17) faith

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"Have you seen the news?" Jason asked and I shook my head. "No why?" I looked at him but he wasn't him. The sudden flapping noise gave it away. I growled. "Piss off! I have no time for you!" I hissed. "Have you heard?" Ryder asked. "Heard what?" I asked him and he smiled. "People are going rabid.... Someone has released a demon into Gotham and the surrounding area." I rubbed my head. "So I need to find out what's happening?" He nodded. "Best off starting in the surrounding area." He said smiling. "Yup! I'll get started on that soon." I said sighing. "Get started in what?" Jason asked and I growled.

"That little prick! Anyway I need to go on a little trip." I said standing up and walking to my room. "Why? Can I come? I'm so bored here!" He said dramatically and I shook my head. "You can't sorry. This is strictly magical business, not for the none magic users." I said putting some clothes in a bag. "Please! I'm dying of boredom." I sighed. I ignored him but he flopped on my bed then on my bag so I couldn't get anymore clothes in. "Jason Peter Todd. You better get off my bag or I'll send you to the bottom of the ocean." I said and he smirked.

"No. But if you take me with you I might consider it." I gave me a bored look and stare at the dumbass. "Fine. But I need you to do something first." He nodded and I sighed. "Lay on your stomach and try not to thrash about?" He gave me the most confused looked ever. "If you are to join me of this I need to carve a protection mark on you, it'll stop some powerful magic affecting you." He nodded and I summoned a blessed dagger.

"Want is on your lower back or upper?" He thought about it. "Upper and what are you actually going to do?" He asked and I gestured for him to lay on the couch. "You'll need to remove your shirt. I will carve an eye of Horus into you back but the blade is blessed and I need some holy water." I went to my room and grabbed a special bowl. I filled it with water and sat next to Jay. "This is a special bowl. It blesses the water so I don't have to get a Priest to bless it. Also I hope you don't mind this constantly being here? It won't disappear unless I'm dead." I said and he nodded.

I dipped the blade in the water and started carving an eye of Horus into his back. He hissed and I smiled. "Talk to me? Get your mind of the fact that literally cutting you up." He laughed and spoke. "So where are we actually going? Must be important?" I nodded. "It is. Someone has released something into the surrounding area. Ryder thinks it's a demon." His back was bleeding but it was nearly done. "If he's so powerful why doesn't he sort it out?" I sighed and grabbed a rag. I dipped it in the holy water and cleaned the carving.

"He isn't aloud to help, Well much anyway and done!" He sat up and used a mirror to see it.

"Not bad

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"Not bad. Hurt more I thought it would though?" I nodded and patten his back. "Blessed blade comes into contact with something that's been dead? It thinks your demonic." He smirked. "Oh I am."

Time skip

We got out of my car to see a church. "Why a church?! I don't like churches...." I mumbled. Jason pulled me along and stood outside the church door. "You might wanna lose the gun? I know you have one." I said and he smirked. "It's only a little one. I won't shoot anyone." I laughed and knocked on the door. And young man opened the door and smiled kindly. "Hello. Are you here for our service?" He asked and I nodded and smiled. "Yes, me and my boyfriend have joined the town and would like to join the church." I said sweetly.

"Of course my sister, my brother." He smiled at Jason but I smiled. "He doesn't talk much, he is very shy around people." The young man smiled. "Shy? He's a very intimidating person." I smiled. We all walked in and the man smiled. "My name is Gabriel, I am the father of this small church." He said smiling. "I'm Arya and this is Jason." Me and Jason sat down at the back. The church was full of people and Jason looked at me. "Boyfriend, huh?" He smirked. "Don't get cocky, Jay. Everything seems normal.... But Ryder wouldn't have told us to come here if everyone was normal?"

Jason looked around and so did I. Everyone was looked at Gabriel and smiling excitedly, their smiles were so happy? I leaned to Jason. "Look at them. They seem to love what ever is happening here?" He nodded and I stared at the father. "I welcome you all here today! And I welcome the newcomers to our lovely little town! Please welcome Arya and Jason!" Father said and everyone looked at us and started clapping. "Now, Do any of my children need healing?!" He said proudly. I tilted my head. "He isn't a magic user?" I whispered. I looked at Jason to see that he looked genuinely interested.

We saw a one legged man hope over to the father with the help of his young daughter? "Please, Father Gabriel, will you heal my father?" She asked and father smiled and kneel the man down. "I will heal thy in the name of the our lord! Shiogl yuentt kidnmg shaa!" I stared at him with so much shock. The mans leg grew back?! Actually grew back! I was about to stand but Jason stopped me and whispered in my ear. "Recon first. Then we find out what is happening. We don't know what they are doing?" I glared at nothing. "Oh we do! That the language of the forgotten! More powerful than the language of the angles." I growled angrily. "What is a human doing knowing that?" Everyone got into a line and we followed suit.

Father started to bless everyone and I was next. "Arh! Hello my children. How did you like the service?" I smiled and so did Jay. "It was very good. But I have to ask? How did you heal that mans leg? An act of power such as that was amazing." He shook his head. "My faith! That's all it was. When your faith is so powerful so are you, now may I bless you my child?" I smiled and nodded. "Myjdl shakiyn majld." He said and I felt like I was burning inside. I opened my eye and he smiled. I smiled and walked out the church. I heaved In pain and Jay walked up behind me. "Are you OK?" I held my heart in pain. "N-No!" I said and I fell over and blacked out....


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you are having a good day or night!!! Plz feel free to leave your thought, door or bad they are appreciated!!!


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