15) babysitting the kid!!

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Also!! If you are religious, sorry!

Arya text
Jason text

Baby bat: I won't by back till later. Don't wait up for me.

The walking dead 😂: I don't mind wating up. I don't sleep
much anyway

The walking dead 😂:  *waiting.    New autocorrect is shit on new phones!

Baby bat: enjoy the phone. Try not to smash it 😂 will probably be back late because I'm babysitting for Lisa

The walking dead 😂: sure. Enjoy babysitting the brat!

I smiled at the text as I walked into the apartment. "Hi Lisa! Kid!" I said and was instantly attacked with a hug. "Arya! Why are you here?!" Kid said happily. "I'm looking after you for a few hours. It's you moms birthday in a week so I paid for a spar day. So I'm looking after you!" He smiled and ran off. Lisa walked in wearing a nice shirt and some trousers. She was putting in some earring and I grabbed a neck less that she pouted at. "Are you sure you want to pay for this. It seems expensive?" I put the necklace on her. "Please! The owner is an old friend of mine, said a friend of mine could have it half price." She smiled and looked in a mirror. "I haven't been so dressed up since, I don't even know!" I said and she smiled. "Enjoy Yourself today! You earned it." She smiled. "Well it's not everyday you turn thirty!" She said. "You look great! Enjoy your day!" I said as she walked out the apartment.

I looked at the kid. "Right! What should we do? Movies?" I said and he nodded. "Can I watch some horrors!? I've always wanted to watch Saw!" I smiled and kneeled down to him level. "Mmhh? I don't know? Can you handle the gore? The death of the blood?" I said smirking. "Hell yeah!!" I smiled. "I'll grab the popcorn!"

Time skip

"Hey, kid? You awake?" I didn't get answer. I smiled as I looked at him. He was curled up next to me, sleeping. I smiled. "You know your happiness won't last?" I growled as I heard an annoying voice. "Oh piss off! You fucking angles do nothing but try to screw with my life!" I hissed angrily at the angel. "I just came to give you a message. I mean no harm to you or the.... Boy..." I glared at it. "You know I'm going to call you Ryder! Now get out!" I hissed.

"It's about the boys mother." I stopped glaring and carefully getting up and placing the kid on the couch. "About Lisa? What about her? If you have endangered her in anyway I will send you-" "She is with a child..." I stopped. "She having a baby. That's a amazing!.... Then why are you here?" I asked. "The child will be in danger. We were told we are not to help but to guild you to help the child." Ryder said.

"Angels aren't meant to interfere with the actions of mortals, this must be pretty big..." I asked and he smiled. "Father specially asked and for this." He said. "Ha! That's just rich! The all seeing God. The God that, according to the 'good book' cannot and will not interfere with the actions of his creations." I hissed. "If you want to save your soul you must do this-" "Screw my my damn soul! I don't care if the big man commands it! I will do whatever it takes to help my family! Even if it costs me my soul!" I growled at him and he smiled.

"That's all I need to hear.... you'll be seeing more of me, Arya." He disappeared and the kid woke up. "Arya? Who are you yelling at?" I smiled and sat next to him. "Just some crazy person on the phone, don't worry." I hugged him and sat down. "So are you tired?" He shook his head and I smiled. "I made some sandwiches while you were asleep. Want some?" He ran to the kitchen and grabbed the food and brought it in.

He sat down and we munched on sandwiches. "Arya? Do you believe in God? Mom used to be really religious but when dad kept on hitting her she said she lost faith that God would help." I choked on my sandwich and started at the kid. "Well....Really it's about faith. I know there is a God up there but it doesn't mean I believe in him. That's just down to me in general. He doesn't help when you humans need it but if you have read the bible he helped Noah and flooded the entire planet. I'm not going to tell you that you should worship him because in my opinion you should start worshipping someone that just sits there." I said and he nodded.

"If he was real then why would he not stop disasters like death, world hunger?" I sighed when I realised that this isn't him just asking. In a way me answering this question is shaping him a little. "Well, you know when your in a situation where you could do something but you know you shouldn't because it will have bad after affect? Well he is like that. Someone so powerful could change stuff on Earth." I said and he nodded again and smiled.

"If I was God I'd help anyone I could." I held my heart and sighed. "So precious!" I hugged him and smiled. "So, why don't you like my friend Jason?" He crossed his arms. "I don't like him. He's weird and I saw he had weapons in his bag! Is he going to try and kill someone?" I laughed. "No! And if you see past the 'intimidation' he's a very nice person. Just don't get on his bad side." I said smiling. "Remember when I met you at the cafe? I said I had a friend that you reminded me of? Well Jason was that person."

"But you said he was dead?" I nodded. "Turns our not? He just...... 'went missing' but he came back." He smiled. "I know it's bad to like it and mom will kill me but have you seen this red hood!? He's awesome!" I smiled at him. "Crimes down by 68% but the local mob bosses are trying to get back to normal! But there's a very unlikely to happen since he is still stopping most drug related crime in Gotham." He said in a monotone voice and I gave him a look of shock.

"What?....." I said and he smiled. "I may not go to school but I like math! I'm awesome at it!" I smiled. "Right! I'm gonna get you into a school! You little Einstein!" I said but I felt my phone vibrate so I picked it up and saw it was a text from Jason?

I text him for a bit and ended up growling in annoyance. "What's up?" Kid said and I showed him my phone. I showed him the messages and he laughed.

 I smiled at the text even though I'm fucking angry! "Im going kill that idiot

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I smiled at the text even though I'm fucking angry! "Im going kill that idiot." I said smiling like an idiot. "Arya? You face is all red?" I sighed at threw a pillow at the kid. "No it isn't!" Then we started throwing pillows at each other.

Let's just say Lisa wasn't very happy when she found out that we trashed her living room.......


I hope you liked this chapter!!!! I hope you enjoyed it and are having a good night or day!!!!! I'm just going to say it now this took to long XD longer than it should've anyway.

I wanted to add the text but not ask a friends to help me cause non of them know I like to write so I went on snapchat!! You know when you take a pic using the large font and you can only doing a certain number of words be before it gets to a new line? Well I had to do that and fuck me that took to long XD so I did like two letters at a time!

Anyway, sorry for the little writers rant and please feel free to leave your thought on this chapter!!!!!!


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