46) silence

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"Help! We need help!" I screamed as we ran in the ER with an in labour Lisa. A few doctors ran up to us. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked frantically. "I have a freaking baby! What does it look like?!" Lisa screamed. The doctors took us to this room, removed her clothing, without the guy in the room and put her in the gown.

"You'll be glad to know that it was only a strong contraction. You will have to wait, I'm afraid." The doctor hummed and Lisa growled. "Get this out of me." The doctors just walked out and Lisa breathed. "How are you?" Dick asked and she gave him a look between pissed off and in pain. "I'm peachy. I'm just having some little alien looking thing being pushed out of me." The boys all made faces, along with Bruce.

"That's gross." Josh said and Lisa starts breathing heavily. She grabbed my hand and held on tight. "Everyone out! I need to talk to Bruce! And Arya, no listening in!" We all walked out through the window to the room I could see dad lean towards Lisa and her whisper something. Whatever she said surprised dad, no? Shock? He looked like he was concerned.

"You came come back in now." Dads muffled voice told us. We all walked back in and I gave Josh a sad look, he never noticed. Lisa knew what that look was. "Can I have some time with Josh and Arya?" Everyone left and Lisa smiled at the son. "Ohhh.... My kids, my beautiful kids. I have three beautiful kids." I smiled sadly as she counted me as her own kid.

"Are you going to love you siblings, Josh?" He nodded and grinned. "I hope it's a sister! That would be so cool!" Lisa smiled but breathed in pain. "You are going to help Jason chase away all those boys that are going to be after her." He nodded happily. "You know, the father had red hair. Very red hair, I hope my child has red hair." Josh smiled.

"Mom, when the kid is a bit older can we all go to the arcade, like we used to?" She grinned, hopeful. Lisa smiled in pain. "Of course!" She sighed and looked at the two of us. "I- ARGHH!" I jumped. "Doctor! We need help!" Some doctors ran in and gave her a give look. "Miss, you are ready to give birth!" They pushed her away and I was runny behind them.

"Miss Wayne, I'm sorry but only the father can come it when she is delivering the baby-" "He's not here! Let her come!" Lisa screamed in pain. "Jason there is a number in my coat pocket, give it to Arya!" She yelled again. Me and Lisa were in this room with a few doctors. "Wow! You are crowning already, this baby must want out?"

"I want out!" She yelled at him. Lisa grabbed my hand and just squeezed, it didn't hurt but it felt like she was squeezing for dear life..... She was. "Right push!" Lisa did and was screaming. "I am!" I am kinda glad I'll never have to experience this. "Lisa, push. I can take away the pai-" "No don't! I don't want anything to stop the pain! This will be the last thing I remember then I'm not wasting anything on me!"

"Right! The head is visible!" I new what was about to happen. "Just breathe, okay?" She glared at me in pain but smiled. "Arya! I love you! But if you tell me to breathe again! I will head-butt you!" I smiled and she screamed in pain. She grabbed my hand, her grip was so hard. "Ok, Lisa. Just one more push!" Lisa growled and screamed loudly as she pushed.

Crying came next. The high pitched crying of a newborn. The doctors took the baby and I looked at Lisa. "R-ring him... please g-get his here....." Lisa said weakly and I nodded and ran out the room to get the number off Jay. Everyone stood up. "The number...." Jay handed me the card and I walked back to the room, the doctors had lefts after cleaning the baby.

I dialled the number.... it rang but surprisingly this guy picked up. "Lisa? Is everything alrigh?-" "She's had the baby... Get here, now." He gasped. "Is she alright?!" He said frantically. "Get to Gotham now, angel. I don't care if you use some forbidden magic! Get here now before she's goes!" I growled and hanged up. "G-go easy on him..." Lisa weakly mumbled and I sat by her side.

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