14) shopping with angry boi

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One week later

"Ary! Wake up!" I shot up and punch Jason in the face. "What!" I yelled at him. "Oww!" I jumped up and helped him up with him muttering some profanities. "Swear jar!" I said laughing. He glared at me. "Why did you wake me up anyway? I was having a very nice dream." I said and he smirked. "By all the smiling I'm guessing it was a nice dream." I glared at him.

"I was dreaming about cake!" He sat on my bed next to me. "I needed clothes? Washing the same ones is getting annoying." I nodded and walked to my closet. I have some guy clothes because of my last ex so I guess he can use them. I grabbed a black shirt with a white collar, some trousers as a pair of trainers. "Who's are those? There guys?" I have them to him. "My ex. He was a Dickhead so I broke up with him."

"So, how many boyfriends have you had since I died?" I tilted my head and smiled. "I've had three relationships since you died. Two guys and one other." He looked at me confused. "Yes! I don't play well with others. Emma tried to get me out and meet people but that's just never good." He nodded his head. He walked into my bathroom to get dressed and I waited for him to be done.

"You know you could have gone to your own bathroom to get dressed!" I said and I grabbed some clothes. "Yeah but that's too much effort!" He replied through the door, his voice slightly muffled by the door. He came out and I walked past him. "Bet I look better than your ex?" He smirked. I pushed him away and went to get dressed. I put on my shirt and shorts quickly.

I walked out putting my hair in a messy bun. I went to my kitchen and made a quick drink of water. "You ready? Oh I also have this for you." I handed him a facial reconstruction mask. "It makes you look different. So if dad is there he won't recognise you." He put it on and his face or the mask started to look very different. "I don't like it...." Jason said and I laughed. "Well you have brown hair now! Be glad I programmed it so it was brown and not red." He tilted his head.

"Redhead Jason did go down well for the fans...." I muttered and I walked to the door. We walked out the out my building and got in my car. "Nice car..." I nodded. "Dad got me it. At first I didn't want it because it made me out to look like a brat who just wanted daddies money! But I guess it grew on me?" I said whitest keeping my eyes on the road.

I opened the window next to me and smiled. The city was it's natural busy, crazy self and I love it! I never like the idea of the 'quite life', you know? Find a partner, get married and have kids? That's something that truly scares me, ha. I knew a person in school that said 'the idea of doing on thing for the rest of my life makes me so happy!' We didn't see eye to eye. Like, I am a hero so nothing is ever the same and I love that, magic always makes things fresh to. I can thank Zatnana for helping me with my magic. I laughed at that, I've been compared to Z, I got asked if we're sister or related. As if.

I smirked and looked at Jason in my phone. I grinned. "I don't feel like driving!!" I let go of the wheel and he quickly dropped the phone. "Fuck you!" I grinned and patten his back. We soon pulled up to the mall. We got out the car and walked in. "Right! You'll need all the important crap and I guess I need some new items..... Urgh!! I have that event coming soon..." I muttered walking off. We walked off and I looked at a near by map. "Right,
So you don't have the awkwardness of waiting for me while I get some thing we'll split up but meet back here in about an out then go eat, yeah?" He nodded.

"Oh and I've made a new phone for you! I made it so dad couldn't track it if he tried. Oh and if I don't answer or you don't there is a tracker in each phone that only we can find, K?" He nodded. "I think you went over board?" I glared at him but smiled while walking off. 'Right I need to get a few knee shirts, trousers, underwear,  toiletries and a new dress for that charity event...' I sighed and walked off. I went straight to the am underwear store and looked at getting some boxers. "Hello Miss! Are you looking for some underwear for you boyfriend?" A worker said but I smiled.

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