47) aftermath

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I was in the waiting room, hunched over with my head in my hands. I was crying. Sheila's dad was in here and I wasn't taking it very well. "May I see my child?" I didn't look up. I remember Lisa face as she died, smiling happily but in pain...

"Do you think you should be aloud to? You weren't here?" Dad said and I looked up. "I want to be able to raise my c-" "Finish that sentence and I'll rip off your wings." I growled. He stood up. "She is my child. I should be aloud to keep her?" I glared at him. "'Keep her'... Sheila is not a pet. Oh, I should send you to hell." I stood up but Jay put a hand on my shoulder.

"Lisa wouldn't want fighting the day she died.... Even if it is needed." He said referring to the guy. I looked at josh who was crying on the corner. I hugged him and he cried into my shoulder. "What's going to happen now? Dad's dead... S-So is mom... Me and S-Shelia have no where to go..." I rubbed his back and a few tears fell down my face.

"You two are coming to live with me and Jay..." I mumbled and I heard Shelia start crying from the other room. "I'm.... I'm going to check on her..." I walked through and stood above her. "You can pick her up." A doctor said. "You should get as much time with her as possible... we- we have a family coming to adopt her." I pick her up and stared at the doctor. "No need. I'm adopting her and her brother. I have... I had close connections to their mother." He nodded but sighed.

"This family can't have kids, Miss Wayne." I nodded and I kissed Sheila in the head. "Neither can I?" He tilted his head. "I have no record or you not being able to have children, Miss Wayne." I nodded. "My reproductive organs were practically rotting so I had to get them removed when I was 16.... I made it confidential... It's something I don't like to bring up but I need to have Sheila with me... Please." He sighed but nodded.

He walked off and I looked down at the crying child. "Shhh.... It's fine, I'm here." She stopped crying and then her asshole father walked in. "How is she?" Shelia started crying again. "Hey.... Hey..." I started to slowly, gently rocking her. She calmed down a bit and Jay walked in. "You shouldn't be in here." He said to the guy. I need to ask his name.

"Why not? She is my child." I wiped the last tears from my eyes. "She's living with me. I'm adopting her and Josh." I mumbled looked at Shelia look around the room. "He is not my concern." I glared at him. "Get out." I said and he gave his daughter one last look then looked at me. "You have no idea how to raise a hybrid, do you?" I glared at him.

"You will need me..." He disappeared and I growled at him and Jay looked at me, very confused but hiding it well. "Hybrid? How hard is it to raise one?" He asked sitting down. "Her dad's a fallen. In the past have proven to have violate intensions/tendencies... Not all but most of them turn bad. I'm not letting that happen with her though." I said smiling sadly at her.

"Arya... Are you ok?" Jay asked concerned. Emma walked in and gasped. I tilted my head at then and she quickly but carefully got Shelia off me. "What?" I asked giving him a look. "Arya! Your eyes!?" I looked in the mirror to see they were entirely black. I sighed sadly and blinked a few times making them soon return to normal. "That's new... Could you please put her in her bed.... I need some coffee...." I walked out and Jay grabbed my hand.

"Hey? You ok?" I shook me head and walked off. I went to a coffee machine a got a coffee. "You need calm down." I heard someone say. I glared as I saw Ryder. I dragged him into an empty room and threw him into the wall. "Tell your little fallen asshole friend to back off! He's not having the kids!" I said slamming my hands by his head. "That is not my choice. He is a fallen and the father..." I glared at him and he smiled sadly.

"I just came to tell you she's in a better place..." He disappeared and my head dropped. "Ummm? Arya?" It was Jay. I looked up and cried. He hugged me and sat me down. "I'm guessing your angel friend took me for a spin, again?" I nodded and he put my coffee down on the coffee table. "Talk to me.... I've heard that's the best thing to do?" He mumbled very unsure about his current situation. "I.... I don't know... I'm sad but I can't deal with it? Li- She was like a mom to me, how do you just get back to normal From that?!" I said wiping my face.

"I don't think you do... What did you feel when I died?" I gave him a sad look. "Anger, sadness, loss, pain and I felt like I would never see you again..." I mumbled and he nodded. "I think that's the same feeling you are feeling with Lisa... I know how you feel but not as much..." I leaned on his shoulder and he played with some of my hair.

"You know when your around me you not the sarcastic asshole that everyone thinks you are..." He laughed slightly. "Lisa said that to me not that long ago." I smiled at the memory of Lisa scolding the 3 of us acting like children. "I m-miss her." I said an he hummed. "I know..."

Dad walked into the room me and Jay were in and sighed. "When are you next free?" I didn't move. "No? Why? What do you need?" He shook his head. "You have been through enough today... I'll wait a little longer." He hugged me.

Time skip ~ seven hours later

We were able to take Shelia and Josh home. Filling out the papers were easy and now I was the legal guardian of the two kids. "I'm going to bed...." Josh mumbled quietly and I carefully but Shelia in the crib Dick was able to get from Lisa apartment. "Keep an eye on her, please." Jay looked at the red headed baby and then back at me. "Me? With a baby?" I nodded and ran after Josh.

"He was in his room and under his blanket... I could hear muffled crying. I sat on his bed right next to him and I pulled him close to me. "Kid, talk to me." He didn't say anything and I took blanket off him and saw his face. It was red from the crying, his eyes were puffy and his hair was a mess. He hugged me and wiped his tears.

"I shouldn't cry?" I tilted my head. "Why not?" He glared at nothing. "Because if people saw me cry they'd think I'm weak." I hugged him and wiped a tear. "Crying doesn't mean your weak, it means you have been strong for to long." He looked at me and I smiled. "It's alright to cry. I cry sometimes and I am certainly not weak..... You mom cried and she was never weak." He nodded and hugged me.

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!!!!

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