never fun." She breathed and looked at me. "So where are we going?" I pulled her out of the alley and into the 'city centre' if you will. She looked around in awe, mouth wide open and eyes for of wonder. "Enjoying yourself?" I said putting my hands in my pockets and smirking. She scoffed and walked ahead of me. "Of course not!" She was still smiling though. "I'm talking you to a nightclub!" I said happily. "What is a 'nightclub'?" I smirked. "It's a very cool place! People go there to drink and sing and have fun." She just nodded and we walked to the nearest one.

She stayed close to me as people began saying things to us. "Arh don't mind people. We are a happy lot, especially when we have had a few drinks. Oh I know I'm taking you to a night club but don't take anything off people. No pills, drinks or strange items." She nodded and we got to a club. We walked in and she smiled at everything. We walked in and sat at a booth. The music was blasting and people were dancing. She was looking around like a kid in a candy store. "Like it?" She nodded and a random waiter came and and smiled at us. "What drinks would you like, ladies?" I smiled. "Beer for me and a coke, please."  She gave me a look. "How come you are allowed alcoholic drinks?" I smirked as the drinks were brought to us. "Believe me princess, I can handle alcohol. You look as if you have never had a drop and plus your under the age limit." She pouted and looked at the singers.

"When I was a child, father made me learn all the songs passed through the generations. I can recite all of them... But seeing the songs that the poorer people sing it makes me want to learn them." I took a sip of my drink and smiled. "We have the best music... Music is like a religion? Sounds weird but we can bond, laugh and cry over it. It unites people of different backgrounds, race or beliefs.... We all love music." I smiled and she smiled sadly. "I wish I could trade lives with you... Everything is to much now. The war we are going through which I'll have to be in charge of, which is very stupid... You are free to do what you wish when you wish it." I laughed at the thought.

"No one gets to do what they want when they want. The world doesn't work like that, we all have responsibilities. But hey, you can do anything to change that. I want to change the world but I'm just one person, you will be a queen, you have that power." I said smiling and she nodded. "So what's this war about anyway?" She scoffed. "I am- I'm not even sure? It's been going on for a long time. It started off as a simple battle but the turned to war with our neighbouring country. I want to talk it out with the leader when I'm the queen but father doesn't want me to." I tilted my head.

"Not being rude/sexist but shouldn't the king have more power?" She shook her head. "No, the queen has always had more." I grabbed her shoulders. "Then why don't you!? You will be the most powerful person here! Change it! Stop the bloodshed of war!" She smiled and nodded. "You know when I turn twenty I'm expected to have a child. Although I don't think I'm ready for one." I nodded and drank the last of my drink. "Have you ever thought about children? On day it will have to run your company. And why did you tell me your real name?" I laughed dryly. "I trust you, and if I didn't I could always erase your memory. And yeah, I guess I have but it was never an option for me to have kids.... Even if I wanted to I couldn't." I said smiling but I think she could tell there was no real emotion behind it.

"Why do we walk around the city?" I said happily.

Time skip

"Miss Sparrow? It is time to wake up..." A soft voice said. I opened my eyes and slowly grinned. "Okay, okay. I'm up..." The woman walked out and I stretched. "Today is going to be a good day!" I jumped up and put on some clothes.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you are having a good day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!


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