13) i'm sorry.... what?

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"So, did you miss me?"

As soon as he said it I froze and pulled on the thread To hard casing him to hiss. "Sorry! I just... Wasn't expecting that sort of question..." I said and I held his head in place. "Did you?" He asked again. I continued stitching but sighed. "Obviously I would miss you Jay..... Joker had taken away one of the few people I loved and I was upset and angry.... I tried to kill him, I actually came close to it." I said and he smiled.... Is it bad to say I missed that fucking smile?

"Awww! You do love me? And impressive." He said I head butted him. "Oi! This is not a 'see why can kill joker faster competition! You ass!" He held his head and smiled. "If I was you'd win, beautiful." He said winking and I leaned closer to him. "Flirt with me again and I'll cut off you dick.... OK 'beautiful'?" I said mocking his words. "Why did you come to me of all places anyway?" I asked laying him down to quickly check the wound.

"Well, I knew you were still angry but I knew you wouldn't get the cops or bats on me." I sighed. He was right... As much as I hate to say it, he is true.... I'd never tell dad because I'd never get to see Jay again. "Well.... I might, you know. I've changed and so have you!" I said bit that was a complete lie.

I got out a needle and put in in his neck. "Hey? What's that?" He asked and I smiled. "To make sure you don't go snooping or hacking my computers." He released what it was and shot up. It was too late. It was just a little injection that would make him sleep so I could put him in a room with non of my computers in so he couldn't hack anything. His eyes started to get heavy but he looked at me and smirked. "That's not very polite. So I get payback!" He said and quickly kissed me on the cheek or rather on the edge of my lips.

He passed out and and I jumped and stood in a daze. My face exploded red and I just stood there shocked. "What?.... Why'd he do that..." I snapped out of my gaze and glared at him. I stood him up and put on arm over my shoulder and dragged him to a spare room. I growled in anger and confusion.

"Stupid idiot! Kissing me because of payback! I'll kick you next time you do that! Bastard!" I hissed as I laid him down on the spare rooms bed. I took off his boots and but the blanket on him. "Play with my emotions you asshole. We'll see about that." I turned off the light and closed the door.

I walked to the couch and Momo jumped onto my stomach. "Hiya. How are you?" She purred against my hand. "I'm not so good either. Jayson back and he's a 'crime lord' as the media call him but In my own opinion, it's not the worst idea.... I mean he's controlling the crime and making it a smaller thing in Gotham and that's impressive really..." I said and she carried on purring.

"Have you missed him?" I asked while petting her. She just licked my knuckle and I smiled. I laid down and tried to close my eyes. I started to drift off and fell asleep with Momo purring against my chest....

Time skip

I jumped at the sound of smashing glass, yet again. "The hell was that?!" I ran to Jason's room and kicked open the door to see him punch the mirror. "Jay?" I got closer to him to see him looking angry. "Are you ok?" I walked to him and but a hand on him shoulder. He froze and looked at me. "I had a nightmare. Don't use that stuff on me again, please...." I nodded and hugged him. "Try and get some sleep? You look like need it." He shook him head and he walked to the couch.

"I just wanna sit here." I nodded and sat next to him. I started to play with my fingers anxiously. "What do you wanna ask? You're doing the 'play with fingers' thing. Ask away." I sighed and looked at the TV. "What was it? Dying I mean? Everyone says its painless but in all honestly how would they know?" I said and he laughed but not the real laugh, more of a 'you silly human' laugh. "It's like a huge shock through your body. Not painless at all, it's like all the single cells in your body getting shot my lightening but only for a split second or two..... imagine being hit by it but it stops after a sec. I'm not sure if that was the actual death or the explosion?" I nodded and he looked at the remote.

"Movie?" I nodded and grabbed the remote. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked and he shook his head. "Let's watch.... Atlantis The lost empire?" I nodded fast and put it on. "This is my favourite movie of all time! It's so underrated! No! It's the most underrated Disney movie of all time!" I said and Jason laughed at me. "That's why I chose it. I know most of the weird facts about you that you told me." I tilted my head. "When did I tell you them?" I said. "Summer when we were fourteen. We went to a party with Dick and you have a small drink which someone spiked.... You're funny when your drunk." I stuffed my face into a pillow.

"Urgh!! Don't remind me! I felt like crap the day after! Oh and you can stay with me..... Only till you get better! I don't want you annoying me till I die." I said and he smiled and patted my head. "I'm not a dog! Asshole!" He laughed and I smirked. "If you're staying with me you'll need clothes! Next week I'll take you to get some clothes! I need some new ones anyway." He smiled and sighed. "Why in a week? Why not tomorrow?" He asked and I pushed his head hard. "This shit with dad needs to blow over.  Knowing dad he'll be looking for you." I said and he leaned back and sighed.

I poked his Adam's apple and grinned. "I remember you when you were this angry little thing that flirted with everything with a chest!" I laughed and he gave me a 'wft' look. "But now your taller than me.... I'm smaller now and I don't like it... But at least I can say the angry teen is still there." I laughed and he stood up.

"I'm tired. Mind if I sleep? I'll talk to you in the morning?" I nodded and continued to watch the movie. I smirked remembering I need payback! "Oi! Jason! Come here real quick!" I turned around but when I did he gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I newly fell off my couch. "Arh!! Stop doing that! Asshole!" I yelled as he ran to his room while laughing like a kid. I looked back at the TV.

"That asshole...." I smirked and wrapped myself in a blanket.


I hope you enjoyed enjoyed this chapter and are having a good gay or night!!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your opinion!!!!!


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