21) Encouragement

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"Arya! Plz can you help me!?" Lisa said in a rushed voice. "What do you need?" I asked and Jay just looked around while standing behind Me. "Josh is refusing to go to school! He won't talk to me." Lisa said and I patted her back. "Hey, calm down. Don't get too stressed it's bad for you." I said smiling and I quickly looked at the belly. I walked to Josh's room and walked in. He was facing the wall and crossing my arms angrily. He had been crying. I sat behind him and rested my head on the top of his. I poked his sides casing him to laugh but the move.

"Why don't you wanna go to school? Is a great opportunity for you!" I said happily. "I went to stupid school but I didn't even get inside before people were laughing at me for being the poor kid!" He said hugging angrily. Oh! I'm getting so Jay shoot some little bastards! "I didn't even get in and everyone hates me! What if they don't like me?" I rubbed his head as I got a bit of deja vu from my first day of school. I ruffled his hair and smiled.

"Kid, There will always be people in the world that want to hurt or bully you , But if you mange to find that one person that will be there till the end of the line, you'll have a friend for life." I smiled brightly and he nodded. "I can't promise that people will get kinder or humans will stop being them but I can promise you one thing." I said staring at him dead in the face. "I will always be here, so will you mom and even Jason even though he's an asshole. I promise with all my heart that I'll protect you and I'll kick even kids ass that ever even though about bullying you!" I said holding up my pinky. He smirked and we pinky promised on it.

We walked to the living room and the kid hugged Lisa tight. "I'm sorry for being an ass- idiot! Mom." He said and I laughed. "Well that mean you can come for lunch at the manor?!" They both have me a look of shock. "Wayne manor!?" They yelled together. "Yup! Dad said I could invite who I wanted to! Emma's coming and so are you!" I said happily. "We need to wear our formal clothes! We?! We?!" Lisa said In a panic. I laughed. "No need to put an effort in. It's just lunch. We'll leave you to get ready and I'll ask Alfie, I mean Alfred to come get you." I said walking out waving. We walked out the building and Jay scoffed.

"What makes you think I'm coming?" I pouted and stood beside him. "Plweas! I'll be very happy if you do." I said hugging him. "No." I sighed. "I need to grab something for home, coming?" He nodded and we walked to the penthouse house. When we got there I started looking for something. "What you looking for?" I sighed. "Dad wanted me to tie my hair up with the hair pins he got me. I've never worn them in fear that I'll snap them but you know?" He laughed and I found them in my room.

I tied my hair up and put the clip in. I walked to jay and showed him it. "Wow. Bruce went all out with that? How much?" He smirked and I sighed. "Two thousand dollars..... I told him he shouldn't go all out just for my birthday but dad will be dad... I would've been happy with nothing." I grumbled and jay laughed and kissed my forehead. "So modest!" He laughed and I punched him in the arm. "Stop doing that!" I stormed out my home and we walked to the manor.

Time skip

I stood outside the door and Jay sighed. "Why do I have to come?" He complained. "Punishment! For kissing my forehead!" He smirked at me and I walked in and saw my family standing with Lisa, kid and Emma. I smiled and waved I stood next to Jay who stood next the kid.

"Sorry we're late! I was doing something." I said rubbing my neck. "I'm that something!" Jay said smirking. I glared and elbowed him in the arm while kid elbowed him in the gut. "Ok? Ow!" He hissed looking at the kid. "Don't day gross things like that about Arya!" Kid said glaring. "Why? You jealous? Shame!" Jay said smirking and bending down to taunt the poor boy. "Boys!" Lisa said smacking them both around the head. My family all just stood they kinda shocked but I smiled awkwardly. "Shall we eat lunch?" I said and we all walked to kitchen. I sat in between Jay and the kid.

"I have made stakes for lunch today." We thanked Alfred and started eating. Fuck me the tension! Bitch could be cut by a knife! "So Arya? You're wearing the clip I got you?" Dad said and I nodded. "Yup. Thanks again. Oh I'm enrolling the kid in Gotham academy in a few months." I said and he sank in his seat. "I didn't really introduce myself to you. I'm Bruce and these are my sons, Dick, Tim and you have already met Jason?" Dad said and Lisa gave me a confused look. "You are related to Jason? I thought you were dating?" I choked as I drank some water. "A-adoption! They are all adopted! I'm the only one not adopted!" I did coughing in a slight confusion. "She only wishes she dated me." I kicked him under the table and glared at him.

"Anyway! Yeah! Bruce likes to adopt a lot of people." Dick said smiling. "Your name is Dick? Haha!" Kid covered his mouth laughing and jay laughed along with him. "I know right!" They laughed and Dick glared, which was a rare thing. "oh I'm sorry. Jason Peter Todd!" He said and I giggled. "Richard John Grayson!" I was laughing so hard now. "This is funny." Tim said and I nodded. "Shut it, replacement!" I laughed at the fights and jay smirked at me. "I'm sorry? Is this funny, Ariana Wayne?" I glared at him. "Dude! Why'd you have to mention that?!" I hissed. "Wait? I thought your name was Arya?" Kid said and I sighed.

"My full name is Ariana spelt with an 'I' but I go by Arya with a 'Y' and fuck you Jason!" I said and Lisa laughed at us. "Do you lot always use middle names as a way to get one up on each other?" I smirked. "Yep! Anything really. Like?.... Oh! Arh! Dad Jason used to smoke while working for you!" I pad happily. "Arya got drunk at a party when we were fourteen and kicked a window in!" He yelled back. "Jason and Dick once spent one thousand dollars on random things on the internet!" I said back. Dick looked insulted. "Arya has a boyfriend and didn't tell you when she was sixteen!" He said back. "Dad doesn't like any of you!" I said and dad sighed at us.

"Replacement hacks you computer!" Jay said and he just shrugged. Lisa and Emma just laughed at us and I smirked. "Jason liked barber for two weeks when she first met him!" I ran out the room and Jason ran after me. "Asshole!"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you are doing well have are having a enjoyable day or night!!!!! Plz feel free leave you thoughts!!!!


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