27) Never done lying

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Two months later

I put my hand on Lisa belly. Her quite big belly, mind you. "They are growing fast? Do you know what the gender is?" Lisa shook her head. "I went for the scan but they couldn't find it out? So I'll have to wait to it is born. And they said that the child Is growing really fast...." I smiled at her and spoke. "It's healthy! Very healthy so no need to worry." She smiled at me.

"Josh isn't very happy that I'm having a baby... He's jealous And he thinks it'll take you away from him." I laughed. "Jealous of something that hasn't been born yet? That is a new one." I looked at her belly and it kicked. "The baby is very strong. But it's still early? How?"

"Well the baby is not a normal one." I jumped back and fell over. "God damn it, Ryder!" I snapped and he smiled and waved at me. "Why are you here?" I asked and he just sighed. "So the human is having a child? But we know who the father is." I smiled. "It was a fallen.... They were trapped in a human body..." my eyes went wide. "What?! But it will kill her! That much energy will be passed to her when she gives birth and it'll kill her!" I said walking around in a panic. "Well, there is nothing we can do now." He said and I glared at him.

"You could have told me earlier! I could have created a spell to keep her alive!" I snapped at him. "It would have killed you and we need you alive. This is an unfortunate death. The child will not have any special ability but they will be able to see us." I rolled my eyes. "Oh and you can't tell her or the boy..." I breathed out. "This is getting harder and harder to do, you know that right?" He nodded. He went away and Lisa smiled at me. "Well I hope their are healthy! I thinks it will be another boy!" I gave her a fake smile. "No! Definitely a girl." She tilted her head. "You ok?" I flashed my best fake smile. "Yeah I just don't feel to well. I'm going to head home now, I'll see you later!" I hugged her tight.

"I'll see you later." I walked out the door and when I closed it I teleported to my door. I sighed and opened the door to see the kid with a gun!? "Hey! Hey! Hey!" I grabbed the gun off him and gave Jay a look. "Why would you give him a gun?!" I asked and he smiled. "I was cleaning it he came out over and wanted to learn how to use one." I looked at the kid and sat down. He sat in front on me and jay sat next to me. "This is not a toy. As much as I hate to say, In Gotham you need to be able to defend yourself. We'll show you how to use of these, only as a means of defence..... Jay look what you made me do!" I said and he smiled at me.

He took a sip of his drink. "How do you guys even know how to shoot a gun? Have you ever killed anyone?!" He asked looking at us. "I trust him? Do you." Jay said and I nodded. "We are going to be very honest with you, it we tell you, you cannot tell anyone! Not even your mom, K?" He nodded and I smiled. "He's red hood and I'm sparrow." He gave me a look. "I'm not a child. I'm 11!" I smiled at him. "I'm not lying. Why do you think he's has guns and I can do this? Ekam mih ylf!" He gave me a look but then started to float in the air. "Let me down! I believe you!" I waved my hand making him spin. Jay laughed and I click my fingers and caught him as he fell.

We all sat down again and he smiled. "You two are superhero!" I smiled and Jay shook his head. "Not really my area." The kid smiled. "I was robin though?" The kids eyes went wide. "You were Robin?! That's so cool! You were the boy wonder!" I smiled. "It wasn't as fun as it sounds." I smiled at the two. "So, are you like a witch? You made me fly, so?" I thought about it. "I mean I wouldn't consider myself a witch but if you wanna think of it that way then sure." I looked out of the window. "It's getting late. Do you want me to teleport you home?" He shook his head. "No! I want to sleep here tonight! And you can teleport?!" I nodded. "I'll ring Lisa and tell her. How about you two go and get some snacks and pizza? I'll get some movies on? Yeah?" He nodded and went to get his shoes on.

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