50) tick tick boom!

158 0 0

(Try to play the song while reading the whole thing?)


"It's been a week!?" I yelled at Bruce as Emma and Dick tried to hold me back. "Where is she?  How have you not been able to find her?!" I yelled again as my replacement had to try and hold me back. "Master Jason, we have done everything. We are just as distressed as you are." Alfred sighed trying to justify why Bruce hasn't been able to find Arya.

They let go of me and I crossed my arms. "World greatest detective my ass!" I walked off and stood in the corner, leaning by the wall. "Why can't I just go and find her?" I growled. "Because we don't know who has taken her? Could be someone powerful and you'd need backup if you went alone." Emma said looking very stressed. "Give it an hour then I'll help find her with you." She whispered to me and I nodded. Dick was walking back and fourth, my replacement was trying to look calm but failing so he was driving himself in coffee and Bruce was typing angrily.

"She has to he safe.... I can't lose her...." Emma mumbled scared. I don't see fear in her often so it was weird. "We won't. She'll be in some part of the city where her 'aunts' are." Dick said and I glared at the floor. "Well I'll go pay them a visit." Alfred stopped me and gave a a look you'd give a disobedient child. "That will not be necessary. Miss Arya has known her aunts since she was four and if she will be very angry if she found out you 'payed them a visit', master Jason." I growled.

"What do you expect us to do?! Sit around looking like fucking idiots?!" I yelled and he sighed. "Jason... What if she's dead...." Emma mumbled and I gave her an angry look. "Don't even think that! She's not dead! She can't be..." I said. Emma stormed out of the cave and I followed her. "The bat-signal is up? Should we get Bruce?" I just shook my head.

"I need to get my mind of everything.... I'll go."

Time skip


I ran down to the cave holding an old tape. "What is it Jason? I'm busy?" Bruce replied annoyed. "The signal was up so I went to it and Gordon had something important! Joker left a tape on a dead body outside GCPD with a tape attached saying 'batman~'. I think it's important." I handed him the tape and he put it into an old tape player.

We all waited in silence. I flinched as I heard sickening laughter. "Is this thing on?!" Joker laughed loudly and I glared at the recording. "Hiya, Batsy! I have a gift for you!!" He laughed and he went off screen and then dragged on a beaten Arya. "No!" Dick said. Emma covered her mouth and I stood there in shock. "I'm guessing you're confused on how I have the little bird here? Well I'm not saying!" I glared angrily.

"How?! How did this happen?!" I growled. "Little birdy has been so brave! No screaming or yelling at me." Joker yelled getting in Aryas face. She was blindfolded but head butted him causing a painful crack to echo through the cave. "Let me go you fucking asshole!" She yelled then blood cane out of her mouth.

Joker turned around and whacked her around the face with the crowbar. "That was uncalled for!" She spat blood in his face so he slammed her face into the ground. "Now that was rude! The second bird boy did the same and I had to punish him!" He kicked her in the stomach a few times. He pointed the camera at her and went to grab something.

It was a J shaped fire poker...

I stared in shock as he pressed the poker in her collar bone. She screamed weakly and Emma turned away. "Your father would be very disappointed! You should have been able to find a way out! The rest of the bat-brats must be so embarrassed that you let them down!" Arya looked upset and in pain. "What if they were here and you just let them die? What a horrible hero!" I saw a few tears on her face.

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