32) find a bird?

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I looked at the time on my phone. 'She's alright... Maybe? Nope I'm going to find her.' I thought as I dragged josh to get a drink, as a cover. "Hey? I'm gong to get Arya. You stay here and look normal." He shook his head and I sighed at him. "I want to help! I can help!" I ran my hand through my hair in annoyance.

"And plus? Arya told you not to leave me." He smirked smugly and I growled. "You're spending to much time with Arya.... Come on." We walked to the door and out of it. We got like five steps out of it and an guard randomly stopped us."What is your business here. No Visitors are permitted to be in this section." I growled and put a hand on my hidden gun. "Please leave us. I was talking our guesses to see the gardens. Please don't tell my brother, you know how he is."A girl said. The guy nodded and I tilted my head. It was the prince's sister.

Tina I think Arya called her? She dragged us away and Josh gave me a look. "What are you doing?! If brother sees you he could have you killed!" She said still dragging us. "Where is Sparrow?" I growled at her and she nodded. "Brother took her. She may been in the lower levels of the castle but I am not sure." Josh tilted his head. "Why help us?"

"Because I know what he wants, brother I mean. People seem to think I am insane but he is most likely losing it. He wants the crown." We were stood in a small area but she heard talking and walking. She pushed us towards a part of the wall and pushed it in. "Get in! Now!" We went in and she joined us not long after.

"Shhh? Brother is right out there?" We looked through some small holes. "Where are they?! The hood and the little one!" He growled and I was going to get my gun out but Tina stopped me. "I am not sure sir? We had spotted them leaving but according to the guard they went to the Royal gardens." The prince scoffed. "Was anyone with them?" The guy shook his head. "The guard said they had someone but he doesn't know them?" Tina said with relief and we crawled through the tunnels.

"What are these anyway?" Josh said from in front of me and Tina spoke. "The old tunnels. They go through the whole castle and city. I am the only one that knows about them. When the castle burned down in 1745 people forgot about them but I discovered them when I was three... I got lost and went missing for about a day and a half? Anyways are nearly there." I looked behind me.

"You sure no one knows about them!" I saw fire coming at us and I grabbed the two and skidded down a part of the tunnel that went down. They screamed as we went down and Tina looked behind me. "Turn left at the bottom!" I nodded and we turned left. It was some sort of large crack in the tunnel and I put them in the large crack and used my back to block of some of the heat.

When the fire was gone I groaned in pain. "The hell was that? Why was they fire?! You're are working for the prince?!" I hissed and sat down. "Why would I work for him then tell him to set the tunnels of fire?! This was the closest tunnel and it is connected to to the lower levels? So some one is setting things on fire?..." We all looked at each other and smiled.

"Arya?! She might be here!" Tina said and I stood up and josh looked at my back. "It's not burnt but I think you should get that checked out?" I waved a hand at him and we started to run through the tunnels. "Stop!" Tina said as we got to the end but the kid was running full speed and knocked us in. We tripped and I grabbed the ledge. I wrapped my legs around Josh and he grabbed Tina. She put her finger to her lips and pointed down.

We saw loads of guards running and yelling. "She's this way! Get her!" I looked down and sighed. "You are so clumsy. We could have been caught." Tina said smiling and I lowered us and Josh dropped her then I dropped him and hopped down. "What do you think? Arya?" I smirked. "With out a doubt." I ran first and the two ran behind me. We stayed close to the guards but not stupidly close. After five minutes we stopped. "Why have we stopped?" Tina asked and I pointed to the crowd of people.

"I think the guards found what they were looking for?" Tina tried to look over but she was to small. I smiled and we slowly walked closer. "Hey? Do you wanna know something before we get Arya?" I shrugged. "All off our guards carry these collars to stop meta powers or just powers in general." I nodded not really getting what she was getting at.

"Yeah?" Josh said also not getting it. "That won't matter? We don't have powers?" He said and her eyes glowed green. "I'm a meta-human!" I smirked. "You can?..." She touched the ground and a load of flowers and weeds started growing. "So your poison ivy the second? That's good enough. Who's training you?" She shook her head. "Do you know what they do you meta-humans here? They imprison them. I've told no one. I train myself." I nodded.

"Get a better view from here? Can you see through the plants." She nodded and placed her hands on the wall. "So you talk to plants?" She scoffed. "I'm not a fairy. I'm a meta." Josh smiled. "So what do you call what you are doing? I call it being a fairy." She tried to concentrate. "I call it 'shut up so I can concentrate'. Now shut up." I laughed and so did Josh.

She closed her eyes and smiled. "I can see her! Wow..... holding off all those guards? But she's got one of those collars on. We need to help!" We ran to the guards and I smirked. "Get to Arya! I'll stay with Tina!" Tina used a plant and threw him to her. "Right! I've never used my powers on anyone..." I smiled at her. "Just don't get hurt." I got out some guards and started shooting.

Tina threw her arms to the side and a plant came and hit a lot of guards away. "Good job." I shot a guard in the head and when it ran out of bullets and used it forced it into another's eye. After a while of fighting we had won. I grinned but I heard an 'thump'.

Arya was on her kneels breathing heavily. "I.... I've been fighting for the last three hours.... How was your day?" She said smiling as I kneeled down next to her. "Don't ask us how we are doing? Are you ok?" She did a peace sigh and Josh ran up to her and hugged her tight. "I thought you got hurt! Don't do that!" He said to her and Arya smiled. "I'm fine! Only a few cuts, bruises, and I think a broken rib. Like I said, fine." She stood up and Tina hugged her too.

"I help! I am very happy!" I saw Arya smile and hug back. "How are the powers? Tina looked kinda shocked. "Oh please? I knew you'd be a meta when I was last here? Future metas have this sort of energy about them that I can feel." She said and tried to get up. I helped her and she smiled at me.

She tilted her head slightly and looked at Tina. "Move!" She ran at her and shielded her from an arrow that was shot at her. Arya hissed loudly and I ran to her side. Tina growled and made a fist causing weeds to crush him. I stared in shocked at her. She seemed so happy? I never expected her to kill.... Not even out of anger.

I sat Arya up and she looked at the arrow that was half way through her shoulder. "Oh will look at that? I've been shot?" She smiled and I smacked her around the back of her head. "For once, no joke!" She rolled her eyes and Josh and Tina looked at her with concern. "Don't give me those sad looks. It's only through my shoulder so it'll be fine. Tina, mind ripping a bit of your dress?" She nodded and ripped some off. Arya snapped the arrow and but in her mouth to bite on. She hissed as I pulled out the rest of the arrow. I wrapped her shoulder and she stood up.

"Where are we going now?" Tuna asked and Arya smirked. "I'm going to hurt your brother."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEEEE my fabulous readers!!!!

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