5) normal day for me...

381 8 0

20 years old

I laid on the couch, tired! "What is the matter, miss Arya?" I smiled at Alfred. "You have known me since childbirth and you still call me that? Stop!!" I said smiling. "And I'm bored for today! I don't know what to do... It's my day off!" He smiled and walked off.

"Ohhh! I'm going to go see Jason! Anniversary!" I ran out of my old house, well kinda I still have a room but I don't live there. I also remembered to put on a special bracelet.

(Ps I'm changing where Jason is buried! He is in Gotham cemetery!!)

I teleported to an alley and went to the nearest flower shop. I bought some flowers and then teleported to the cemetery. I walked up to the small hill and to his grave. I sat down gross legged and smiled. "Hi." I said smiling.

I looked at the grave and sighed. "How are you? I hope the big man is keeping you outta trouble? I don't care if your In heaven nothing can stop you from making it." I said smiling. "Oh! If you wanted to know I'm doing well, I have my own company ..... Dad's put too much trust in me. I mean I'm a huge kid!" I smiled at myself.

"You know how dad had a company? That'a going well, other than the fact that someone blew apart of it up a few weeks ago. I'm so sorry I haven't had to time to come see you!" I said sadly. "But look! I brought some flowers! You never told me your favourite kind but I know you liked mine so I brought my favourite flowers." I took the dead flowers out of the vase and put the new ones in. "I hope you like them?" I said and I looked at the sky sadly.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been see you lately... I've actually found it hard, you know? Since its the anniversary, I do hate and love this time of the year... It's your anniversary and I was so sad I wan't going to come but It was selfish so I came anyway! No matter how much I was sad." I said picking at some grass. "I hope you are OK? All alone, I mean.... I guess your not alone actually, you have your mom. I wish I'd met her? Weird thought but I really do! I wanna see what the oh so scary Jason Todd was like. Were you always so brooding and angry?" I said laughing.

"I wish you were still here... Still one of my best friends and not a memory." I rubbed my eyes but smirked. "So! Everyone is doing fine! Dad is forever broody. Dick is still childish as hell, hard to think he is really twenty-four? Oh Alfred is fine, still the kickass old man that will not give you his amazing cookies if your in trouble, Ha! And Emma sends her love! She says 'Tell Jason that I hope hes fine and your still a dick!' She's joking." I looked at the sky.

"Mmhh? I think its gonna rain? Well I hope you are fine and I will come see you soon!" I patted the grave and then the tree next to the grave. "Cover Jason's grave stone? I don't want it getting wet. If people come just act normal! Bye!" I nodded and ran out for the cemetery, I didn't teleport because I was really tired and I'd end up teleporting into a wall.

I was running down the streets and it was raining like hell. I stopped to stand in a bus stop. "This rain is just not nice! Fuck off!" I said pointing at the sky. I hear yelling and screaming in fear. I saw a kid run down and alley and I chased after him. I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Hey, kid? You ok?" I asked and he tried to get free. "Let me go or he'll hey me!" He said. I Bent down bit he never looked at me. "I will make sure he doesn't!" I said and I covered my face with my bangs. Soon after a mutant dole aged man came running in. "Arh! You caught the rat?! Much appreciated, now hand him over!" He yelled.

"Why? What did he do?" I said keeping a tight but comfortable grin on the kid. "His dads lost and bet and he in dept and need to pay up. I'm making an example of the boy." He said and I laughed. "Like hell you are! I'll give you one chance to run away with your tail between you leg.... if not we'll I'll be force to brake something." I said smirking.

I was still facing the boy but I spoke. "Kid? Go stand in the corner? I'm not gonna let him get to you but I'd rather not have you see this." He boy nodded and walked to the corner. I smiled and glared at him through my bangs.

I clicked my bracelet and my suit started to cover my body. "What the hell is that?!" The guy asked. "My suit. Nanotechnology! Amazing, isn't it? Hard enough to to a bullet and it regenerates... I'm telling you this cause I'll wipe you memory." I said as my suit covered me.

He ran at me with a knife and I tilted my head. "Hehe!" I moved my head slightly and bent his elbow in a strange way. He yelled in pain and I kneed him in the face. "Boring! I did t even get a good fight out of it!" He slowly stood up and I sighed. "Just run along." I said not even looking at the boring person.

He ran at me but I heard a gunshot. I jumped and looked behind me. The guy was dead!? He had a bullet wound in his head. "Oh.... Wait! Where did it come from?!" I looked to the kid.

"Ok! Kid! Meet me at the cafe three blocks from here!" I called over to him and he ran off. I looked around and saw someone on a roof. I flew up to them as they ran away. "Hey! You! Who are you?!" I yelled as I flew up to him. "The flying new!" He yelled to me. I stopped flying as chased after him.

I got close to him and jumped on him then flipped him. I stood In front of him and he laughed. He mumbled something and stood up. I got a good look at him. He wore a red helmet thingy and was mostly dressed in black but had a brown jacket on. I also just happened to notice he was very toned.

"Wow!" I tilted my head and stared. "Like what ya see?" I smirked. "As if! Why did you kill him?" I asked getting serious. "He's a bad guy? I kill to make Gotham safer." I laughed. "Killing to make things peaceful. That not how it works around here, red! Go somewhere else!" I glared at him and he laughed. "Make me?"

I ran at him and went to kick him. He caught my food but I kicked him with my other foot. He stumbled back and I smirked. He got out a knife and I laughed. "A challenge?" He was to go cut me and I ducked and his a main pressure point in his arm. He dropped the knife and I stood still and smiled smugly. I saw him trying to figure out my fighting pattern but it wouldn't work.

He looked me up and down and stopped at my utility belt. I heard him laugh. "So you changed you suit?" I tilted my head. "Eh? Have we met? I think I'd remember some like you? Red?" He nodded and ran off. "See ya, baby bat!" I stood stunned then ran after him. When I got to the edge of the building he was already gone.

I growled because of what he called me. Teleported back to the alley and called Gordon to get someone to clear the body and I left. I clicked my bracelet and my suit disappeared and I was back in my clothes. I ran to the cafe three blocks from here and saw the boy being shouted at. "Trouble magnet....."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and and doing well!!!  I also hope you enjoyed our day or night!!!! Plz feel free to leave you thoughts on this chapter!!!!!


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