12) what an idiot.....

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I looked at my wall with a plain look on my face. "Arya! Come to the kitchen! I made food." I sighed sat up on my bed. I remembered what happened last night and a few tears came down down face. I wiped my tears quickly as I heard the doorknob being turned. "Hey.... You OK?" Emma asked and I gave a huge smile. "Yeah! I'm fine!"

She hummed and walked out. "You know you can tell me if your not? I am your friend." I nodded and I sat on the side on the kitchen and was waving my legs like a kid. "So, what did you make?" I asked. "Pancakes..... But if you won't tell me the truth I won't give you any." She said and I sighed. "I'm just.... I? I don't know how to deal with Jason coming back? It's been five years and I've moved on from morning him but now that he's back it's like I've started morning him all over again and I don't know why?" I said as I walked to my couch and sat down.

"Well..... I can't speak because It's not about me, it's about you.... I might not be any help because I don't have the right answers, but i'll help you out as much as I can!" She said with a grin. I hugged her in my death grip. "Why are you so wise!! TEACH ME!!" I yelled and she pushed me off the couch and walked to my door. "Eat your food. I have work and so do you!" She said and I sighed. "Bye..." I said and she walked out.

"Pancakes~" I walked to the big stack of pancakes like a Zombie. I grabbed the plat and jumped on my couch and quickly ate my food. "Yummy!" I said as I got a text on my phone. It read. 'Get over here now! There's two crazy women here claiming to know you' I sighed and ran to my room, got dressed and then teleported to an alley near my building.

I ran in my building and saw Lisa and the young girl I helped a few days ago. "Leave them alone, Tom. They are fine and with me. Please give them two passes." He nodded and they both walked to me. "Lets go to my office." We got in the elevator and soon got to my office. I sat in my chair and smiled to the two. "Hi! I have some jobs for you!" I said happily. They both gave a shocked look. "Oh I didn't even ask your name." I said rubbing my neck. "Umm? I'm Mia." I waved.

"So, do any of you have any qualifications? In like anything?" I asked. "I left school early but I was a grade A student." Lisa said and I nodded. "I have a PHD in computer science." I smiled happily. "That's amazing! Both of your sons will have a good head on their shoulders, if their are anything like you two!" I said while Lisa and Mia both smiled. "Well I actually have two jobs free right now. A need a secretary and I could put the other in the ICT department." They nodded and Lisa spoke.

"I don't mind being your secretary." I smiled. "And that leaves Mia to the ICT department! Now relax! If you have any questions ask away!" I said looking at the two. "I have a question." Mia asked. "Shoot." She nodded. "How much will this pay? I don't mean to be rude but my son needs things to help him grow." I nodded. "If you decide to take the job now you'll get a starter fee..... How does two hundred dollars sound for your first daypay?" Their faces lit up and I handed them the money.

"I look forward to seeing you two bright and early Monday morning." I said and they nodded but I saw a sad look on Lisa face. "Lisa? Can I talk to you?" She nodded and stayed behind. "What the matter?" I asked standing up and she shook her head and smiled. "Noth-""I know a fake smile from a real one." I said and she sighed. "It's Josh.." I nodded but on the inside I was trying to hide my serious worry. "The kid? Whats Happened to him?" She gave me a sad look.

"I found him at the apartment yesterday passed out with bruises all over his body. He's at home sleeping." I nodded and I was about to walk to the door but she hugged me. I was kinda shocked..... I slowly hugged back and smiled. "I'll make sure no one hurts you two." She smiled and nodded. "Yeah..." I nodded and she leg go and walked out.

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