6) talking to the kid...

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I walked toward to kid and put and hand on his shoulder. "Sorry! Is my brother causing any trouble? I'm sorry I told him to come here so we could get drinks? We are still allowed to get drinks?" I asked smiling sweetly. The waiter nodded and we sat down. "What would you like to drink?" The little waiter said. "Just a milkshake please and what would you like?" I asked the boy. "Milkshake....." She wrote it down and walked away.

"Right, I need to know a few things, OK?" He nodded. "First, what's your name?" He looked at the table. "Josh...." I nodded. "Well I'm Arya Wayne, nice to meet you!" He stared at me in shock. "You're a Wayne!" I shhhed him and he nodded. "Yes but shhh! Second why was that man after you? Something about a debt?" He nodded.

"My dad needed the to pay a dept or he'd be killed. I live with my mom but he just takes our money and buys drugs... so the debts got higher as he borrowed more money.... I wasn't able to pay for my moms medicine so I started to steal..." I nodded and the milkshakes came. "They wanted me to pay since my dad was 'unfit' too... But really they just killed him."

"So they are extorting your family for money? How much do they want?" He drunk a bit of the drink. "Five thousand dollars... I have only been able to get five hundred dollars in a year.... they keep trying to find my mom." I nodded.

"Well? I can sort it out! So tell me about your self? Is you mom OK?" I asked. "Well.... my mom is really ill and I'm not even In school. I'm always on the streets trying to get money..." I nodded. "How old are you like thirteen?" He nodded. "Right! Take me to your mom and I can help here!" He gave me a concerned look.

"Why would a Wayne wanna help a poor person!" He asked sceptical. "I'm insulted! We try to help! And I am not like the other wealth in Gotham. I believe everyone is equal and needs help." He nodded and he walked me to his home so I could heal his mom.

"So, how old has your mom been sick?" I asked as I noticed that we were walking to the rough end of Gotham. "About a week?" He said and I nodded. "One sec. need to stop off at the pharmacy." He nodded and waited outside and I got everything that could be useful.

I walked out to see him standing there bored but also looking at this girl. "Awwww! You're blushing!" He ignored me as we started walking. "So, when did you start a life of crime?" I asked. "You not some under cover cop are you?" He said and I laughed. "Not a cop.... but in a way I guess?" I said smiling. He took no noticed my comment and walked ahead.

"I stole my first wallet when I was seven. Broke into my first house when I turned ten." I stared at him with sadness. "You remind me of an old friend.... He didn't have to best life before he came to live with me and my dad. He stole to live and that got him into some bad times...." I said as we stopped at a small house.

"Where is he now?" The kid asked and I sighed. "Gotham cemetery.." he stopped and looked at me but then walked in his house. "Mom! Where is she?" I was walking just behind him and I saw a woman lying on the floor. "Kid! Found her!" I ran to her and picked her up and put her on the couch.

"She's in bad shape." I put my head to her chest and heard her heart was very erratic. "Mhm? Does she have cystic fibrosis?" The kid nodded and I nodded. "Well having it makes her very vulnerable to colds and if she's gets in it effects are just very bad!" I said and the kid looked sad.

"Is she going to die?" I nodded. "Most definitely but I can cure her!" I said and he looked up at me. "What!?" I nodded. "I need you to wait in your room. I can't explain why but to cure your mom you have to be away from her for a bit." He nodded and walked to him room.

"I hope this works... I've never cured anything like this!" I said. I let out a breath and summoned my spell book. I looked for the curing spell and let out a shaky spell. I pulled out one of her hair and clicked my fingers. "An inextinguishable fire used for death can save a life!" I said laughing.

I put the hair on my fire and spoke. "Eruc siht s'namow nesslli dna ekam reh evil gnol!" I said as the hair was sent on fire and the lady stared shaking. My eyes glowed black like my fire and I put my hands on her belly. When I was done I stumbled back and the kid walked back in.

"Is she alright?!" I nodded. "I think it has worked. I've never cure something like cystic fibrosis." I said running a hand through my hair. "What! It might not have worked?!" He said grabbing my arms. "I'm not god! I can't cure everything! There was a chance it might not have worked." I said and we carried on arguing.

"Who is this?" We both jump and yelped with shock. "Mom!" He ran to her and was about to jump in here. I grabbed him before he could. "Whoa! It worked but it might take a while for the sp- medicine to work!" I said then I looked at the lady. "Hi! I'm Arya Wayne!" I said smiling.

"Wayne!" She said and I nodded. She was just just like the kid. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I have got rid of your illness and I was told your in dept? Well I think I'm going to pay for it!" I said and the kids and the lady's jaw dropped.

"What?! No! You don't need to!" She yelled in surprise. "No I will. What is your name?" I asked. "It's Lisa. You don't have to pay the money! It's five thousand dollars!" I waved my hand.

"It's fine! If you don't mind I'd like to come tomorrow to see how you are doing? And I own a company so it's nothing." I said waving a hand. "You own a company? You are really young though." The kid asked and I nodded.

"My dad owns 'Wayne tech' but I own 'New Wayne Enterprise' it's small at the moment but I want it to help as many people as it can!" I said and they stared in shock. "You must be like really smart!" The kid said and I smirked. "I graduated college at fourteen!" I said happily.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!! I also hope you are enjoying you night or day!!!! Plz feel free the leave your thoughts!!! And if you confused why Arya always refers to Josh and 'kid' or 'the kid' it's because she likes to refer to him as that!!!!


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