36) mistakes were made

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"Come one guys! You need to get along! If we are living together you two need to be nice." I said scolding my demon can and normal (-ish) dog. I sighed. "Momo. You need to be nice. He is like your new Little brother now. Oh shit I need to name him?..." I smiled at my own stupidity. "You still haven't named him? You have had him for a week though?" Jay said eating a sandwich.

"Well I couldn't think of anything.... Lucky?" He scoffed. "That's stupid. Something a nine year girl would pick." I glared at him. "Bite me asshole!" He opened his mouth and stuck his tough out and made a childish noise and showing my the food he has been chewing. "Eww! Jason! That's gross!" I said and I help the pup. "Hmmmm? Rex? No?..." I thought about it for a while then I jumped up and held the pup. "BUCKY!" I smiled brightly and Jay gave me a weird look.

"Bucky? Who's Bucky?" I sighed and wiped a fake tear drop. "It's sad living in a world where marvel isn't a thing. I wanna cry!" He gave me a look. "I have known you too long to question you." I nodded. "You haven't seen the gorgeousness of the male actors in marvel. Tom Holland has my heart! I love them all! Oof! If only they were in this world!" I said smirking and Jay threw a wooden spoon at me, hitting me on the forehead rather hard. "Do I have some competition?" I scoffed. "Asshole. Let me dream." I smiled at the pup I was now calling Bucky.

"So, why the name Bucky?" He asked causing me to grin. "Well! He has a cool metal arm to replace the one he lost! I should make him an new front leg!" Jay sighed at me and I smiled and felt my phone buzz.

I had a text from dick. It said,

'We got a problem! A few guys are trying to rob a bank. Could get messy, Bruce wants your help. Oh. And you can bring your angry friend'

I laughed at him and gave Jay a look. "I have to go help dad. You can come but it's a work thing." He nodded, telling me that he wanted to come along but I rubbed my arm and laughed nervously. "But as revenge for the constant flirting you cannot be angry or get out of the upgraded suit." He laughed and nodded. I went to get dressed and so did he. When I was finishing all I heard was. "ARYA! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I smiled and ran to him. "I'm not coming!" I smiled at him. "Why? I think it looks good?" He growled at me. "I have a fucking bat-symbol on my chest!" He wasn't very happy.

I laughed at him and as he was walking away I teleported is to the bank. "Oops! I didn't mean to. My finger slipped." I'm guessing he was glaring at me through his helmet judging by the silent treatment. "Sparrow! Here!" I heard Dick whisper-yell at me. We crawled over to him and looked down at the villains, or their little gangs. "Didn't think happy over there was come.... and wearing Batman's symbol?" I smiled at him then Jay. "Bite me golden boy. And this isn't a new thing. I'm here cause she teleported me here." Jay growled. Soon dad and Tim showed up.

"So? What's our game plan?" I asked and dad pointed to the east side. "You take that sides men. Dick will take south. Tim is on west. And I'll take the centre." I pointed to Jay and he gave me a look of shock. "Jason takes north." We all nodded and went to our places, Jay was mumbling about taking orders from dad. I jumped down first. I leaned on the wall next to me and crossed my arms. "Wow! You guys didn't even notice me. Terrible henchmen." I said shaking my head.

One of them came at me with a knife and I simply redirected it causing him to stab himself in the shoulder, then I kicked him in the face.  "Mrasid!" All of their weapons were sent into flying into each other and I jumped in there taking them all out. By the time I had done, my family were done too. One got up as Jay went to shoot him. "No killing!" Dad said scoldingly. "If I had a dollar for ever time I have hear that and will hear. I'd be a millionaire too." I burst out laughing. "That was really easy! I don't like it." I said bored. I heard running and I saw a van driving off.

"I got it!" I flew after them ignoring the calls from dad and flew after the van. the back doors were kicked open and a big fellow stood there. He started to pick up things and throw them at me. I was dodging the oncoming projectiles but he picked up a crate. Before I could dodge it hit me. I fell to the ground and was rolling down the street. My suit all ripped up. I got up and flew after it faster. After a small chase we got to some dock that weren't to far away from the bank

There were too many people, my homeless network! If they were hurt! The big guy was still throwing shot at me, I growled at him. I flew faster and when he threw another barrel I punch it away. "If you throw another fucking barrel at I'm I will lose it!" I flew quite a distance in front of the van and smirked.

"This is either going to hurt or be very cool?" The van got closer and I braced myself for if this turn bad. The van came racing at me and I grinned. "Pilf!" I twisted my hands over my head causing the van to fly over me and slam onto the floor. I smiled. "That was cool!" I walked to the van and ripped the doors off.

"Right! Hello!" I pulled out the two scrawny guys and grinned. I tied them up and some of my homeless network came over to me. "That was exciting." I heard a growl and I turned to see the big guy. I stood guarding the people and I slowly pushed them back. We got closer to the edge of the docks and I smiled nervously. "Quite a situation I'm in." I mumbled and the big guy grabbed a kid.

"Let her go! Or so help me I'll hurt you!" He laughed and started to crack the kids neck. I stood there in shock. He threw the her at me and I caught her. "No... Ryder is going to kill me..." I grabbed something out of my utility belt and but it on her forehead. It disappeared and I sighed in relief. "She will be fine. Get her out of here!" I called out and she was taken away.

I stood up and he smirked. He grabbed a pole and I knew glared at him. He threw the pole at some guy and I gasped. I ran to the guy and and shielded him. I saw dad and the other. I screamed in pain. I looked down. Blood spilled out of my mouth. The guy ran away and I saw black dots in my vision. I feel into Gotham harbour and everything went black.


I stared at the big guy in shock through my helmet. I snapped out of it and grabbed my gun. I ran to the edge of the dock and I couldn't see Arya. I growled, angrier than I've ever been. I pointed my gun and him and shot him in the head. I took off my helmet and I looked at Bruce. He just stood there in shock.

I dived in the water and swam down. I could see blood but I couldn't see Arya. I went down deeper and deeper. I needed to get air but I needed to find Arya! I went to the surface and gasped, letting air into my lungs. "Help me!" I yelled venomously. They dived in and I went even deeper then the rest. I tried to get deeper but I was dragged to the surface. I was thrown into the dock and I coughed up water. "I-I need to get back down their! Arya! I need to find her!" I yelled. I tried to get back there but golden boy held me back.

"We can't find her here! The bat cave has the best scanners! We can track her form there!" He yelled at me. Bruce and my replacement came out of the water. Replacement coughed. "I can't see her." I growled. "We need to get back to the bat cave...." Bruce growled quietly.


I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter!!!!! I hope you are enjoying your day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thoughts On this chapter!!!!
I'm dedicating this chapter to Camocode
You are freaking awesome!!!❤️


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