19) Saviour? Me? ha no!

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I jumped on Dick's back and sighed. "What's up, baby bat?" He said and I smiled at him. "My head of board is plotting against me! I was in a meeting and I told them about the two charities in funding and he had a huge tantrum!" I said childishly. "I wanted to help people with my company but he wants to makes weapons! That did go so well for Tony Stark, now did it?!" I jumped off his back and he gave me a look. "Who? Never mind that, Bruce wanted to see you about something. He's in his office." I nodded and walked to the office.

When I got there I walked in to dad looking very stressed and stacks of paper work around him. "Arya! I need you to help with something!" He said and I grinned. "What do you need, pops!" He handed me two piece of paper and I looked at them. The blood immediately left my face. "Oh no! No no no. I don't do galas! Public speaking maybe but no! I don't wanna go to a gala where I'm being sold for a date!" I said huffing.

"Please! I'd rather not be hit on by every woman there!" I smiled as I saw the small bit of childishness that was still in dad. "It is for charity." I sighed and grinned. "Public specking for charity? Count me in!" I hugged dad and I walked out of the house. I walked out the manor and off the surrounding area. I put my headphones in and walked down the street. My phone ping and Jason's number pop up. He has sent a text?

Walking dead 😂: Hey! I didn't burn your house down before you ask but that kid came over looking for you . He won't leave. I'm throwing food at him so he'll move but it's not working!!

Baby bat: leave him alone. Give him a snack but don't throw it at him! Watch a movie with him until I get home? He likes horrors. Nothing to scary tho 👌🏻

Walking dead 😂: I'll pick the scariest movie ever!

Baby bat: Jason peter Todd!! Don't you dare! I'll actually hurt you!

Walking dead 😂: shhhhh...... 🤫🤫

I laughed at his stupidity and I looked up to see Tim? I have warmed up to him over the month of knowing him. I wouldn't admit it but I see him as a little brother now. Jay is still angry about the whole situation but I just calm him down. Tim likes to ask me questions about me about my magic and I answer them all happily. He's a small nerd but had a genuine interest in the mystic arts. I was about to call out to him but I saw three teens about 17 pulling him into an alley. I knew he wouldn't fight back and hurt them cause dad asked him not to use them on 'petty people' as he said.

I ran to the entrance and coughed to get their attention. "Ahem! If you going to try and hurt my brother than you'll have to get through me!" I growled. "Hah! Do you k ow who you're dealing with?! We're part of the jokers!" I rolled my eyes. "Children who pretend to be the joker? Pathetic! Why don't you run along home, K?" I said crossing my arms. "Teach her some manners!" The 'leader' yelled and a girl came at me with a knife. I just kicked a empty trash can at her, I laughed as it got her square in the face causing her to fall over. I picked up her blade and snapped it. I picked her up and walked to the leader.

"You sure you don't wanna leave?" He brought out a longer knife and slashed at me with no disregard of his friend that he could have cut. I moved her and jumped back. I had a gash on my wrist. I put her down and look at my wrist. "1 inch deeper and you would've got my vain." I laughed and his friend got out a gun. I slammed my foot on the lid of the trash can, caught it and threw it at him. I ran at him and kicked him in the face. I smirked at I looked at the leader. "Joker would be disappointed." I grabbed him by the collar them punched him in the face. I tied them up together and called Gordon.

I checked on Tim but he only had a small but deep cut on his eyebrow. "Come on. I'll sort that at my place." I said smiling brightly and he nodded. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and grinned. "So, what did those creeps want?" I asked and he sighed. "They we're trying to steal some money of this old couple but I stopped them. Bruce told me not to use my talent in public so I didn't fight back. They kicked me over that's how I got the cut." I nodded and we got to my building and to my penthouse. 'Shoot! Jays in there!'

I unlocked the door but 'accidentally' dropped them. I grabbed them and opened my door to see my living room. "Wow! It's huge!" Tim said and I grinned and looked around. 'Where'd he go?' I thought and I went to the main bathroom to grab a med kit. "Hey Tim? Just sit on the couch and I'll be with you in a bit, I'm grabbing a med kit!" I called out as I walked in. I crouched down and opened the small cupboard under the sink but yelped as something lifted me up. I heard jay laughed and I growled. "Are you ok in there, Arya?" Tim yelled from the couch and I punched jay. "Yeah don't worry, Tim! I slipped on some stupid water!" Jay smiled at me childishly.

"That my replacement? Let's go say 'hi!'" Jay said and I glared at him. "Why did you hide in your room? Or even my room? You hide in the bathroom?" I said giving him a look. He smirked and held up the med kit. I glared at him and smirked. "Elbisivni mih ekam..." I said and walked out leaving the door open. I sat next to Tim and crossed my legs. "Right, you'll need to move your hair." He did so and I saw Jay walk up to me and mouth 'can he see me?' I slightly shook my head and I started to stitch the cut. "So, I know dad said not to but if someone is going to try and hurt you, kick their ass, got it?" He quickly nodded.

I soon finished and I grinned at him. "You seem like a coffee person?" He nodded and I made some coffees. I made one for me, Tim and jay for when Tim left. I handed him his and he looked at me. "You live up here all by yourself? That seems lonely." I smiled. "I'm never lonely so don't worry. I have Emma and Momo." He tilted his head. "I summoned demon cat when I was younger. Momo is a small demon but is rather nice." He finished his coffee and nodded in appreciation. "I better get going before I miss patrol." I smiled and walked him out. He had a happy look on his face and I smiled. "Why are you smiling so much? Considering You're the new baby bat it's kinda freaky?" He laughed a bit.

"When Bruce first adopted me you said I had to earn being called you brother because you did trust me but today you say 'my brother' and it made me happy." I smiled at him and he quickly hugged me. I hugged back and he walked off. I closed my door and jay was about to speak. I put a finger to my mouth and walked to my couch. I put my hand under the coffee table and grabbed a listening device from dad. I crushed in and clicked my finger so my spell would stop. "The replacement planted that?" I nodded. "He was sincere about everything though but knowing dad he asked him to put that there." I angrily threw it out the window and jay sat on my couch.

I laid in my bad and laid my head on his lap. "I'm his daughter! I know I'm lying about you but he should believe his own daughter!" I groaned. He smiled and we just talked for the rest of the night.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are enjoying your day or night!!!! Plz feel free to leave you thoughts good or bad!!!!!!!!


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