34) her sadness

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One month later

"Okay, Tina! I'll talk to you later! Stay safe." I said waving at the screen. "Bye, Arya!" The screen went to black and I smiled to myself. I got up from my chair and walked out of my office. I jumped on my couch. "Hiya, kid." I said leaning back. "What?! How did you know I was here?!" He yelled at me from inside the closet that I put my shoes, trainers and jackets in.

"Well I was trained by batman and some of the justice league." He pouted angrily. "Your also a terrible hider." He jumped on my couch and sighed. "Jason isn't as bad as I thought he was. Also I never did thank you for last month. Taking me to a different country was beyond awesome! It was my first time going to a different country!" I smiled and nodded. "Don't mention it. So how is the training with jay? I'll train you in different things when he is done with hand to hand." He smiled.

"It is awesome! I can beat up bad guys now! Hey?! Can I meet nightwing?!" I laughed. "Sorry, kiddo. But if bat's found out I told you mine and Jays ID he'd kill me?" He nodded. "Is Bruce Wayne batman?" I laughed and scoffed. "Dad?! No! He couldn't defend himself from a paper bag." He nodded and looked around. "Where is Jason?" I shrugged. "Who know where that man goes? Probably off somewhere stirring up Trouble."

The door opened to show Jason. "Wow! That timing? Almost like it was intended to happen?" I said quietly. "What do you mean?" Kid asked and I waved him off. "Nothing." He walked to us and smiled. "Hey? Were you two waiting for me?" He asked and I shrugged. "No. Just talking about Batman's secret ID." He laughed and walked past me. Something smelt strange. I sniffed the air and it smelt like perfume, female perfume. "Didn't know you like girl perfume, Jay?" I said and he gave me an annoyed looked.

"I saved some girl, she had tons of it on." He said and I nodded. "Saving people now? Have you turned a new leaf?" He scoffed. "It's the robin in me. I'm hungry...." He walked to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. "You now this is my home, right?" He pokes his head out and shook his head. "Our home. I live here too." I laughed and looked at the time.

"Right, kid. Time to go home. Want me to walk you or teleport you?" He grinned. "Teleport!" I grabbed his arm and teleported him to the door. "Be good. You be good for you mom." I hugged him and I teleported back to my home. As soon as I got there a pillow was thrown at me. "Gah! Stop it! I'll actually rip out your eyes!" I yelled at a smirking Jason.

I growled and walked out. "I have patrol. I need to get in my suit, be a minute." I heard him laugh. "Need help you that?!" He asked and I scoffed. "Very funny!" I closed my door and got into into my hero suit, only the bottom part though. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. I placed my hand on the scars left by the magic I use. I touched the scar and covered my mouth so Jay wouldn't hear me about to cry. They were healed, the scars I mean.

I breathed and covered the scar. I but on my shirt and then my gloves and mask. I walked out and Jay smiled at me. "I'll be back in a few hours. Don't wait up." I said and I teleported to a roof. When I got There I sighed.

"Why were you thinking about that day? The day you lost the ability-" "Save it Ryder! If you angles or God we're so powerful, you'd fix me!" I growled. "My magic can't replace what is lost in me. My magic did this to me. If I had never learnt it I would still be able to-!" "Stop!" I froze. That was the first time he had ever yelled at me. "If that didn't happen you wouldn't have saved all those people. It was one think to save hundreds of people. It was for the greater good. It was for all of their benefit." I scoffed.

"I don't play this card but what about my benefit?! I can't do what most people can! I am incomplete! A puzzle with a piece missing. what happens if I want to stop being a hero and live a normal life?" He looked down. "You know as well as I do that that can't happen.  Normal was never an option for you, and you know that." He growled. "Doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't to be normal but I want to be able to have what everyone else has." He put a hand on my shoulder. "I wish I could help, truly... But this is our mission and we will complete it." Ryder flew away and I sat in the ledge of the building.

"If I knew that spell would have done that.... I would never have bargained with a demon...." I mumbled angrily.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!  I hope you enjoyed your day or night!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!! Short chapter today!!! I just wanted to get one out, wonder if anyone knows what I was talking about in this chapter??!!!!


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