23) School

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Also!! Trigger warnings!!!

"One black coffee with three sugars, please." I said my order so Dick and Tim ordered theirs drinks. "Still have it sweet?" Sock asked and I sighed. "Nah! I only used to have it sweet cause when I was first leaning magic it took tons of energy but I have only three now." I said smiling and we walked to the local park. It's been a month since the lunch and jay is still living with me which I'm happy about because I'm not that lonely anymore! "So how's josh with school?" I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. "Fine! I've been teaching him a few things because believe it or not he hasn't been to school before. He really good at math though! Oh Tim! You are really good at using computers so can you teach him of thing of two?" He nodded but tilted his head.

"Sure but your better than me? Why don't you?" I sighed. "With charity work, being sparrow and my company it's getting a bit to much to do anything else.... And stop trying to hack into my computers!" I laughed and he nodded. "So Jason's been living with you since the whole Joker thing?" Dick said and I nodded. "Dad would've turned him in and I don't want that for anyone I'm close to." I said sitting a bench. "Is Lisa you know? Pregnant?" I nodded. "I think like three months but she hasn't told me anything.... I would tell you something but I'm not allowed." I grumbled.

"But I think the dad is not the kids dad... I've been told that he's really religious, like super religious!" I said sighing. "So how's barb?" I asked and he nodded happily. "She's fine! She wanted to know if you wanting to go shopping with her?" I nodded. "I love barb! She's like a sister! And it's good to have another girl around the manor." I said laughing. I felt my phone buzz and I got a text from the kid. It said 'don't listen the the school!' I tilted my head. "I just got a text from the kid saying 'don't listen to the school!' I'm confused?" I said and they laughed. "Why aren't you with Jason today?" Dick asked and I shrugged. "He said he was going to see some old friends. Don't worry of anything turns violet I have a tracker in his phone, same to me having a tracking in my phone." I said and my phone started ringing.

The caller ID said 'Gotham academy' I sighed and put it on loud speaker. "Hello?" I said. "Hello, Miss Wayne. We need you to come immediately!" A magnet voice said. "Why'd they ring you?" Tim asked. I shrugged. "Why?" I asked and the woman sighed. "Josh has been in a fight with one of our  student, Brandon Thomson." I sighed at her. "Sure! please make sure your student is ok." I said and she sighed. "They both are bleeding .." My eyes went wide. "Be there in five minutes." I hung up and hugged the boys. "See you later!" I teleported away close to the school and ran in and went straight to the front desk.

"Hello. I'm hear about Josh Wilson." I said and he nodded. I was walked to the principals office but I had to wait outside for a bit. I sat at a seat and saw a crying boy. I tilted my head and looked at him. "Are you alright?" I asked and he shook his head. "N-No." I sat next to him and noticed some blood coming from his wrists.  "Oh my God! Can you roll up your sleeve so I can treat that!?" I said frantically. He carefully riled up His sleeves and I saw so many cuts on his skin. I gasped and grabbed some bandages from my bag. "Why aren't the school doing anything to help you?! It isn't even being sorted?" I asked and he nodded. "I am being bullied - I have been being bullied for three years now but I can't take it anymore." The boy mumbled and my heart broke.

I wrapped his cuts and then wrapped his other wrist. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you. Everything's gone to shit in Gotham!" I said angrily. "What's you name?" I asked and he wiped his face. "Callum..." I nodded. "Well Callum... I was bullied when I was here but there's something you should know about people in this school.... They are all assholes." That made his laugh slightly. "They are pathetic people that have nothing better to do but bully the good people. You want my  advice?" He nodded and I smiled at him.

"I'm not going to say ignore them like the rest of the adults because it doesn't always go away but I would say definitely don't attack them. I tried that and it got worse. Your in your last year of school, right? So when you get out prove them wrong! You look like you have such a good head on your shoulders so use it! Become something that they'd be ashamed that they ever bullied, just go it right! No law braking, do it by the books. You could be anything, the doctor that saved their lives, the scientists that cured their diseases. Use you mind to prove them wrong!" I said smiling at him.

He smiled at me and nodded. "Right I'm sick of this shit now! I'm going to prove to Gotham that this needs to be sorted out!" I stood up and put a hand on his shoulders. "What you need to know is that everyone has things they are embarrassed off so they bully so they themselves aren't bullied, be the better person!" He nodded and I smirked. The doors open and I ran in and went straight to the kid. "You got in a fight?! Did you win?!" I asked and the principal scoffed.

"Sit down." I growled at his and sat down. "Josh, here attacked my prize student out of the blue! I will not have it!" I nodded. "May I see the footage? I know you have cameras everywhere." He flinched and showed he the footage. The boy pushed some kid which I recognised at Callum. What he yelled made me angry. "You self harm loving freak!" I growled. The kid ran at and pushed him. "Don't day that!" he yelled and the bully pushed him. "What, poor kid! Why are you defending this piece of sh-" Josh pinches him straight in the face and carried on punching him.

"See? He started it." The principal said and I scoffed. "Josh was defending Callum. Have you not helped him with his bullying!? You students are being bullied and you are defending the bullies!" I hissed at him and he sighed. "You must understand that he assaulted one of the other students-" "And you must understand that your students are self harming!" I said slamming my hands on his desk. He sighed. "I won't suspend Josh but you must control him." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Understand that I don't control him. And you were the same when I was in school. You only sorted my bullying because my father is Bruce Wayne." I said and he gave me a blank look.

"Arya?" I growled. "I will teach Josh not to 'attack' bullies while he is suspended as long as the bully gets suspended to. It's not fair to only kick out one of he did something too." He nodded. "His father will not be happy about this."

"He can take it up with me." I said nodding while walking out. I took Josh with me and I stood in front of Callum. "Hold your head up high, kid! Also, go buy some bandages and some hydrogen peroxide for them, Ok?" I handed him some cash and smiled. "This will all be sorted out!" I said smirked. I walked off but looked at Callum hugging Josh. "Thanks for helping me." He said smiling. "No problem!" We walked out the school and I tapped my chin. "That look is never good! What are you thinking about?" Josh asked. I smiled. "No one will do anything about this so I am going to do everything I can to make this better for the people suffering from bullying." I said and he smiled.

"You'll need people to talk about their bullying? I can get a few people to help!" I nodded and put my hand over his shoulder. "Look at you go!" I said happily.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!! I hope you are doing well and are enjoying you day or night!!!!! Plz feel free to leave your thought!!!! And plz if you are going through bullying, self harming are have suicidal thoughts plz call you local help lines!!!! Or hell I never sleep, if you need to talk, talk to me and I'm happy to help in anyway!!!!


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