41) chill day? Not way!

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I was sat on the floor in Arya apartment and I was playing with Momo. "If you keep annoying her, she will scratch you." Arya said and I nodded. "I'm not annoying her! She likes me." Momo hissed at me and ran up to Jason and jumps on his chest as he was laying down on the couch.

"He should've got up and help clean. We did all the cleaning." I said and Arya smiled at me. "I've lived in here since I was nineteen, I'm fine cleaning. And plus he was on patrol for the last week. Like 9pm till 7:30 am." I scoffed. "Still." I heard a sigh. "Oh! Kid, shut it." Jason mumbled tired. "I hate you...." I said glaring at him. "No you don't."

"I'm gonna make some coffee. You want some?" He asked sitting up causing Momo the fall in his lap. "Me please!" Arya is way to happy? "I'll have a coffee." I say and he laughed at me! "No. I wasn't asking you? I was asking the other adult in the room." He said smirking at me. "Asshole..." "What was that?"

"I said you're an asshole." I said clearly. "Did you not hear me the first time? So I need to tell it again?" I said again and he laughed again. "I'm sorry, short stuff." He said messing my hair. I slapped his hand away and I glared at him. "Boys... Please stop." Arya said sighing. "Sorry, but he is an overbearing asshole." I mumbled. "Whoa! That was a big word! Well done."


I sighed at the boy's fighting. "Jason. Be nice! Kid. Ignore him." Jason gave me a look. "Your taking his side?!" He complained childishly, to which I just smiled. "Of course not, you big baby. But he is younger." I said smiling and grabbed my bag.

"Why do we go for ice cream! We haven't spent any time together! Kid! Jason! Get ready

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"Why do we go for ice cream! We haven't spent any time together! Kid! Jason! Get ready."

When they were done we soon got out of my building. We were walking down the street, me between those two fighting girls. "If I hear one more rude thing to each other I with slam your heads together." I said smiling innocently. "Damn... When did she get scary?" Jason whispered to the kid. "When you decided to leave me." I said getting salty about everything.

I walked to ice cream stall. "Can I get a chocolate chip and mint, please." I said and I was given the ice cream of my choice and I went to site down in the grass under the tree. The boys sat down  in front of me. "What's up with you?" I shrugged. "I don't know." I stated grumpily. "I got vanilla?" Josh said trying to stop the awkwardness. "Well, mom should be in labour in a few days... Ummm? We still don't know if it is a boy or a girl. What do you want it to be?"

"I don't really have a preference. I would like it to me a boy but I don't mind if it is a girl. I'm just happy that your gonna have a sibling. I didn't an actual sibling so I'm happy for you." I said smiling. "So what was up? With the whole 'you left me' thing?" Josh said and I just ate my ice cream. "I should've brought Bucky?" I mumbled to myself. "I don't wanna talk about it." I grumbled.

I slumped against the tree behind me and heard some happy cheers of a family. "Look out villains! I'm Batman!" I smiled at the small boy playing superhero's.


I stared at Arya as she smiled at the kids pretending to be superheroes. "Is it not weird acting like normal people and not getting the recognition from the hero work?" The kid said and Arya laughed dryly. "We don't do it for the money or recognition, we do it because that's the right thing to do." I nodded slightly and the small boy put on a batman mask.

I don't know if I should scoff or laugh at it. Arya smiles at the boy. "Watch out batman! The Sparrow is here!" The little girl ran up the the boy and pushed him. "I'm the most powerful hero ever! I'll kick you butt!" She said proudly. This caused Arya to stare in shock at the girl. "Wow. She even has my mask and symbol." She said astonished.

"I mean, other than Bruce you are well known in Gotham and other cities?" She nodded and smiled. "Still weird." The kids kicked a ball and it went straight for Arya face, so she just caught it nonchalantly. "Excuse me miss! Can we have our ball back?" The boy said and Arya nodded. "Here you go." She handed the ball to the kids and they smiled. "I'm dressed as Sparrow! Like it! Me and my momma made it." The costume was similar to Arya but without the skin showing.

"You look just like her. But between you and me? Sparrow's not the only one that can do magic. Watch this." Arya wiggled her fingers a bit and some sparks shot out of her fingertips. "That's awesome! Mamma! She can do magic!" The kids yelled running to their parents. "Was that the best thing to do? Kid's aren't always stupid, they might remember that?" I said and she glared at me. "Yeah? And I hope they remember. Kids need some hope." She snapped at me.

We all finished our ice creams and got up to walk home. Arya walked behind me and Josh. He gave me a look. "What's up you with her?" He mouthed and I shrugged slightly. "What would make you think that I knew? I don't get people, let alone girls?" I whispered to him.

"Bucky?" I turned and saw Arya looking down an alley. She flew out into traffic and down the alley. We ran after her but it was kinda hard since she was flying and Josh was barely keeping up. "Arya! Wait!" I yelled. She flew to the ground and picked up Bucky? She landed on the floor and o smiled. "What's he doing out?" I asked and she grabbed hold of me and Josh then teleported us to the penthouse.

When we got there, there were people dressed in strange clothing. "Hey! What are you doin!" Arya yelled and Bucky started barking at them. An intruder slapped his hands together and then showed us his palm. "Where is the infamous angel?!" A symbol was on his palm. Arya sigh. "I hate that name! I am who you are looking for. What do you want?" She growled.

"We seek the angel. If you are her, prove it?" The leader said and I growled. Arya slammed her hands together as her black flames burned darkly. They all froze and bowed slightly. I put a hand on Arya shoulder and sighed. "Wanna tell us what this Is about?" The people pointed katanas at me. "Calm down!" Arya growled.


"Calm down!" I growled and the people stopped. "They are okay. They will not be harmed unless you want to see my bad side?" They apologised and Jay gave me look. "Who are they?" I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"The covenant of witches. And if they are here, something big is gonna happen."

I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!

BYEEEEE my beautiful readers!!!!!!

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