2) meeting the boy wonder!

611 16 0

7 years old


I sitting on the couch, bored!!!! I rolled off the couch and went to see Alfie. I looked around the mannor but couldn't find anyone. "Urgg! Hey dad! Can I have a hug?!!! I'm bored!" I yelled through the Mannor. "Arya! Come down stairs! I have someone I want you to meet!" Dad yelled to me. I ran down the hall and turned the corner.

I ran to dad and hugged him. "Why didn't you tell me where you were going?" I asked. "I was going to get someone." He said smiling. I tilted my head. I looked to see a boy who I actually somewhat knew. "Hi. I'm Dick." I smiled. "Your name is Dick?" I laughed and held my hand out. "My name is Arya." He nodded.

"Why don't you show Dick around?" I nodded and pulled Dick by his sleeve. "C'mon!" I ran to the kitchen. "This is the kitchen! The best room in the whole Mannor. Oh and I'll let you of a secret. I have a super secret candy section in this part of the kitchen." I said showing my candy stash. I showed him it and I grabbed some candy and I ran to the roof with him following me.

When we did go to the roof I sat down and he sat in front of me. I put he candy in between us and I smiled. at him "If you don't mind me asking? What was it like being apart of the flying Graysons? I loved watching your performances. I-I was there when they had the ac..... When they were killed." I said and he looked at the ground.

"Y-You think they were killed?" He said and I nodded while putting a piece of candy in my mouth. "Yup! I think It was Tony Zucco. He was there And I have hacked ba- A certain computer." I said eating more candy. "So, What are your interests?" I asked smiling. "Well, I like the circus, gymnastics and trying to get better." He said slightly smiling.

"You're kinda like my best friend, Emma? We go to Gymnastics at school and I'm the best at it! Emma can do all kinda of cool stuff! What can you do?!" I asked. He stood up and flipped a few time then started bouncing around. I smiled and he sat down then spoke.

"What do you like to do?" I thought about it for a bit. "I like to sing, read, do gymnastics, learn in school, see my dad and Alfie.... So much more? Oh! I like to go see Emma and my two aunties!" I said happily. "I didn't know Mr Wayne had sisters?" Dick said and I laughed. "Dad doesn't have any sisters. Their not my real Aunties but when I started school, when I was four. I ran away on the first day and they found me and helped me."

"OH!! Wanna go see Emma?! She's love to meet you!" I dragged him back down into the house and ran to the Living room. "Dad! Can I take Dick to go see Emma?!" Dad thought about it and nodded. "Asked Alfred to drive you and he'll take you, I have some work to do." I knew what he meant by work.

Soon Alfie came and we were driving to Emma's. "Emma has been my best friend since I was 4! She'd love you! I can see you two becoming best friends!" I said and we pulled up Emma house. "Bye Alfie!" I hugged him and we ran...well I was I was dragging Dick.

We got to the door and I knocked. "Why am I here?" He asked rubbing his elbow. "Because, if you're gonna love with us I can't be your only friend! You'll love Emma." The door was opened by Emma's mom. "Hello Miss! Is Emma in?" She nodded and let us in. "Emma! Arya and a friend are here!"She said Calling up the stairs.

"Ary!" I heard Emma said and she ran down the stairs and hugged me. She noticed Dick and smiled. "Hi. I'm Emma! What your name?" I smiled at Dick and he spoke. "Dick..." We all went to her bedroom and I sat on her bed. "So, what do you want to play?" Emma said and I smirked and looked at Dick. "Pirates."

Time skip

"Walk the plank, yee scurry scum royal!" I hissed at I pushed Emma to the edge of the couch. "Oh save me! Please save me!" She cried out in fake horror. "No one will hear you scream! At the bottom of the sea!" I poked her with my fake sword. "I'll save you!" Dick said as he swung over to us using this rope that I in the roof. 

He swung over and pushed my away. "I'll save you!" He swung away with Emma and I ran over the couch and jumped to the side they were on. "You'll not take my prisoners!" I went to hit him with sword. He blocked with my sword and we had a little battle. He was winning but I smirked. "Watch your footing!" I kicked his feet from under him he fell over and role off the couch. I grabbed Emma. "Haha! I am the best Pirate in all the seven sea!" I smiled and pushed Emma on the soft floor to. 

 "That's was awesome! What should we play?!" Emma said and Dick smiled. "It was so fun!" We heard a small giggle and looked to the door to see Emma's Mom with a video recorder. "Oh! Sorry! Don't mind me, I have to show this to Bruce!" She said smiling and handed us some cookies and milk. "Thank you!" We all said and we ate our cookies. "These are so nice!" I said smiling. 

"Yeah! I wonder if Mr Alfred can bake this well?" Emma nodded. "He can! Maybe even better." I smiled. "Why don't we ask questions about Dick? To get to know you?" I asked and he nodded. "So, how old are you?" Emma asked and he smiled. "I'm nine but I'm turning ten soon. How old are you two?" He asked and I held up 7 fingers. "I just turned seven" I said. "I'm seven, too!" I was about to ask another question but Emma's mom came in with Alfred. 

"Time to go, children." I nodded and hugged Emma. "we'll come back when we are aloud." She nodded and we all walked out and got in the car. "I had a fun day today! A lot of fun, since the... You know?" I nodded and hugged him. "Don't worry! We'll always have this much fun!" I said and we drove to the mansion while talking about the day. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I hope you enjoy you night or day!! Feel free to leave your thoughts!! 


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