28) Grumpy witch

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One month later

"But why me? I hate that stuck up little-" "Arya!" I sighed them smiled into the monitor. "Kidding!" I span in my chair and dad sighed at me. "You need to. I can't and even if I wanted to they requested you. Only you. They don't trust anyone else." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I regret taking that mission! I hated that little brat!" I growled. "Well, he's not that little anymore? He is just turned nineteen" I sighed. "Wow! Five years! Been a while.... Still don't really want to, all he did last time was complain and flirt!" I said sighing.

"That won't happen this time. He is engaged but he need protection for the wedding." I nodded. "When did the justice league or the batfamily start doing personal protections?" He sighed. "When he told us that when he becomes king he'll stop any or all attacks on us." I saluted sarcastically.
"I pack my bag!" I said switching off the monitor. I got up from my chair and opened the door casing Jay and the kid to fall in. "You need something?" I said placing a hand on my hip. "Are you going somewhere?!" The kid asked and I nodded. "Yup. Vlatava." He smiled.

"Cool! When do we go?!" I shook my head. "No, this will probably be dangerous so I don't want you coming. Jay, pack some clothes? You can come." The kid did seem to like that. "That not fair! How come he can come?!" I smiled. "He's has years of training so have I. You have been taught how to do basic hand to hand combat. That's not enough." I sis and he scoffed. "And I've been taught how to shoot multiple gun, some attacks and I am more agile against people!" I glared a Jay. "You didn't?" He smiled. "Well he does need to be able to defend himself. I think he should come!" I growled in anger. "He's eleven! He can't come! First! If he gets hurt I have to tell Lisa! Second, he doesn't even have a passport!" I said pointing to the kid.

"Well..... I thought that because we have been training him he can come on missions...... So I got him a passport..." I put on my best poker face. "I give up on you... I really do." I walked to my room and walked asked some clothes. I got out my phone and sighed. "Planes are full! I'll get dads private jet." I text the guy that was in charge and I smiled. "Easy as pie!" I finished packing a weeks worth of clothing, my suit and a pair of sunglasses. No not for the 'cool girl' look bit because I'm not allowed to wear my mask so I wear them. I walked out of my room and threw my bag on the couch. "ARYA! Please!" I smiled and shook my head.

"We are going to another country where you could accidentally insult the soon to be king. He's such baby. Also I don't want you getting hurt!" I said and he huffed. "I can do this! I'm so ready to do this!" I smiled. "Well I guess you can come." I said. "But that's not fair! I could help you!" "I said you can come!" I yelled back. "Really?! Yes! Thank you!" He attacked hugged me making me fall over. Jay pulled him off me and I got up. "Right! I'll take you to go get your clothes! Jay! Could you get some my things? Gadgets, weapons etc?" He nodded and I grabbed the kids arms. "I'll teleport there and back when we're done."

"Right! Hold your breath, kid. Teleporting for new comers is not the best."

Time skip

"You don't look to happy?" Jay said smirking. "I've dealt with the price before." I said looking out the window of the plane. "He was an asshole. Always trying to get one up on me, horrible comments about how I'm a woman but I never really cared, unnecessarily flirting and trying to annoy me. Oh and always trying to figure out who I am." I sank into my seat. "I still think its a bad idea bring him... I mean he's a kid." I said causing Jay to laugh. "You have been through more at him age than most people." I scoffed. "The luxuries of being Batman's daughter."

"He's been asleep for a while?" Jay said looking at the sleeping Josh. "Probably his first time flying in a plane.... I remember when it was yours, 'urgh! Bruce! Help! I'm gonna be sick!' That was a funny day!" I said quoting him making him glare at me. "Wake him up? We're going to be landing soon." Jay smirked and grabbed some water. "Wake up!" Jay yelled as he threw the water at the kid. He shot up and fell off his seat. "What the fuck! You asshole!" I laughed. "No swearing. Now get in your seat, we're landing soon." He hopped in his seat and smiled at me.

"So you know a price?! That's cool!" He said and I sighed. "Not when he's an idiot. But yeah I know him. I had to guard him when he came to America. He will try to annoy you. Oh things not to do there? Don't swear, make rude jokes, don't look at his fiancé, don't touch his fiancé, wander without permission, don't touch the prince....." I said and he nodded.

The plane started to land and I sighed. "Oh and try not to punch him" I said and as the plane landed we stood up and got out. As we were walking to the door me and Jay put the sunglasses on, I just cast a spell to make the kid look different. We walked down the steps and to a few people. I stopped when I got a few feet in front of them. I bowed and mentally scoffed. "Hello. Price Adrian. It is wonderful to see you again." I said not looking up. He laughed and I looked up at him. 'Oh no he's hot!!' I thought mentally. "Well, look at you! All grown up!" I smirked at him. "Still taller than you, micro midget." He smiled and looked behind me.

"And who might the two gentlemen behind you be?" I pointed behind me with my thumb. "Sidekick one and two." I said and they glared at me. "I'm joking. This is the red hood and this is my.... Actual sidekick?" I said shrugging. We all got in the limo and I shook my head at Adrian. "Are an idiot?! Coming to pick us up! You could have been attack!" I said flicking him in the forehead. "I wanted to see my favourite American! And might I say you are looking very beautiful. It is the upmost disappointment to me that I am engaged." He said placing a hand on his heart. Jay coughed and I smiled. "Sorry! Oh and please don't let your guards shoot him. I'll get red to shoot them." He laughed and I sighed. "Sadly I'm not kidding."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day or night!!!!!! Oh and the county is a fake county that is real is the DC world, well in young justice!!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts!!!!


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