9) getting my own Info...

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"Good morning, Aray. Today is the the 1st and a lovely day in Gotham. You shall be seeing light rain later in the day that will last an hour most likely." I heard C.L.A.I.R.E. say as I jumped out of my bed. I yawned and walked to my to my window to see Gotham an oddly quite state. I smiled and walked to my bathroom. I walked to the shower and turned it on. I removed my clothes and took down my hair from putting it in a messy bun and hopped in.

"That's just right..." I said smiling. I washed my hair quickly and my body and rapped a towel around my body. "Right! C.L.A.I.R.E! Could you text to my Chief board executive and tell him that I'm not coming in for family issues?" I asked as I starting my body. "Yes. Of Course, Arya." I smile and got dressed. (Too lazy to describe! I'll get a photo)

"I've got a plan. The homeless network have helped me before and Mr Jones likes me so I can ask him if anyone has seen or got anything on this 'red hood' dude." I said nodding to myself. "Don't you think this plan is a bit messy?" C.L.A.I.R.E asked. "Yes, but I love the messy ones because you never know what is going to happening." I said and I needed to change what I looked like. "I'm to noticeable and that not even me being egotistical! I'm the daughter of the riches man in Gotham and I'm the head of my own company.... Egnahc eht yaw I kool!" I said covering my hands on my face.

Her outfit!! Hat included

I walked out my building and put on my headphones, I started listening to 'Hamilton'

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I walked out my building and put on my headphones, I started listening to 'Hamilton'. No judge! I fucking love Hamilton! Dad even took me to see the original cast. I smiled and went down into the subway station and got in the least pack part of the subway. I stood up and looked around the train. I saw it was getting kinda packed and all around me there were cool people to look at. I saw a man that had drum sticks and was using them on the pole next to him.

A few other people stuck out but I saw a young lady no older than me trying to stop her brother from crying. She looked like she hadn't slept in a few days and there was an angry looking man next to her. "Oi! Can't you get that fucking brat to shut it?!" He yelled and I glared at him. "S-Sorry... He is really hungry and hasn't eat all day..." She said timidly to the man that stood up. "I don't care if you can't afford food for your brat! Shut it the fuck up!" He yelled in her face making her brother cry even more.

He spat at the woman's feet and I walked up to him and smiled but there was only anger behind it. "I'm sorry sir... Please could you step away." I asked bitterly. "Get lost kid!" I stared blankly at him. I'm 20....... "Step away..... Before you get hurt." I said and he grabbed me by the collar and I stared at him bored like. "Right! Good bye!" I grabbed his hand with quite a bit of speed and quickly ducked under his arm, put him in and arm lock them using my foot I pushed him into a pole making him fall over and hold his head in pain.

I looked to the girl and smiled. "That was so cool....!" She said wide eyes and I smiled again. "Not really. And sorry I didn't stop him from shouting at you and your brother sooner. I feel kinda bad." I said rubbing my neck. "Well, he's my son and it's fine!" I looked at her shocked but nodded. "Well, you look really young! And I heard you couldn't buy any food for him so here you go and got you please come to the 'New Wayne enterprise'. This should help for a bit." I handed her about 40 dollars. "I can't take this!" My stop finally came and I walked out. "Of course you can." I gave her a kind smile and the subway train left.

I looked in the train and saw Jason! My eyes went wide and I sighed. "Wow! I need to get some sleep! I'm seeing things!" I said rubbing my eyes and I walked out of the subway. I walked down the streets and it was raining. "Man... And I thought it rained in England a lot?" I laughed and to Gotham bridge. When I got there I went under said bridge and looked around to see tons of my homeless network. I say 'my' because I provide safety for them for villains and they go about their lives but give me info if I ever need it.

I walked to a random person. "Hello. Do you know where Grandpa is?" The person nodded and I followed them. We all call him Grandpa, I never knew why. "Here he is..." I nodded and thanked them and walked in Grandpa's tent. "Arh! Arya! How are you, child?" I smiled and hugged him. "I'm fine. How are you?" I asked and he smiled. "Good. I can guess why you are here? This red hood fellow?" I nodded. See Grandpa is an amazing person. He lived in Africa till he was 30 then came to America. I don't know how he became homeless but hey!

"Yes, I've been very interested in him. I heard the bat and sparrow had some trouble with him. I wondered if you had anything on him?" Grandpa smiled. "I know a few things, sparrow." I froze but tilted my head. "What about her?" I asked and he smiled. "Your sparrow. I know a lot about this city. I know you are then Sparrow, I've known for quite a while." I sighed. "Nothing gets passed you. Yes, I am Sparrow. Now back to this red hood." He nodded.

"He's been popping up everywhere. Not just in Gotham or even America.... He's been all over the world in the last 5 years.... The homeless network in the countries he has been to say he trained with people. The first country he was in I heard he was an animal, killing whoever was in his way... He left soon after that. None of the homeless network was killed, thankfully... Only a few were injured." I nodded and hugged Grandpa. "I hope they get well soon. And how is everything here? Everyone safe?... I saw a few new faces here." He nodded.

"Yes. But other an you Wayne's the upper class have been knocking down for buildings and their are even more kids here! Oh and Two face came here a few days ago and shot up 3 people... one was a kid who stole of him, she died..." I growled and stood up. "Where is the grave? Mind showing me?" He nodded and walked me to the grave. "Why do you wanna see her grave?" I grabbed some water out of my bag. "This is holy water, she died in panic and pain... I need to help her pass to the other side." He nodded and we got to her grave.

I held my hand out and smiled sadly. "Don't let anyone near here. If they look at her spirit they'd most likely die or get possessed. I don't feel like dealing with the spirit that turns the a demon, do you?" He shook his head and I smirked. I held my hand out and I poured a bit of holy water on it. "I'm addressing the spirit inside, who are you, tell me you human name.... Hear my words. In the name of the all father and creator I command to pass from this earthly plain! Pass to the next!" I said while drawing a cross in the air.

Everything went calm without the spirit and I saw the girl. "She's so small..." I held my hands together and prayed. "Creator of everything holy in this world... I beg you let this little spirit into heaven..." I looked at her again with a loving smile. "You're going to heaven... If you see a few people up there say 'hi'." She smiled and vanished. "Grandpa... Her soul is at rest." He gave me a strange look. "You were talking like there was a god... There isn't." I smiled. "You were once a man of god... Trust me there is and he has a place for you." I said smiling. "Got to go!" I hugged him again and teleported to my apartment.

I flopped on my couch and clicked my fingers and my blonde hair turned back into my normal black hair. I sighed happily. "What a strange day...... I guess it's one step in saving my soul...." I closed my eyes and feel asleep on my couch.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying your night or day!!!!!!! Plz fell free to leave you thoughts!!!!!


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